Spring in Churchill

I have not experienced a Churchill springtime but I have been told that the weather begins to warm around May and early June. At this time, most of the ice on Hudson Bay and inland begins to melt. The green plants begin to appear, and the mosquito larvae are developing in the bogs. After a long, harsh winter, the local people are probably very happy to see longer and warmer days, and a bit of green.

Go prepared for winter weather. The weather is always changable, and you don't want to be stuck inside, or miserable, or worse. A complete list of clothing can be found in the Polar Bear High Season section.

Return either toPracticalities, or forge ahead to Reasons why you would want to visit this summer-time buggy, wintertime freezing but always beautiful place.

If you have had enough, return to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada index page, where you can find your way out. Created 3/10/97