Summary of the Student IEI Survey for Fall 1999
Comparison with the 1997-1998 Surveys

I. Introduction

For an introduction to the Instructional Enhancement Initiative (IEI) and the basis for the Instructional Computing Committee survey of students, see the report "Summary of the Student IEI Surveys for 1997-1998" which is available at:

II. Background on the Survey

For the methodology employed for the student survey on the Instructional Enhancement Initiative (IEI), see the report "Summary of the Student IEI Surveys for 1997-1998" which is available at: The actual student survey can be seen at: In order to obtain student survey results that were comparable with the earlier surveys, the Fall 1999 student survey used the exact same form as the Winter and Spring 1998 surveys.

III. Summary of Results

A. Response
For Fall Quarter 1999, 34 classes returned completed questionnaires. As with earlier surveys, the faculty did not have input on whether their classes were selected and that the survey was not required to be administered. The number of students answering the Fall 1999 questionnaire was 3218, which is comparable to the numbers of students who completed surveys for Fall 1997, Winter 1998 and Spring 1998 Quarters.

B. Distribution of Students by Year in School and Gender
As in the prior surveys, there was an even distribution of students surveyed based upon year in school, with each category (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior) having a roughly 25% population each quarter. There was a somewhat surprising dominance of female to male responders (60% to 40%) in all of the surveys.

C. Residence
More than a third (39.6%) of the respondents lived in the residence halls. This is a small increase from prior surveys.

D. Experience Using the Web
The remarkable and widespread impact of the Internet on our society is evident in how students report their experience using the Web. In Fall Quarter 1997, 13% of the students reported having no experience using the Web, but by Fall 1999, this had dropped to only 1.3%. The percentage of students ranking their ability as "beginner" has dropped from 17% to 11%. These results help to dismiss fears of student inability to utilize new instructional resources. Training for students to use the Internet may only need to focus on introductory classes in Fall Quarter.

E. Access of the Course Web Site
62% of the respondents reported accessing the course Web site once or more per week. This is down from 87% in Spring 1998 and may reflect the courses sampled, student efficiency in obtaining course materials, lack of novelty, or other factors. Only 6% of the students reported never accessing the course Web site.

F. Access to the Course Web Site
Students access course Web sites from the residence halls (29.7%), remote dial-in via Bruin OnLine (26.5%), remote dial-in via internet service providers (20.4%) or campus computer labs (19.6%). The use of internet service providers is up significantly, but the use of Campus resources is still of primary importance.

G. Satisfactory Access to the Course Web Site
Only 6% of students reported unsatisfactory access to the course Web sites and this is down from 10% during the 1997-1998 academic year. The principal reasons for dissatisfaction were still speed of connection, problems making a connection, and lack of information. The intent of these two questions was to gauge hardware issues, but one interpretation of the "lack of information" response is that a few students responded based upon the content of the web site. The problem of making a connection is a campus-wide issue with which the administrators at Communications Technology Services and Bruin OnLine are familiar. Out of 3218 respondents to the Fall 1999 survey, only 51 cited access to a computer and a mere 20 cited lack of training as problems.

H. Contact with Instructors, Teaching Assistants and Other Students
A specific requirement of the course Web sites under IEI was some mechanism for interaction with the instructor, so a question specifically addressed this issue. Over 69% of the respondents indicated that the web site did facilitate their contact with the instructor in some way, with more than 44% indicating either moderate or significant enhancement of contact with faculty. These percentages are similar to those from the 1997-1998 academic year. In contrast with the instructor requirement, student-teaching assistant and student-student interaction mechanisms were not required under IEI, but this was surveyed also. About 55% of the respondents indicated that the web site facilitated their contact with the TA and 36% of the respondents indicated that the web site facilitated their contact with other students. These are up and down, respectively, from before.

I. Useful Components of Course Web Sites
Similar to previous surveys, the most useful components of the course Web sites for students were (in order): Lecture Notes, Assignments/Problems, and Exams/ Exam Keys. As found in the Fall 1999 faculty IEI survey, Web posting of lecture notes has become a key resource for students. Faculty appreciate the ability to control the quality and availability of lecture notes.

J. Use of Student Computing Labs
The Fall 1999 survey found that 62% of the respondents used on-campus student computing labs at some time. Of that, a full 32% of the students reported weekly use of the student computing labs. This overall pattern of usage is similar to that in Spring 1998. Clearly, on campus computing labs remain an important resource for students. Only 5.5% of the respondents reported dissatisfaction with the support staff in the on-campus student computing labs which is down slightly from Spring 1998.

K. Written Comments About Class Web Sites and the IEI
Of the 3218 survey forms from Fall 1999 and the almost 12,000 forms from 1997-1998, most had written comments on the back of the evaluation form. All of the comments were recorded and categorized. The summary of comments from the Fall 1999 IEI Student survey is posted at: In general, students had positive things to say about both the web sites and the computer labs. However, they also had numerous suggestions for improvement and a variety of complaints about the way that the web sites were utilized. Any one respondent often had both positive and negative comments.

Students' specific comments about the course web sites were fairly positive. They appreciated access to new course materials such as art images in an art history class and anatomy pictures in a biology course. Some students noted whether the course Web site was a true teaching tool or merely a source of material already available in other formats. Students also had numerous suggestions of ways to improve the sites. Overall, it seems that most students wanted more, not less material on the course Web sites. Students were also relatively positive about the computer labs. However, at the same time, many of the students who liked the labs also complained that they were overcrowded or that they needed more hours. Other issues were printing costs and the format of online materials.

There were negative comments, though the intensity of dissatisfaction was greatly diminished compared to the Fall 1997 survey, the first quarter the IEI fee was imposed. The negative comments largely focused specifically on the IEI fee. Students commented that not all faculty are making full use of the Web or that there is insignificant value received relative to cost. Many students have the perception that 100% of the fees merely supports the course Web pages. There were some comments directed against the concept of the online and other new instructional resources. The third most significant complaint was about home Internet access. Some students who had limited Internet access at home complained about too much reliance on the course Web sites since they felt that their limited access to the Internet put them at a disadvantage when certain things were only accessible on the Web.

IV. Comments on Interpretation of the Survey Results
With nearly 15,000 student responses collected over four quarters, these data provide an interesting snapshot of the broad introduction of computers into the undergraduate experience. This is sure to be the beginning of a revolution in the delivery of instruction. However, since the sample rate and rate of return on the student surveys were somewhat low, caution should be applied in interpreting these results too broadly.
Three comments from the beginning of the 1997-1998 report should be reemphasized. First, the intent was not to evaluate instructors, but rather to find changes in the educational experience for students using new instructional resources. Second, only courses which had active Web sites were selected for surveys. Third, the pedagogical value and effectiveness of Web-based instruction were specifically not addressed.

V. Statistical Results
The following is a summary of the statistical results for the Fall 1999 IEI student survey.

1. Year in school
Freshman 28.0%
Sophomore 22.8%
Junior 24.8%
Senior 22.4%
Graduate 1.4%
Other 0.5%

2. Gender
Male 39.8% Female 60.2%

3. Do you live in a residence hall?
Yes 39.6% No 60.4%

4. Prior to this course, did you have experience using the Web? / Rate your experience using the Web.
No experience 1.3%
Beginner 11.3%
Intermediate 55.4%
Advanced 32.0%

5. Did you access your course Web site at least once? / How frequently did you access the course Web site?
Never 6.0%
A few times 32.4%
Once per week 28.0%
Several times per week 25.6%
Daily 7.9%

6. How did you primarily access your course Web site?
Campus Residence Hall 29.7%
Campus Computer Lab 19.6%
Bruin On-line 26.5%
Internet Service Provider 20.4%
Other 3.9%

7. When you accessed the course Web site:
A. How satisfactory was the access?
Highly Unsatisfactory 3.4%
Unsatisfactory 3.1%
Neutral 12.4%
Satisfactory 59.0%
Highly Satisfactory 22.1%

B. When you accessed the course Web site: If access was not satisfactory, was it due primarily to (select one):
Making a connection 20.5%
Speed of connection 32.4%
Access to a computer 5.3%
The computer 3.9%
The software 4.5%
Web experience 3.6%
Lack of information 13.9%
Lack of training 2.1%
Other 13.8%

8. Did the course Web site facilitate your contact with the following individuals:
A. With the instructor?
Not at all 31.4%
Only slightly 23.8%
Moderately 30.1%
Significantly 14.7%


B. With the teaching assistant?
Course did not have TA 5.1%
Not at all 40.3%
Only slightly 19.7%
Moderately 22.0%
Significantly 13.0%

C. With other students in the course?
Not at all 64.1%
Only slightly 19.8%
Moderately 13.1%
Significantly 3.0%

9. Which components of the course Web site did you find to be the most useful (select all that apply)?
Discussion bulletin board 11.7%
Syllabus 14.2%
Lecture notes 23.0%
Exams/Exam keys 18.4%
Useful links 7.7%
Assignments/Problems 20.4%
Other 4.5%

10. How often did you use the student computing labs (i.e. CLICC, Science Learning Center, departmental lab, etc.)?
Never 37.6%
A few times 30.6%
Once per week 10.8%
Several times per week 14.7%
Daily 6.3%

11. How helpful was the support staff at the student computing lab you used most?
No opinion 55.5%
Highly unsatisfactory 1.5%
Unsatisfactory 4.0%
Satisfactory 31.8%
Highly satisfactory 7.2%

12. Please suggest how the web site for this course could be improved for future students in the course or make any additional comments you would like to make about the use of the web in this course?
Written responses.

13. Are there any additional comments you would like to make about the student computing labs?
Written responses.

Questions on this report may be directed to:
Professor Craig A. Merlic
Chair, Instructional Computing Committee
College of Letters and Science
1312 Murphy Hall
UCLA 143801