
Flowers and Fruit

Summertime Flowering Season

Flowers are everywhere, often in vibrant colors of yellow and pink, white and purple. PRETTY

A natural rock garden of rare and miniature species, including minute orchids, each flower no larger than a fraction of an inch, at least three species of carnivorous plants, and the flower cycles of many tundra fruiting plants. Visiting Churchill during Flowering Season

Peak flowering season occurs in July. An interest in flowers can be combined with birdwatching, whale watching and any fascination for geology. But watch out for the bugs! Read Visiting Churchill during flowering season for advice on how to enjoy a safe, comfortable and enjoyable time during mid-summer.

Visiting Churchill during Flowering Season I am told the region is especially nice after one good, hard frost has killed off all the bugs.

wild blueberriesBilberries in fruit. AKA Wild blueberries.

Blueberries and BunchberriesBilberries and bunchberries growing together.

BunchberriesBunchberries in fruit

Blueberries and Bunchberries"Bilberries and bunchberries growing together.

cloudberriesCloudberrys half-ripe.

cranberry flower Marsh Cranberries in flower and fruit. These wild cranberries are most like commercial cranberries.


dewberries Dewberries

lingnonberries Lingnonberries. a.k.a. dryground cranberries.

highbush cranberries Highbush cranberries. Created