Results of Winter Quarter 1998 Faculty IEI Survey


1. Department
Anthropology (2)
Chemistry and Biochemistry (4)
Economics (2)
English as a Second Language
French (3)
Italian (2)
Mathematics (2)
Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Military Science
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (4)
Physics and Astronomy (4)
Political Science (2)
Spanish and Portuguese
Women's Studies
Writing Programs

2. How much experience do you have using the Web for a course?

Little or none 36%
Intermediate 33%
Extensive 28%
No answer 3%

3. What is your primary access to the course Web site?

Office computer 82%
Home dial-in using Bruin Online 23%
Home dial-in using an Internet service provider 15%
Department computer lab 0%
Other 0%

3. Mark ALL features that your course Web site contains.

Syllabus 95%
Question and answering posting 54%
Discussion bulletin board 74%
Lecture notes 26%
Sample problems 36%
Problem set keys 31%
Old exams 28%
Reading assignments 46%
Links to other resources 56%
Other 36%

4. Mark the TWO features that YOU find to be the most useful.

Syllabus 28%
Question and answering posting 26%
Discussion bulletin board 36%
Lecture notes 21%
Sample problems 8%
Problem set keys 21%
Old exams 15%
Reading assignments 13%
Links to other resources 18%
Other 23%

5. Mark the TWO features that the STUDENTS find to be the most useful.

Syllabus 26%
Question and answering posting 15%
Discussion bulletin board 15%
Lecture notes 18%
Sample problems 13%
Problem set keys 25%
Old exams 15%
Reading assignments 51%
Links to other resources 5%
Other 23%

7. Do you maintain your own class web site without technical support?

Yes 62%
No 23%
No answer 18%

6. What is the net impact of using the Web on your teaching?  How does it affect your teaching, your course, your interactions with students and your students learning?

Time consuming for faculty in relation to net benefit.  Too many mechanical and technical problems in the beginning.  Split students into have1s (those with home computer and can dial in) and have not1s (those who rely on campus facilities).

Make it easier to distribute bits of information (e.g., note errors on assignments).

Thrilled by the prospects and can provide many resources to enrich our program.  Still have a frustration level to work out due to learning new things and problems that arise.

There is minimum impact.

Improves coverage of material not in the text (a lot in this course).

Wouldn1t take the time to post lecture notes to the web myself; a TA does it for me.  It1s easier to get old exams to put on the web.  Not a detectable difference.  Common question for Virtual Office Hours is "When are the exam scores going to be posted?"

Good for mailing announcements.  Takes more time to organize.  Helps for making corrections to problem sets, etc.

Honestly, not much impact but good secondary source.

Only use web for supplementary assignments.  Web doesn1t affect teaching but increases workload.  Some students still can not access the web so web assignments still have to be optional.  Too many technical problems.

Everyone has access to old exams, problem sets, etc.  Has increased the time I spend answering questions.  Students too dependent on accessing material on VOH and become annoyed if there is a delay in posting keys.

Has put me in closer touch with students and created a more helpful and interactive learning environment.

Web facilitates greater communication between students and I.

More access to students and vice versa.  Useful for me to post handouts on the web.

Marginal impact.  Many students to turn in weekly discussion topics.

Takes more time.  Easier for students to turn in weekly discussion topics.

Students don1t like getting involved with the web.  Prefer the problem sets.

Potential is tremendous.  Discussion board is great to answer questions once for all to see rather than repeating answers.

Has no effect on interactions with my students.  Main benefit is saving paper and posting homework solutions in the library.

So far no impact but is useful and a plus.

Allows me flexibility in varying reading assignments without the trouble of photocopying materials.

At present, just beginning to integrate; experimenting.

Serves as an extension of my office hours.  Allows me to continue instruction after class.

Good for students who miss class, can access lecture notes.  Cuts my work load.

Less handouts, FAQ1s can be placed on web, and VOH cuts down on office hour traffic.

Positive impact.  Students like VOH because they can post questions.  Think I could answer better in person however.  Hope VOH doesn1t discourage students from coming to real office hours.

Increases contact with students, and they can access class material easy.  Makes a lot of extra work however.

Like giving advance questions on readings, etc.  Creates better sense of comprehension by the students.  Increases communication.  Quieter students who write well can express themselves and have a better voice.

Adds to workload.  Used mainly as a backup.  Only benefits a small number of students but makes all students feel better that the course webpage is there.

Increases interaction with students and eliminates photocopying.

Provides easy communication.  Useful for students to ask questions 24 hours a day.

We1ll see after the exam and evaluations.  Initial response is positive.

Not been very useful.  Students don1t make use of it except to get materials when they miss class.

"I1m sorry I don1t have the time to address these issues here."

Given me considerable flexibility to flow with the students1 changing needs.

Too early to know about the web.  I1m a strong believer of multimedia in the classroom.

 8. What support is available to you?  What support do you use?  What support would you like to see be made available?



Department has employees to put stuff on web.

I would like to be able to post things myself in real time rather than waiting ~24 hours.

I use the GTC1s.  I need help in the creation of assignments for the French composition class.

VOH administrator does posting.  TA scans documents for posting.  There is automated e-mail notification for unanswered questions on VOH.  I need the ability to post equations (use symbols) in response to questions.

Chemistry has extensive support for VOH.

The English department offers workshops for beginner and advanced levels.

Social Science computing


LC computer people very good.

Very little support.  The department scans homework solutions and e-mails them to me.  I put them on the web.

Use Humanities Computing for support and departmental graduate computer person for help in technical matters.


GTC, workstation and HCF.  Use them all.

Math department has webmaster for scanning and technical questions.

Department computer lab

I suffer from lack of time developing materials that would motivate students to go to the web if it were required.


Support for scanning documents and providing new links.

Not much support available.  Proved to be a lot of work.

SSC set up basic web page and discussion board.  Department convert syllabi to HTML format.  I use department server for postscript to PDF.  I would like access to a scanner locally and help and software to prepare graphs from problem set solutions, lecture notes, etc.

I need an assistant to help maintain the site.  There is not sufficient support.

Humanities computing facility.  More detailed written instructions would be helpful.

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