Ed's Computers in Chemistry Homepage

[ Molecular Modeling | Computational Chemistry Programs | Spartan Excercise | Visualization Tools ]
[ Virtual Instruments | VRML | Data Processing Software | Related Links ]

Computational Chemistry has an ever increasing role in the study and research of chemical structure and energy calculations. Traditionally, chemistry has been an experimental science in which a molecule needed to be synthesized or found in nature to be analyzed. Now with high tech computers and high level programming packages, it is quite easy to study unknown molecules, reactive intermediates and reaction state mechanisms.

The use of computers in chemistry has become widespread whether as an aid to visualization of 3-dimensional structures or in the ability of the computer to handle large sets of data and perform rigorous calculations.

This Web site is an introduction to the use of computers in chemistry and the increasing role they have in chemical research.

Molecular Modeling

Computational Chemistry Programs

1-cyclopropenamine run on SPARTAN