The sun was beginning set over the San Cibola bay. Traffic began to pick up as people started trickled out of Oceanview for their ride home. At the top of a hill James read his book, flipping the pages back and forth, checking and cross checking what he was reading.

A stocky, sweat drenched athlete turned corner of the path and pushed hard up hill. "2 more miles to go, just 2 more," he panted to himself as he looked over his shoulder at the path he had just taken. The fading warmth of the setting sun glistened off of his short but muscular and shoulder length locks of a coal black mane that framed the intensity in his chestnut brown eyes. As he neared the top of the hill his narrowed, sizing up the well dressed man now standing in his path.

He closed the book he was reading and straightened himself from the tree he was leaning on. "Kevin, I thought I might find you here. the gentleman said calmly with a tone that was almost fatherly"

"My place!!" Kevin grunted as he trotted past the man, barely looking at him

*           *          *

"I told you I'm not coming back" Kevin stated matter of factly as stepped out of the bathroom drying his hair. "I've had enough; I am not cut out for this!"

Seated on couch, James merely sipped his tea nonchalantly, "Kevin, we need you. The Order has a bunch of rookies and they could benefit from a man with your experience."

"You mean like my last partner!!" Kevin shot back sarcastically from the kitchen where he was steeping his own tea, "Jesus man, don't you people have any concern for the well being of your people?"

James sipped the last of the tea and set gently on the end table to his right. "Don't take that tone with me," he said, his tone sharp with the authority of thousands of years of experience,".I've had to bury more people that I cared about in this lifetime than in any other. And you know as well as I there are things more important than any individual of the Order."

With a small sigh, James stands up and crossed into the kitchen where he placed a hand on Kevin.s shoulder reassuringly, "Kevin, what happened was not your fault. There is no way you could have known that woman had given herself WILLINGLY to possession. You did the best you could in a desperate situation. You will have to let it go someday."

Kevin hung his head momentarily and clenched his jaw so tightly the tension could be felt throughout his body. Then he visibly slouched, surrendering to what he knew must be done, as he turned to face the man the fatigue in his eyes was noticeable.

"Kevin, I don't have to remind you of your duty as a Tupua Nguha; to protect those who cannot do so for themselves. it is your calling." James steps away slowly, "The Order will always be here for you, when you're ready," he finishes as he turns and walks calmly to the door of the cabin and paused, "Please give our regards to your wife and son," before turning to leave.

As James got into his car he noticed Kevin had come out to the porch, tea in hand, obviously deep in consideration. Kevin stepped in front of the car as it was put into gear, causing the man to step quickly on the brakes and roll down his window. Kevin walked around to the drivers side and bent down to eye level, "Can I have my old desk back?" Kevin asked with firm gentle tone.

"Your things are exactly as you left them. Large conference room tomorrow at 7" and please try not to be late.. The man said approvingly as he put the car back into gear.

Kevin stood up and stepped back to let the car pass "I'll try."