Instrumentation Laboratory

Advanced instrumentation plays a crucial role in modern innovative research in the molecular sciences. The UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has been a leader in the establishment of instrumentation centers comprised of state-of-the-art equipment and skilled support personnel to assure successful operation of the centers. Complex instrumentation is made available to the research community through spectroscopic and molecular characterization facilities, which are committed to the training of all levels of research personnel in the operation of sophisticated instrumentation. The nature of these facilities evolves rapidly due to rapid improvements in modern chemical instrumentation. Major sources of support are the UCLA-DOE Biochemistry Instrumentation Center, the Magnetic Resonance Laboratories, the Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, the James D. McCullough X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory, and the UCLA-Hughes Electronics Materials Characterization Facility.

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A crystal mounted on a goniometer in an X-ray diffractometer.

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Graduate students Sayee Hagde and Karen Anderson using one of the
department's several high field NMR spectrometers.

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Dr. Julian Whittelegge is loading a sample into a double
focusing high resolution FAB mass spectrometer.

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