Glenn T. Seaborg

A Photo Feature


A text Biography

Alumni/ Seaborg Symposium & Medal/ Paul Boyer/ Newsletter/ Chemistry & Biochemistry Main Page

 Seaborg philosophy  

 Seaborg photo

Portrait of Professor Glenn T. Seaborg

 UCLA 1929

UCLA Campus in 1929

The Year Seaborg Entered UCLA as a freshman.


 UCLA Map 1931

Map of UCLA When Seaborg Was a Junior

 Seaborg at Berkeley ca 1941

Seaborg, ca 1941, Taken at Lawrence Berkeley Lab


 Seaborg and wife Helen

Seaborg with Helen, His Wife

 Seaborg jfk cartoon

Cartoon Version of Seaborg's call from J.F.K.


 photo of Seaborg with JFK

Seaborg with President Kennedy

 Seaborg posing with statue of Lincoln

Ten U.S. Presidents Consulted with Seaborg, but On This Particular Day, Seaborg Posed WIth One Who Didn't.

 Seaborg LBJ cartoon

Seaborg's Telephone Call from L.B.J.

 Seaborg receiving Nobel Prize

In 1951, Glenn T. Seaborg Accepted the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (with E.M. McMillan) for his work on the chemistry of transuranium elements.
Pictured here with the King of Sweden

 Seaborg with G. Bush

Glenn Seaborg posing with President George Bush


 Seaborg with uniden tified admirer

Glenn Seaborg with actress Ann Margaret

 Seaborg with Emil Reisler

Seaborg at a Seaborg Speakers' Luncheon with Emil Reisler, Chair of UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistsry


 Seaborg with Al Gore

Glenn Seaborg Meets Vice President Al Gore

 Seaborg with periodic table

Glenn Seaborg Proudly Pointing to Seaborgium,
The Element Named After Him

 periodic table showing Seaborgium

Periodic Table Showing Seborgium

 Seaborg with Yoshie Kadota shortly before their deaths

Glenn Seaborg and Yoshie Kadota, taken at UCLA sometime before February 21, 1999

Alumni/ Seaborg Symposium & Medal/ Paul Boyer/ Newsletter/ Chemistry & Biochemistry Main Page


Updated by Alice Ramirez 12/10/02