Inorganic Chemistry Faculty Position
The Inorganic Chemistry Division of the UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is seeking outstanding candidates for a tenure track faculty position in inorganic chemistry. The position may be filled at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level. We invite candidates in any area of inorganic chemistry including bioinorganic, nanoscience, organometallic and solid state to apply. The successful applicant will be expected to develop a strong and creative research program and contribute to teaching in inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Application Instructions

Please submit the following via e-mail to in a single PDF file:

As one single PDF please submit:
1. Cover letter.
Please include the position tracking number, #0980-1213-02, on your cover letter.

2. Curriculum vitae
3. List of publications
4. Summary of research accomplishments (1-2 pages)
5. Future research plans - junior candidates only (3 pages max.)

In addition, applicants should arrange to have three reference letters sent directly to (Please note that the e-mail address for letters of reference is different from the application e-mail address.)

To assure consideration, all application materials and letters should be received by October 15, 2012.

Questions regarding the search may be sent via e-mail to:

The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the development of a climate that supports equality of opportunity and respect for differences. The UCLA campus has policies that address dual academic and non-academic career issues.

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