
My favorite place on the planet. Here are websites related to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.

The Churchill Northern Studies Centre is my favorite place in Churchill, my new home away from home when I am up there.

Churchill Northern Studies Centre

SpacePort Canada carries on an interesting symbiotic relationship with the Churchill Northern Studies Centre.

Spaceport Canada

The Sierra Club's Website is quite wonderful. I am especially proud of the part below because, unless the Club's Webmaster has made a change, one of my bear photos illustrates the page, and 4 or 5 of my landscapes are linked from this particular section. Hudson Bay James Bay ecoregions.

Environment Canada Green Lane, Prairie and Northern Regions

Churchill History--fascinating stuff

Samuel Hearne, one of the western Hudson Bay's earliest explorers, was an articulate, observant and witty man. His writings are fun to read as well as fascinating.

Arctic Dawn-The Journeys of Samuel Hearne Introduction

Arctic Dawn--The Journeys of Samuel Hearne--Table of Contents This is great stuff! Sam Hearne is one of the great under-recognized pioneer chroniclers of early north America. His writings center around the western Hudson Bay area in what later became Churchill and thereabouts, in northern Manitoba province.. Hearne combines keen observations with a pretty sophisticated and educated viewpoint. Although he lived in the 1700s, his writings reflect an oddly modern viewpoint in many respects. He notices and comments upon everything. He also experienced many fascinating and harrowing adventures. His topics range from the local ecosystems, to the cultures of the various aborigional people he encountered, including alliances, rivalries and local wars. His viewpoint, although European and caucasion, lacks that stultifyingly judgemental attitude often found in pioneer writings by Europeans. Most delightful, Hearne is entertaining as hell. And I mean that in a good way.


Miscellaneous Websites devoted to Churchill. C.Moroz, compiler of the first, is a local school teacher.

Highlights-of-Churchill Weblinks by C. Moroz, a Churchill local

Skindive among Beluga Whales in the Churchill River. Yes, it can be arranged. You can swim among them as I did, or skin dive. To do the latter, you must be a certified skin diver. The people who created this link have made a business leading such underwater adventures. If I ever get certified, and I'd like to, I'll definitely sign up to be guided to underwater adventures in the Churchill River.

GLCTS Churchill


This material also can be found in the Arctic Website. It is appropriate to both.

Polar bears by The Bear Den

Bear Den Homepage

ONU Polar Bears Galore Cute bear pix.

Play Fighting in Male Polar Bears

Polar Bear Biology Note: Ramsay sometimes carries out his research at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre

Arctic Wildlife

Bear Homepage


Seaworld's Contribution to Online Beluga Whale Awareness

References to Beluga Whales, compiled by SeaWorld

Beluga Whale Conservation

Beluga Whales

The Whale Watchign Web--Interspecies Communication

Adopting a Beluga Whale

Whale adoption programs

Whalenet brochure

Toxic Chemicals and Beluga Whales

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