John and Kevin's Morning Kleo and Joan's Morning Bekka, Miles, and Li's Morning

John and Kevin's Morning

As the three leave the property, John looks up from his phone. "Kevin, quite playing around, we got a robbery in the canal district."


“Here,” Fir says as he slides the fixed badge through the window to Johns hand.

Quickly replace his clip with a fully load one the Kevin joins John and two detectives hurry off to Doyle’s garage. They pass Wulf on their way out, the large bouncer gives a polite “G’morning.”

John instinctively moves to the Monte Carlo SS that he and Willy used to use. Pausing he looks back at Kevin. “We’ll take my car.”

With a slight hesitation Kevin answers, “Yeah, sure.”

It’s another 10 minutes before either of them says anything. John keeps eyeing Kevin, or rather Kevin’s seat. It’s been awhile that anyone else but Willy has sat in that chair. For Kevin things where just as uncomfortable; he was used to driving… and the seat he was in just didn’t feel quite right.


"Yeah sure", Kevin answers, recognizing the obvious discomfort in John's face. He sits slowly in the passenger side, trying hard to appear relaxed as he snaps in his seatbelt and adjust himself to at least look comfortable. As John puts the car in gear Kevin notices that John glances at him periodically, as if expecting Willy to be there.

At times like this Kevin is most uncomfortable, due to his lack of confidence in his own social skills, and had always agonized in the past about what to say and how to say it. Somber anticipation hung in the air as both men sat silent, each searching for something say, but always stopping just short of saying anything. Each man used to being the lead in their partnership, now forced by circumstance to find some way of resolving the unwritten rules of dominance, and neither one really wanting to win. Kevin pondered for several minutes and finally decides to concede leadership to John, ‘it's just easier this way, I've been gone for a while and John is a good detective’ thinks Kevin as he looks out the window at the passing scenery.

After almost 10 minutes of silence Kevin decides to break the ice in the only way he sees fit, "I'm really sorry to hear about Willy, I know he was a good detective and a good man." Kevin said in a low, compassionate tone, hoping that he wasn't making an already uncomfortable situation worse, "if there is anything I can do to help, let me know!" he added.


Glancing at Kevin with his eyes, Jim is still silent for a while before he response, "Yeah, thanks." His voice filled with frustation. "I wish more people could have seen that." Changing the subject, "So hows the wife and kids?"

Kevin gives his usual ambiguous answer, “Their fine.”

The men drive in silence the rest of the way. It takes them almost fifteen minutes to exit the free and enter the surface streets of the Canal District.

The streets of the canal district are particularly narrow. Some find this a cozy affectation of the area, others (mostly those in a hurry and in a car) find it absolutely frustrating. Luckily for the two officers the roads are mostly free of traffic and are able to make good time to their destination. They stop their car outside of a four story building with old-world style. The balconies indicate that at least the upper stories are residents while the sign that says ‘apothecary’ hanging from the bottom of second story balcony would indicate otherwise.

Up a short set of stairs and through the front door they find themselves in a hallway. The door on the immediate left leads into the old-world pharmacy, while down the hall is a set of stairs that to the upper stories, and at the end of the hall is another door that leads into one of the many small canals.

The door on the left opens and the two detectives are greeted by an old man who’s face suggests that he’s older than either of them could guess while his eyes hints at an ageless spirit. “Its about time you guys got here, come on in.”

The floor customer floor space is mostly empty, a few chairs scatter about, while the walls contain numerous over the counter medications. Splitting the room in two is a counter behind which any number of powders, pills, and elixirs can be seen.


Smiling at the craggily old man John gives a pleasant salutation, “Good Morning, I am detective Deccenti and this is detective Tehawaki. What seems to be the trouble?”

His voice is scratchy and raspy, “I’ve been robbed. Several of my herbs and reagents have been stolen.”


Kevin allows John to start the interview, as he begins to systematically sweep the room with his eyes and other senses, searching intently for the point of entry and checking the disturbance patterns (if any) of the furniture and accessories. As he begins to sweep the shelves he interjects in a low, seemingly detached tone,"Which herbs and components in particular were taken, please?"

There is nothing that seems out of place. Kevin catches a glimpse of windows in the very back, behind the rows of supplies that would not be accessible for general customers.

Looking at the detective, "Some of my more expensive supplies were taken, naga root, mandrake, toad spit..."


"Can we see where these were stored?"

The old man takes them in the back where he shows them a wooden locker. The combination lock has been carefully ripped off. Looking into the closet there are numerous jars and vials of herbs and elixirs. In general one couldn't tell if anything was stolen.

Kevin, looking around can see all the windows; they are large leaved panes that open horizontally. They are all closed, and all but one is locked.


“Okay, Mister…”

“Von Platen,” answers the unspoken question.

“Okay, Mister Von Platen, how can you tell something has been stolen?”

“I know how much naga root I have,” he pulls out a jar, “I tell you someone stole some. They didn’t take all of any reagent but they took some.”


Taking out a pen and his pad, John begins writing notes and asking perfunctory questions: “When did you discover the robbery?”; “When was the last time you saw everything?”; “did you hear or see anything unusual between those two times?”; “Do you know of anyone who may want to steal from you?”

The old man’s answers came just as quick: “This morning.”; “last night.”; “No.”; “No.”

Kleo and Joan's Morning

Once James is in the hall his phone rings. After a brief conversation, James turns back to the members in the small conference room, “Joan and Kleo you’re on.” Looking right at Kleo he adds, “Looks like an extended family member is having a domestic problem.”


Kleo takes down the information her partner shares about using the glyphs. "Thank you, Joan", smiles the muse.

At James' announcement, Kleo freezes for an instant. She closes her eyes and then takes a deep breath, looking over at James, "Who's involved and what's the problem?" she quietly asks. She puts away her notepad and slips it into her attaché case, readying herself for her first call.


Joan yanks her arm, “Come on, we’ll find out on the way.” Pulling out her cell phone earpiece she taps her phone, “Dispatch, this is Detective Hunter, conference with Kleo and give us the 411,” and soon the two are out the door.


"Wrath of Zeus!! What have I gotten myself into?", Kleo silently questions as she follows Hunter out the door and down the hallway.


On the way to the Doyle’s garage Kleo’s phone rings. When she picks up she is greeted to voice rich with low tones, but undeniable feminine, “The call came from 1563 Mission Street in San Juan. One Selena is calling about a Norman harassing her sister Eos, who is on the premises. They are worried about exposure.”


The muse audibly groans at the news, "Not those two..." Kleo turns to Joan as they continue to the garage, "Eos and Selena - uh let's just say – are very, VERY friendly girls, Joan." Letting the innuendo sink in, "Knowing them as I do, I can guess that one of Eos' 'boyfriends', or 'girlfriends' for that matter, is becoming too persistent."

"How do we normally handle these domestic spats, then?"


“Well, each of us will take one of them. Since it’s a ‘relative’ of yours you can handle Eos and I’ll take care of the Norman,” Joan answers as she pats Wulf’s back on their way out. Once they are in the car Joan asks, “I’m not too much on my Greek stuff. What can you tell me about these girls? Are they like cousins or something?”


With a slight sigh, Kleo dives in - she keeps her tone measured - her calm, continental accent not giving any indication at her growing trepidation at seeing her distant relatives.

"Eos and Selena are not cousins, but sisters. Eos is the Goddess of the Dawn and Selena, the Goddess of the Moon. In our Pantheon, they are both known to be quite... ahem... amorous. In fact, Aphrodite cursed Eos to a life of nymphomania after the Goddess found Dawn with Ares. Selena, while not cursed - usually carries on in the same way as her sister. Selena even had a liaison with my father - but who didn't, I suppose."

Looking out the car window "I have not seen either of them since I first arrived in San Cibola a few years ago... Sadly, since many of our Pantheon are lost - we are not as close, anymore" she says a bit wistfully.


Joan turns to Kleo with almost a blank gaze, "Actually I meant are they your cousins or what. James did call them your extended family."


Realizing she has spouted off far too much information, "Um... they are my second cousins on my father's side and first cousins on my mother's...", she says a bit sheepishly. "My family is quite complex and rather incestuous," she adds, "don't forget, my mother is my father's aunt!", as she gives Joan a friendly, apologetic look.


"So, when we enter the house, I should try to isolate Eos away from her 'friend'? And I'm unsure why they would be concerned about exposure... unless they have been showing off..." Kleo looks over at Joan and gives a small shrug.


"Yeah, that's the plan. I'll do my best to get Norman out of the house. You just calm Eos down and take a statement from her, her sister, and whoever else is a round."


"Ok - I can do that". Kleo makes sure she has her pen, then takes out a smaller notepad from her bag.


Turning back to driving she adds, “As for your second question, the Order is always concerned about anything that may expose our Neighborhood to Norman.”


"Of course, but I'm wondering what Eos would be doing to let on to her true nature."


"Who knows... some times Norman isn't as dumb as they look, or she could talk in her sleep... never know."

The women sit as the city moves past them, Joan eventually asks, "So James said that were we getting a Greek goddess. I assume that is you. So what where you a goddess of? If you don't mind me asking?"


"I guess we'll find out soon enough..."


The women sit as the city moves past them, Joan eventually asks, "So James said that were we getting a Greek goddess. I assume that’s you. So what where you a goddess of? If you don't mind me asking?"


The raven haired goddess straightens a bit in the soft leather seat of the Joan's gleaming, black Bonneville. Giving a small smile, "No, I don't mind, at all. I am the Muse of History - a minor Goddess, really. My sisters and I preside over the arts and sciences inspiring poets, philosophers, musicians... anyone who takes an interest in creating..." Looking directly at Joan, "I can inspire people to action and I have the gift of knowing the history of objects - or people, with just a touch or glance". She reaches out to touch Joan's arm, for emphasis, feeling the soft, supple leather jacket and the warmth from the detective's skin.

The startled Muse quickly removes her hand, as a few vivid scenes from Joan's past flit through her mind. Realizing the abruptness of her action, Kleo softly pats the Detective's arm and returns her hand to her lap.

Shifting a bit in her seat, "James came to me explaining the growing problems with Enlil and his coming Armageddon... and while this Earth will cease to exist one day... that day is far in the future. I want to help." she says simply.


"Just between you and me, I'm not really into that whole Armageddon thing." There's a small sigh in her voice, "I guess that's why I don't do very many of those raids."


Stares out the window before she answers softly, "When you've been around as long as I have, sometimes the unbelievable becomes more than real."


"Yeah, I guess. But the raids I've done are mostly just punk kids trying to sacrifice an animal. Usually we scare them straight. Sometimes it gets hairy but we always came out of it okay. Having four officers dead and one in the hospital makes me wonder about the whole thing... you know?"


"It is never easy losing people that you care about", she says soberly. Trying to lighten the moment, Kleo changes the direction of the conversation.


"So Joan, how long have you been with the Order and what skills do you possess, if you don't mind me asking?" she grins, genuinely interested in the woman's answer.


Joan begins to take her car off the freeway on the streets of San Juan, "I've been with the Order as soon as I could... about 11 years ago. Back then James wasn't the head and there were so many of us that we had beats." Hers eyes seem to look distance as she recounts her past. Shaking her head slightly, "I know a little witchcraft and voodoo, but I'm not really what you call a front-liner when it comes to magic. I tend to make small disposable things."


"Those skills seems like they would be extremely beneficial for the Order."


Joan reachs into one of her hidden pockets in the bottum hem of her jacket, "Like this," she says producing a small vial of orange powder. "This is a forget spell. It will make some one forget what is at the forefront of their thoughts... it took me about a month to make this. If worse comes to worse I'll use it on the Norman." As she places it back in her pocket she continues, "I can also see magic."


"Ah, that Forget Spell is very clever, indeed! And very precious, by the looks of it. It must be extremely potent." Kleo nods her head in admiration of the detective's skills. "I'm certainly glad I have you as my partner, I'll try not to bungle it all." she says confidently.

Joan smiles a little when she glances at the muse, "It's not that potent, I doubt it would work on you or any mythic. But it is difficult to make. I'd hate to think I'd waste it on a domestic disturbance."


"Hopefully all will go smoothly and we won't have to find out!" Looking out the window, "Eos's home is only about a block from here, Joan." Kleo takes out her badge and quietly practices using the enchanted item. "So which agency should we represent today?"


"Sheriff's; I don't think Norman would buy anything else."


"Got it."

The Atlas Towers apartment complex was just south of the nice part of San Pablo boulevard, but it looked like it belong much further down the street, where lone women walked in very high heels. Outside the rickety glass door stood a very large man yelling at the top of his lungs. The target of his obscenities was a tall bearded thin man and two women. Both women were matching obscenity for obscenity. The taller of the two women was blond and pale. The other, shorter, had darker hair and had equally ivory completion. While their size and hair color were marked differences both shared striking Grecian curves and fabulously high cheek bones as to assure some family resemblance.


The muse lets out and audible sigh as she spots her cousins arguing. "The blonde woman is Selena - and the dark hared woman is Eos - but I'm not sure who's with them..." She pauses for a moment as she studies the man, "Sadly, this aggressive squabbling is quite typical for my family."


“Great,” Joan mutters as her Bonneville stops thirty feet from them. As she exits the vehicle she pulls out her badge and says, “Hunter, Sheriff.” Once out she announces, “Sheriff^’s department!” However, her voice goes by unheard over the “Fuck You, You whore, I know all about your Fuck’n Family!!!” “Shut up you pencil Dick Bastard, I told you get the Fuck out of here.” “How Dare you say that, You Piece of Shit!!!” “Uhhh I think the caaa...”

Before either Joan or Kleo can take two steps the tall bearded man is on the ground nursing a black eye. The large man straightens up triumphantly. The women are stunned for a second. Long enough for Joan to cover the distance and kick the large man in the back of the knee. Throwing him to the ground, Joan yells, “Sheriff’s department!!”


"You Asshole!!!" screams the taller woman as she lunges forward.


"Ladies... LADIES" shouts the ususally soft-spoken muse. "Selena - Eos, let's not do this here..." Kleo, while smaller than the blonde woman, maneuvers herself in front of Selena trying to stop her advance.


Joan places a knee in the middle of a prone back, turning herself away from Selena's rush. In spite of her best efforts Kleo is unable to stop Selena from moving forward and begin kicking the man's leg. "You Asshole!!" is her mantra with every swing of her leg.

After the second kick Kleo is able to intercede. Taking a hold of Selena's shoulders and looking her in the eye, Kleo tries to calm the angry woman using soothing tones, however, It is soon obvious to the muse that Selena isn't listening.

[Bearded Man]

>From the ground the bearded man groans, "I'm fine Selena, I'm fine." It takes a few seconds but with the effort of Eos, the bearded man, and Kleo the four find themselves on the other side of the old glass door and Selena’s anger quick defuses to concern for the bearded man, “Dennis, honey, are you okay? Let’s get you up stairs and have that taken care of,” she says as she quickly presses the elevator button.


"Wait, Selena" The muse turns back to make sure her partner has the situation under control with the attacker. Kleo feels uneasy leaving her partner downstairs alone with the Norman.


Through the glass Kleo watches Joan secure the large man's wrist behind his back with a plastic tie. She turns around and waves Kleo off as she begins to lug the man towards the car.


Seeing that Joan has things under control, Kleo turns to her cousins, "What in Hades is going on? This is my first day on the Order and my first call is dealing with you two!" She crosses her arms, giving both women the evil eye.


Holding on to Dennis Selena retorts, "Don't give me that tone. I called you guys here to prevent something like this from happening."


"Yeah, if you guys didn't take so long things wouldn't have gotten out of hand," adds her sister.


Before Kleo can respond the ding of the elevator announces its arrival. "Let's go up stairs, okay," comes weakly from the tall bearded Dennis.


Kleo completely ignores her cousins and instead turns her attention to Dennis as they enter the elevator, "Um, Hello - Dennis - is it? I'm Kleo." She extends her hand in greeting to the pummeled man.

"Dennis, tell me... what happened here?" she asks kindly, but firmly. She takes out her notepad and readies a pen.


As they move to Selena's and Dennis' apartment he explains his story, "Well, on Monday Dawn, here, needed a place to crash. She said something about a stalker boyfriend. This morning we went to TaqArena for breakfast and on the way back that guy came up to Dawn and started yanking her arm and saying shit. Selena went up to the apartment to call you guys and then came down. I did my best to calm the guy down but you saw the results."


The dark haired muse nods and jots down Greek words and symbols, as well as a few small pictures in her notebook.


As Dennis finishes up Selena opens the door to their apartment. When everyone else files in she turns to Kleo, "Well, come on in. Its not like we get to see you every day."


Kleo's cool treatment of her cousins fades as she finally smiles, "It has been too long, hasn't it?" She reaches out and lays a hand gently on Selena's shoulder, giving the taller woman a soft squeeze.

As Kleo enters the room she goes over to Dawn, "Are you ok, Eos? Who is this jerk and how long has he been bothering you?" she says with a concerned voice. She looks her cousin up and down, looking for bruises and such.

Kleo finds no apparent bruising or scars. However, Dawn is rubbing her arm at the sleeve.


Moving to the well used couch, Dawn plops herself down, “I met him clubbing about three months ago. He was like all the rest: I told him about my problem; he said he could deal with it; a month later I told him I had to leave; he got all angry; but I left and that was that. About two week ago I was clubbing with Ganymede again when I spot him. When I went to talk to him, he like disappeared in the crowd. Ever since then I’ve felt like he’s been watching me. I came here to lay low for a few days but he found me.”


She looks incredulously at Eos, "You told him about your 'problem'?" She glances at Selena to gauge her reaction, as well, “What exactly did you tell this Rob?" The small notebook and pen are poised Kleo's in her hand ready for Eos' reply.


The tall sister simply shrugs her shoulders as she applies a raw steak to Dennis’s eye.


“I told him the usual stuff… you know how I am very fickle, that’s I’m never satisfied with one man, and that I will end up leaving him. He was so charming and said that he understood… Men… they never mean what they say.”


Obvioulsy relieved, Kleo continues her line of questioning, "Um, I see - but, before we go any further, why were you concerned about exposure? It sounds like this Rob is just a Norman creep" She pauses and realizes she sounds a bit hard hearted, "Who obviously deserves some legal action."


Giving Kleo a sheepish look Dawn explains, "I think he read my dairy."


"You think he read your diary... You think he READ your diary!!?" Kleo rubs her forehead, stunned at girl's stupidity. Pausing for a moment to take in the information, she finally speaks "Eos, in the future, I'd advise you to keep your diary secure - for everyone's sake." Kleo goes over to a window and searches for a view to see her partner, making sure the creep is under control.


"Don't go all kraken on me. It's a book I'm writing. I thought you're sisters might have told you something about this," the curvatious goddess explains, "I pitched the idea to Thalia about 4 years ago. I've been trying to finish it since then. But I couldn't find my Muse..." Looking at Kleo, "Sorry... but you know what I mean."


The Muse of History rolls eyes and nods

Turning back to the group, "Let's start from the top then, "Dennis, can I have your last name please and your address and phone #?"


Dennis is leaning back on a very large bean bag chair nursing his eye, "Kane, Dennis Kane and I live here with Selena, we are married."


Quickly looking up from her notepad, she gives a surprised smile to the battered man, "Well I guess congratulations are in order! When were the happy nuptials?"

Jotting down the date, "I'll grill you more on how you two met, later. And Eos, what's Rob's last name and contact info? What does he do for a living?"


"It's Robert Leads, he's one of those insurance people who figure out how much risk you are to them... what are they called?"


The answer comes form Dennis, "an actuary”


"Yeah that's it."


Quickly scratching down the info, "Can you tell me the club where you met him and the approximate date?"


"Must've been the first weekend in December."


"Do you remember the club's name?"


“Rumors, I think. It’s in Bayview.”


"Hmmm, I haven't seen Ganymede in while either - do you have his information handy, as well?"


"He goes by Gary Meade, he has a nice place in Bayview." Grabbing her purse Eos rummages through, pulling out a card, “Here’s his info.”


"Ok, let me recap the situation, you met Rob at a club a few months ago, had a brief relationship" she looks at Eos, "and moved on. Rob seemed angry about the break - but didn't bother you until recently. About two weeks ago you saw Rob while you were out with Ganymede - and since then you've felt he's been watching you. You came here to stay for a few days, but when you were out this morning for breakfast - Rob spotted you and followed you all here and - then the altercation broke out." She reviews her notes for any omissions. "Is that about right?"


"Yeah that's about it," perks Dawn.


A moan of acknowledgement comes from Dennis.


Noticeably Selena is absent. As Kleo looks around, Selena returns to the room from a hallway. She has changed clothes, wearing a gauzy white shift. "So, Kleo how are the sisters these days?"


Not answering yet, Kleo walks over to her cousin, and kisses the woman on both cheeks, "I am happy for you, Selena."

Straightening up a a bit she finally replies to Selena's question, "It sounds like you're in contact with them more than I am these days. But, Anna's still in DC and the 9 Sisters Publishing is doing remarkably well, according to Eva."

Sighing a bit, "Polly wants everyone to get together for a Rite of Spring feast, the last I heard." She shrugs and looks down at her pad, not wanting to talk about her sisters.

"Let me go downstairs and check in with Joan - I'm not sure what the next steps will be with Rob. I assume we'll take him to the station and 'help him forget' he ever met you, Eos."


“I sure hope so,” pipes Eos.


It doesn't take long for Kleo to get back down stairs, where she finds Joan standing in front of Rob, who is sitting on the curb with his hands behind his back. As she nears she can hear Joan say, "... and we got the clear."


Walking up beside her partner, Kleo looks over the Norman, "Well, Mr. Leads, it seems we need to take you to the station. Stalking pretty young women and aggravated assault is against the law"

"Dawn confirms that Leads probably has some key information," she gives Joan a look to make sure that the detective understands her meaning.

[Rob Leads]

“What?? What information?!” exclaims Rob.


Joan melts into the true form of exasperation and mumbles, “great.”

[Rob Leads]

“Huh, so she is a damn Greek god and shit.”


Reaching behind herself, Joan pulls something from her jacket, “Hey, Rob that’s my partner, remember what she said?”

[Rob Leads]



“No you don’t,” and blows the contents of the vial in his face.

[Rob Leads]



While her voice is slow and meant for the bound man, Joan is looking right at Kleo, “As I was saying, I’d have to send you to the loony bin, Greek gods and all… and you don’t want that. You said it yourself she’s a writer and a writer writes what they know. She took people she knew and turned them into characters for her book.”

[Rob Leads]

“Yeah, yeah, I guess you’re right.”


Finally looking at Rob, “And I don’t want to catch you around her or her friends. I’ll take you in as a stalker.”

[Rob Leads]

“Yeah, I’m sorry, really I am. I don’t want to go to jail. Its not really like me.”


“I know, so Rob, this is my partner.”

[Rob Leads]

“Oh, hi,” he says as if he never seen her before.


“She’ll kick your ass harder than I did. Do we understand each other?”

[Rob Leads]

“Yeah, sure we do.” At the end of that Joan helps him up and cuts the plastic tie from behind his back with a pocket knife. Sheepishly he jogs off, hanging his head as he goes.


"Well, I dear say I haven't kicked anyone's ass in a very long time!," grins the muse. "While it's a shame to use your precious potion on a punk like him... I can't believe how irresponsible Eos has been."

Walking back to the building, "My sisters and I... well, we're the 9 Sisters Publishing house. It seems Eos is keeping a diary to write a book. With her revolving door policy on men, it's no wonder one of her boy toys would eventually find out."


“Yeah I figured out the book thing,” there is still a hint of frustration in her eyes as she puts an arm around Kleo and begins moving back to the apartment building, “Okay here is the thing. When another detective is with a perp and you come in on the scene, the first thing you do is not tell what you know; you ask me how things are going.” Joan pauses for a moment to let it sink in.


"I'm sorry, Joan. I wasn't sure how to bring it all up. Subterfuge is not really my strongest suit." Sighing, she looks at the ground.

“Anyway you’re a rookie, and that was a rookie mistake. I’ve made worse when I started. So how was the family reunion?”


"Well, I was surprised to find out Selena is now married to the gentleman who had the appointment with Rob's fist. His name is Dennis... Eos is as always Eos, actually she'd going by the name Dawn, now. But that certainly hasn't changed her behavior."

As they reach the building, Kleo refers to her extensive notes, "I think I have a wealth of information here. I just need to get Leads' # from Dawn."


After buzzing in, they two enter the elevator. “You said something about her being cursed right? I don’t think she is. I can see magic and I can tell she’s a mythic but I can’t see any curse on her. Think you should tell her?”


The elevator reaches the appropriate floor and the women step out, "Hmph, that is awfully strange. She obviously still acts like a wanton slut. I didn't think her curse had an expiration date. I guess we'll find out".

Kleo knocks on Kane's door


Eos answers the door and ushers the women in. Joan looks about soaking in the bohemian décor. “Hello, Dawn, I am detective Hunter.”


“So what happened?” she asks.


“I just put the fear of the state mental ward in him. He shouldn’t be bothering you. If he does we’ll take care of him.” Moving to the side she excuses herself, “I have some questions for Selena,” leaving Kleo to deal with her cousin.


The muse takes a deep breath as she has much to say to her sexually insatiable cousin. "Eos - or do you prefer Dawn, now?" Kleo reaches out to take her hand, " Uh - you must be more careful when choosing partners! Rob could easily have exposed you OR... or worse - hurt you!" Taking a motherly tone,"I can imagine it must be so very difficult dealing with such a curse as yours... but in these days and times, you cannot be too careful."


"Excuse me?... What are you saying?" Then intensity of her voice increases with every word, "What the hades do you know about curses? It's not like you didn't have your fun back in the old days. Hades, the only difference between you and me is that I got caught. We all know the real reason you left the mountain. Spreading it for that bastard Ares; making 'History' with him; getting him to cause wars for your own fun! All I did was have one shitty night and I get this; you had an affair and you got away with it! ITS NOT FAIR!!" Eos ends with running in to a room and slamming the door, crying all the way.


At the mention of Kleo's dark past, the muse begins to tremble with rage. The image of Ares flashes through her mind - it was such a long time ago... how was she to know what she would create? Her influence on the God of War - His hungry need for her inspiration... it was so intoxicating. Their love affair set the foundations for several millennia of war and bloodshed in Europe.

She had desperately tried to leave that legacy behind, but it would always be a part of her. As a single tear slips down her cheek, Kleo chokes, ""LIFE IS NEVER FAIR, EOS - so, so get over it!"


All eyes are one Kleo as she vents. A muffled "great" comes from her partner.


"Kleo, that was terrible!" exclaims the fair blonde, it is obvious she is trying to control herself, "You know she can't 'get over it'; its her curse to repeat what she does."


In an exhausted voice Joan butts in, "She's not cursed." Fishing for her wallet, she moves towards Kleo. "Here give your cousin these," she says\ handing Kleo two business cards. "If she doesn’t believe me, tell her to go to this doctor, he's at the Reese House Clinic on Tuesdays. He specializes in curses and hexes. This one is for a psychiatrist who deals with your kind. He's real good and works for the Order as a profiler. I'll deal with Selena."


Giving her partner a quizzical look, "What do you mean she's not cursed? We were all there when Aphrodite brought Eos to the Temple - and cursed her with nymphomania..."

She takes the cards and looks at Joan, perplexed.


Joan turns to face Selena and Dennis to include them into her explanation, "I see magic. I can tell Mythics by the magic they exude. I can see curses too, they appear as a haze or shroud covering an object. There is no magic on Eos to compel her nymphomania. There may have been a curse at one time, but right now the curse is gone. If there is no magic compelling her, she might be able to seek help."


"I can't believe it... the curse has worn off but... but..." Looking over the business cards, "Let me tell her - You know I'm not angry about what she does..." Kleo rolls her eyes and goes to the hallway knocking on the recently slammed door.

In a soft, concerned voice, "Eos - it's me... please let me in... I have some good news - really."

No answer comes from the door, although soft sobbing can be heard. Opening the door, Kleo find the room dark, shades pulled. As her eyes adjust to the lightening she can see that this room is a combination home office and spare bedroom. Dawn is curled up holding her pillow on the roll-a-way.


Softly approaches the bed and sits on the edge, reaching out to gently stroke her cousins' arm. "Eos... Dawn, honey... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so harsh... I was upset because I was... scared for you."


Eos turns towards the Muses, her face marred by rivulets of tears. Wiping her face, she sniffles some composure.


Sighing, she goes on, "I know how unfair Aphrodite's curse has been... But look here. Joan - my partner- says you're not cursed anymore. She can sense magic and she doesn't see a curse on you. She knows some doctors here in San Ci that can help you out. I know we haven't been as close lately... but I'll go with you, if you want..." She gives her cousin a small smile.


“Not cursed? I don’t understand… I still feel the urges?”


“Neither do I, but this doctor might be able to explain things,” Kleo says as she hands the first card to Eos. “And if it is true, then this one can help you,” handing Eos the second card.


Taking the Kleo’s gifts Eos drapes her body over Kleo whimpering, “I’m sorry I said those things.” Her touch is familiar, brings forth shadows of some lost memories for both women. "I'm sorry... for everything..."


"Eos - If anyone should be sorry, it's me." Wiping a wayward tendril from Dawn's eyes, "We have a lot of things to work through, don't we?" she smiles, pausing for a moment.

Getting up from the bed she holds her hand out, "Come on... I've got to get going, but I'll call later this week and let's spend some time together... it will be better than old times, ok?"

Kleo and Dawn return to the living room, hand in hand. There Joan is finishing up some last minute questions for Dennis and Selena. The sisters hug their cousin good-bye, and the two detectives leave. In the elevator, Joan looks at Kleo with a dead pan stare, “Is your whole family drama queens?”


"Every last one us creates drama to the Nth degree... who do you think started it all, eh?" She gives Joan a genuine grin. "Well, my first call out and no one's dead or injured beyond repair. I'll make sure to be more closed mouthed next time.”

As they make their way to the car, Kleo continues, "I have a slew of notes here am I to assume that some report needs to be completed?"


"Yeah, you can do it when we get back or you can do it over the phone," Joan explains as she gets into her car. "Tell dispatch you are making a case log, then talk your notes. You'll get a hard copy on your desk when we get back."


"That's an exceptionally handy procedure!"

When Joan pulls out she looks at the clock on the dash, "Hmmm, time to go and pick up Jeff." Glancing at Kleo, Joan answers her unspoken question, "He's my partner, he's been in the hospital since the Florida fiasco."


Nodding her head, "I am glad he made it back... How long have you two been partners?


“About five years. You’ll like him, but be careful, he’s a real charmer.”

The drive to the Knights of Malta Hospice takes almost an hour. The staff waves ‘good morning’ to Joan as she navigates the corridors. Like most Neighborhood buildings the interior is much bigger than one would expect. The sterile hallways snake around. The two detectives eventually find themselves outside a room. While it is not a private room, there is only one person in a bed, who is shamelessly flirting with a pretty red headed nurse.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” call Joan as she leans in the doorway.


Geoffrey Thorpe turns to the familiar tones of his partner with an irrepressible grin on his face. He winks at the nurse, then says in a pleasant British accent, "Not yet. But while there's life, there's hope. By the way, Joan, this lovely vision in white is Hope, the best nurse on the floor." He pretends not to notice Hope rolling her eyes. Geoff is wearing a navy blue suit that obviously needs to be ironed. No doubt it was retrieved for him from his apartment during the course of his physical therapy and recovery. "Hope, this is my partner, Joan Hunter." As Joan enters, he sees the dark haired beauty behind him and his grin widens. "Oh dear, it seems I've been replaced in your affections. And I can see why. You will of course do me the courtesy of introducing her, won't you?"


“Down boy, she’s our responsibility to train, not to date,” while her face is serious, there is a playful tenor in her voice. “This is Kleo Kafalas; she’s the Muse of History.”


"Good morning" The muse nods her head in greeting, noting the playful banter between the partners.


"I will endeavor to teach her what I can," Geoff says, but then his eyes narrow. "Did you say Muse of History? As in the Muses, such as Erato, Urania and Terpsichore? I say, that's exciting!" The flirtation is gone from his voice, replaced by enthusiasm. He gets up from his bed, moving only with the slightest stiffness and offers a hand to Kleo. "It's a genuine pleasure. Call me Geoff." He glances at Joan and says, "If anything, she'll probably end up teaching us. After all, I'm only about 350 years old. She has me by a couple of millennia!"


"Geoff, didn't your mother tell you to never refer to a woman's age?" she chides in mock indignation. Extending her hand, she gives the sandy haired man a firm handshake. "So do you know my sisters, then?"


"Only by reputation, I'm afraid. Never thought I'd actually get to meet any of you," David replies as he shakes, then kisses her hand with an Old World gallantry. As he shakes her hand, Kleo get what is obviously more recent history from him. A man who strives to get along with people, but willing to take action when needed, she also gets a brief moment of pain and fire, then...nothing. Almost immediately she then knows of his long rehabilitation here in the hospital, and the agony each session induced, though he recovered quickly each time.

But when he kisses her hand, she is able to see much further back. She sees him period dress on the deck of tall ships from several centuries back, up through the steam age. She sees him fighting, carousing, living, even dying a few times. But more than anything she sees him at sea, where he is obviously most happy. He sails both for pleasure, and for Britain in almost every conflict she has fought in since the time of the first Queen Elizabeth. She is brought back to the present as he says, "And do forgive me for the remark about your age. If I had to judge, I would say you're no more than a century or two old." The fun flirtation is back for the last remark.

[RN. Hope]

Nurse Hope edges away, saying, "I'll get the discharge papers."


"Always the smoothy," remarks Joan in her deadpan way, "Kleo, don't get used to this treatment. He was like this to me when we first met; it stopped quite quickly once he saw Winter."


The dark haired woman raises her eyebrows and bats here eyes at Joan, "Ahhhh, well see about that".


Geoff assumes a hurt look. "No, it stopped once you made it clear you wouldn't mix business with pleasure. At least with me, at any rate." He winks at Kleo, then says, "As for Winter, well, I'm not sure about that whole thing. The only person to visit me regularly was Joan here, and she didn't even bring me flowers." He looks thoughtful for a moment, then adds to himself. "Flowers? Maybe flowers for Bethany...sorry. So, has Joan been treating you well? Showing you the ropes?"


"Winter? As in our blustery season gal? I haven't seen her in ages." Kleo gives Geoff the look over in appreciation, "Well, you ARE a smoothie, then..."

"But as for today's jump into the abyss... Let's just say Joan is extremely patient. I certainly have a lot to learn." The muse gives Joan a friendly smile.


"Different Winter. At least, I think so," Geoff says. "Works at Doyle's, blonde...well, maybe it's the same woman. No idea. And of course Joan is patient. She has to put up with me," he adds without a trace of humor in his voice, though it is in his smile and eyes.


"Oh well then..." she grins.


“For the record,” Joan says looking at Geoff, “One, flowers are for sissies and girls.” Then turning to Kleo, “Two, he means Winter the waitress at Doyle’s.” Joan emphasizes her meaning by placing her hands under breasts.


Geoff mutters, "Could be her. You never know." He then says more aloud to Joan, "You don't think Bethany would like flowers? Why not? I thought all women liked flowers. One of the few things I've learned about women in three centuries."


Addressing the amiable Brit, "So, Geoff, when will you be cleared to come back on duty?"


"By the end of the day, with any luck. Maybe lunchtime. All up to our esteemed leader." He sits back against the bed, waiting for the discharge papers. "The problem wasn't recovery. I was conscious again, and healing, even in the ambulance after the fire. But there was so much damage, that I healed up with very little muscle under the skin. Most burn victims undergo therapy to stretch the scar tissue that forms in place of the skin, so they regain some flexibility. I had to keep doing it to allow the muscles to grow back, bit by bit. Hours of agony almost every day. But come morning, I'd be ready for more." He smiles grimly as he finishes, "It had been some time since I'd died, and while I recalled it to be painful, this was a new extreme for me. Not one I care to repeat."

[Dr. Tombo]

"Well actually it was the 35 bullets in your body," comes a voice from behind Joan. When Joan moves aside, Doctor Tombo and Nurse Hope enter the room. "Your souvenirs," the doctor says as he hands Geoffery a glass jar filledsmall metal shards. Turning to Kleo, "Don't let his bravado fool you, he's was awake in the ambulance, but we quickly took care of that. His thrashing around was making things worse for everyone. We actually had to sedate him for two days so that all his strength was focused on healling his wounds."

[RN. Hope]

Nurse Hope rounds the bed handing Geoff a box containing his badge, his prized Welbey, and other effects that they took from him when he came in. "It looks like the doctor has given you the green light," she says.

[Dr. Tombo]

"Final words of precaution, Mr Thorpe, take it easy. I'd hate to think this is going to become a habit with you."


"Rest assured, Doctor, I have no desire to see you any sooner than you want to see me. Hope here, on the other hand, is another story entirely." Geoff winks at both the doctor and nurse, then says to Hope, "You have my numbers, and can call if you like. I look forward to it, of course." He kisses Hope's hand, then pockets his badge case and effects, though he leaves the Webley in the box. He glances at it and says, "I'll strip it down with Fir and Crum when we get back." He hefts the jar of lead, and his eyes go wide at the weight of it. He is only half-joking when decides to use both hands to hold it. The serious look on his face only lasts a moment, then he says, "Well, it's one way to lose weight I suppose." Turning to Joan and Kleo he asks, "Shall we, ladies?"


Eyeing the jar of spent bullets, Kleo leans closer to Thorpe, "Although I don't know her very well at all... I'm sure that Detective Elohim will appreciate your weight loss skills." she jokes with deadpan delivery.

Turning to Joan, "Do you think I'll have some time this afternoon to practice at the range? I'm feeling wholly inadequate with this... thing" as she motions to the new gun, tucked away in her shoulder holster.


"I'm sure you'll have sometime today to practice," Joan says as the three begin to move out of the room. "You can get Bekka to teach you, she is the best shot around here. Cursante, I hear, is an excellent teacher." Turning her head to Geoff, "You could even get Mr. Congeniality, here, to teach you."


The muse winks at the tall woman, "I'm sure that your partner has excellent mentoring skills. But that actually might be a good idea... If Geoff gives me a few pointers this afternoon, you won't have to worry about him going back to active duty too soon."

Walking down the hallway Kleo turns to Geoff, "How does that sound, Mister Thorpe?"


"Since I could probably use the time on the range myself, and Fir and Crum will want to check over my weapon, I think that will work nicely. Unless of course Monsieur D'evoreaux finds something more productive for us to do," Geoff says. He keeps shifting the jar of lead back from one hand to the other, then finally settles on holding it in both hands. It is not the weight that is difficult, but the size of the jar. When it is in one hand, he is flexing the fingers of the other.


After signing out at the front desk it takes little time until the three are back at Joan’s Bonneville. Once inside Joan says to Geoff, “The chief wants us to look into possible connections between the San Cibola Slasher and the Neighborhood. You want to check one of your contacts before we head on back?”


Geoff looks a bit surprised. "Sure. We can check both. The Boardwalk is closer, and I'll likely find one there. And he's a Neighbor. My other big contact is probably asleep in Sand Island, near the Harbor. He might know what steps the Di Lessa's are taking to keep their streets protected. No bodies have been found in their territory, have they?"


Joan sighs as she pulls out of the parking structure, “Oceanview was the third death, and I think the Canal District was number six. The last one came this morning in Sand Island.” Looking over her shoulder she asks Kleo, “You know any one who might know or think of a connection between the Neighborhood and the Slasher?”


The immaculately coiffed woman sits thoughtfly for a moment, "You know... I just might... Dr. Armin Elanesse - he teaches creative writing at the University. He has an interesting, if not dangerous research style for his stories. He can often be found with the more colorful folk of San Cibola. Maybe he's heard of something..."


“University, eh? Since that is not on the way we’ll head there if we have time,” she says with her eyes on the road.


The Greek Goddess nods her head and gives an affirmative. She settles into the black leather and closes her eyes.


Geoff leans back, but then immediately sits forward and looks out the window. He has been stuck in the hospital longer than he cared, and being out is exciting. "Off we go then, Joan!" He powers down his window to feel the sun on his face.


After a few moments of mentally recapping the mornings' events, Kleo leans forward, "Joan, are there any similarities of the Slasher to the Jack the Ripper murders? I completely missed the Victorian era..."


Taking a moment to recall all the facts, "Well, all the victim’s were women. None were prostitutes, and the killing look brutal with sexual trauma. I don't think there's a connection, even if the Ripper was immortal."

The drive to Oceanview and its Boardwalk is an easy drive. The Boardwalk is quite crowded with the summer tourists as well as locals taking in the clearing skies and sun. The Boardwalk stretches a little more than five miles and in places, is more than four streets deep forming tiny commercial villages.

In a small section that breaks between two such villages is area filled with carts and street performers. In one stall is a juggler balancing on a small ball as three clubs dancing in the air. He is naked ex except for a small loin cloth and a bracelet. While most people walk by only seeing a graceful performer, those without Norman attachments know the Andaro for who he is.

Music of several different types is blaring from storefronts, boom-boxes of dancers, street players and car radios. At least three different languages are discernable at any given moment. There is an energy here that you can only find in places such as this. Geoff's eyes drink in the sights, from the pretty young women rollerblading in their shorts and sports bras to the garish displays of merchandise in the windows kiosks. He is all set to approach the juggler when the scent hits his nose.


Over the tang of salt air, there is that distinctive whiff of potatoes and vinegar, and immediately his stomach reminds him it has been subsisting on hospital food for some time. Now while it is no ordinary hospital, and the food is better than typical of a hospital, it is nothing like 'real food.' Geoff suspects part of that is to subconsciously get people to heal quicker, and also that food tastes better right after getting out. But he can't stop himself. He turns to Joan and Kleo.

"I know it's barely past breakfast time, but I've got to." He darts through the crowds to a small storefront. Fortunately because it is so early, he doesn't have a long wait. He orders a large cup of fries, and douses them with vinegar. Grabbing a handful of napkins he makes his way back to the women, munching them down with a look of bliss on his face. He opens his eyes to look at them, then holds the cup out in offering, but with his mouth continuously full, he does not actually verbalize the offer.


As her well-heeled leather boots tap along the Boardwalk, Kleo takes in the colorful panorama. She admires the physique of the performer as they approach the juggler. "Is he your contact, Geoff? His skill is impressive."


Taking the offered food, the dark skin woman gives Geoff a face that makes her words redundant, "We're on the clock." Handing all of his food to Kleo she barks, "Stuff your face later." She waves off Geoff, "Thanks for the food."


Geoff grabs one last fry, or chip as he called it, then grabbed some lemonade and tried to catch the eye of his contact in the Andaro world.


There is a lull in the spectators that the juggler can captivate. He sees Geoff and stops his act. Placing down his clubs he greets the officer, "I heard you were in hospital, Detective."


Meanwhile, Joan moves just within ear shot of the two, and whispers to Kleo, "Have you ever met an Andaro?"


"No - who is he?"


Geoff shrugs and once more offers some lemonade as he says, "Yes indeed. But as a funnier man than I once said, 'I got better.'" He turns and gestures at Joan, "I think you might recall my partner, the lovely Joan Hunter. And a new member amongst our ranks, this is Kleo Kafalas."


Joan motions hello with a raise of a hand and then quietly returns her attention to Kleo.


Geoff looks the juggler over and says, "Well, as usual, you look quite healthy. How have you been?

[Andaro Juggler]

“Life’s been treating me better than you in recent days. So what do you want?... you never come a visit me just to say hello,” the tan man says with a slight lisp.


Quietly Joan answers Kleo, “Andaro are merfolk. The usually live underwater and can spend a limited time on air. That bracelet must keep allow him to stay dry longer… its some low level magic.”

[Andaro Juggler]

“We also have extremely good hear,” he barks at Joan.


Geoff smiles at the Andaro's remark. He has been caught out muttering to himself enough times that he no longer verbalizes any thought he wants hidden. "Just a quick question, my friend." He looks around then lowers his voice a bit. "Our boss wants us to investigate if this so-called Slasher has any Neighborhood connections. Have you or your people heard anything along those lines? Or anything about the killings at all?"

[Andaro Juggler]

"You know we stay out of your Dry Back business. I mean I feel really bad about the woman who died and all… but my people right now are concerned with your people’s intrusion on to San Pedro rock,” he says as he rock back and forth on this heals. “I remember, when those things first started, Marco saying he thought it was one of those trolls, from the Canal District.”


"Have I met Marco?

[Andaro Juggler]

"He's an Andaro friend that works at the pier 17."


“Anyway, I can look into that a bit if you like. But if you come across any information you think I might find useful, you contact me. Deal?"

[Andaro Juggler]

"Sure thing."


Geoff's smile wavered, then he finally said, "All right, I give up. What and where is San Pedro Rock?"

[Andaro Juggler]

Pointing to the southern part of the ocean the Andaro answers, “My people say that it was an island out there. A storm came and sunk it. It is supposed to harbor great evil magic.”


Geoff's eyes open wide. He's always fancied himself an explorer, and such tales still fill him with wonder. "And you say some of our people have been poking around out there? You mean Neighborhood types? Or Norman?" His objective in learning more about any news on the Slasher appears to be gone from his mind.

[Andaro Juggler]

"I don't... they seem Norman enough." Eyeing Kleo he asks her, "Hey are you going to finish those?" point at the cup of fries.


The muse sees the hunger - for the fries - in Geoff's eyes. Smiling at Andaro, "Sorry, these tasty treats are my early afternoon snack." She takes out a greasy fry and nibbles at it for emphasis.


Geoff eyes the fries and looks imploringly at Joan, leaving it to her and Kleo. Then again, he can buy more later if need be.


The muse sees the hunger - for the fries - in Geoff's eyes. Smiling at Andaro, "Sorry, these tasty treats are my early mid-morning snack." She takes out a greasy fry and nibbles at it for emphasis.

[Andaro Juggler]

“Sassy and beautiful,” the hungry Andaro comments to Kleo.


"Well, if they're Norman, I may not be able to do much about it, but I'll see what I can do. Do any of them have any distinctive gear? Maybe stuff stamped with a University logo, or a local company? Could be treasure hunters, or maybe researchers." Goeff pauses, then asks, "Is there anything your people are protecting there? I ask because it might have a bearing on what sorts of resources I can bring in."

[Andaro Juggler]

“No too sure, I’ve never seen it. I’ll check with my people,” Geoff’s contact says before returning his gaze at Kleo. “I got to get breakfast or something.” Before leaving he says to Geoff, “Come by in a few days and I’ll get you something about the intruders.”


The goddess flashes a "You wish" smile to the merman, all the while admiring his toned, lean body.


Geoff smirks a bit, then says, "Maybe I'll bring Kleo with me. Thanks, Ramon. Be safe!" With that, he looks at Joan then says, "Now may I get something to eat?"


“Make it quick, we still have your other contact to check,” Joan remarks in a stern yet playful voice. As the three make their way through the crowd, Joan looks at Geoff, “There’s no way the Slasher is a troll. A troll would have eaten the body.”

The detectives are well on their way to Sand Island before Geoffrey’s stomach is satisfied. Once there it takes them sometime to find Jack, Geoff’s second contact. He is, however, not at all helpful with the Slasher problem. He has to run to help with a special shipment coming in from Africa. The cargo is from a Truman liner.

It is about 11:30 before the detectives return to the precinct. While Joan finishes some paper work, Geoff and Kleo head to property. They are greeted by Fir and Crum. “Geoff,” they call in unison.


“Glad to see you back in action,” says Fir the dwarf.


"It's good to be back, friends." He places his Webley on the counter. "I'm sure you'd like to give this a once over before I take it out for a test fire."


Meanwhile Crum, flashes his toothy grin at Kleo, “back for a shooting lesson with old Crum… Couldn’t get enough of my goblin charm?”


"Who could resist?" Kleo grins at the suave goblin. "Although Crum, I'm sorry... I promised Joan I'd keep Geoff here out of trouble... so I've recruited him for my first lesson."


With a tilt of his head the Crum smiles, “Your loss.”


The goddess tentatively pulls out her new Glock, looking at it uneasily, "Geoff, while they're checking your gun - mmm, can you show me how to load this thing? I've never fired a gun before, if you can believe it!"


A man long concerned with safe handling of any weapon, his eyebrows shoot up. "Um perhaps you should return it to the holster for the moment, then. We'll go over everything on the range. Fir, when my Webley's been given your stamp of approval, could you bring it to us? I'd appreciate it."


The muse deposits her gun back into her shoulder holster.


"Sure thing," the dwarf says without looking up as he begins disassembling the pistol.


"Now, Kleo, shall we?" As he leads the way, he speaks. "Now, I may come across like a stodgy old professor, but I'd rather risk alienating you than giving you a second class lesson. First rule, never point a weapon at someone unless you're prepared to use it. Not even as a joke. I've seen the results of too many accidents. Second, if you aren't confident using one, trying to can be a bad idea. No shame in it. But once you've gotten comfortable with it, you should be fine."

Once they are in the small indoor range, he continues. "Normally, never let anyone take your weapon. Ever. But this time, I am asking permission. If you will let me, I'll remove it from the holster."


"Geoff, although I don't know you very well, I'm overcome with innuendo overload right now." The dark haired woman gives the gentlemanly Brit a flashing smile.

Kleo then holds her herringbone tweed jacket lapel to one side, allowing Geoff access to her weapon.


Geoff returns Kleo's flirtatious smile, then gingerly removes the pistol from it resting place. He thumbs the release, then sets the magazine down on the shelf in front of the shooting position. Next he ratchets back the slide. No bullet comes out, he puts the slide block in place, so the slide remains back. He looks into the chamber, then says, "Next most important rule: When first handling any weapon, make it safe. For an automatic like this, this button drops the magazine, or clip, out. But if a round had already been chambered, pulling the slide back will almost always remove and eject it. Now that it's completely unloaded, let me teach you the parts and handling." Geoff then began a quick, but thorough, introduction to semiautomatic pistols. He began with the safeties and trigger. Then he demonstrated loading the clip, chambering a round, then unloading, nimbly catching the round that had been in the chamber when it flew out. Once more he looked into the chamber. "Finally, always double-check that there are no rounds in there. If a round is jammed in the chamber, it could go off at the most inopportune moment. Now it's your turn. Load it, chamber a round, put the safety on, unload and make it safe. Once you've got that down, we'll have a shooting lesson."


The muse takes the gun and tries loading the clip. She pushes the clip the wrong way into the gun, but realizing it immediately, flips the cartridge around and inserts the clip. She gives Geoff a silly grin to cover her embarrassment. Next she chambers the round, sets the safety, and unloads the Glock. Although by the way she handles the gun, it is clear to Geoff - as well as Fir and Crum, if they are watching - how uneasy Kleo is with the weapon, at this point. She looks over at Geoff and nods, as she goes through the procedures a few times, getting familiar with the gun. Kleo's body language shows a bit more confidence until, on the fifth go round, the muse tries to go a little faster and fumbles the weapon.


"Take your time. This isn't a test." Geoff voice is calm and reassuring. She is obviously picking it up, but trying to rush it threw her off in his opinion. "Once more, with no problems, and we'll go with the shooting lesson."


The muse calms herself as she swears gently under her breath. She goes through the routine once more without any problems. Sighing, "I can only get better with practice, right?"


"Precisely. Nice work, there. Now, unload it and I will demonstrate how to shoot." Kleo finishes before Geoff continues. He holds out his hand and lets Kleo place the unloaded weapon in it. He begins pointing along the top of the slide. "At the back here is the rear sight. See this notch? And the front is the front sight, surprise surprise. What you do is point the pistol in the direction of the target," and Geoff turns and extends both arms towards the line of targets, holding the pistol two-handed, "then line up the front sight so the top of it is even with the top of the notch on the rear sight, and they both should cover your target. Then you squeeze the trigger slowly..." *CLICK* The hammer falls on the empty chamber.

"Now, try dry firing as it's called, a few times, to get a feeling for the trigger pull. You don't want to jerk it." He thumbs the hammer back and hands the pistol to Kleo.


Ambling into the shooting range, Fir’s hands are full. “Here,” he says as he places on the counter of the first stall Geoffrey’s Webley. Then he puts down two boxes of different color and some paper targets. “That’s the last of your 0.455’s.” Looking at the boxes it is clear that one box of ammunitions is for Kleo while the other is for Geoff. “We’ll get some more by Tuesday. And you should know better,” his admonishment comes as he hands both protective goggles and head-sets.


Sounding only slightly defensive, Geoff replies, "We're not shooting yet, and she needs to be able to hear. When the bullets are going hot, we'll both be...oh, very well." He takes the goggles and ear protectors and puts them on. "Don't worry Kleo, you'll still be able to hear me, though a bit muffled."


Quickly reholstering her gun - making sure the safety is on, Kleo dons the safety gear. "Thank you very much, Fir." she smiles. She then picks up one of the paper targets and inspects the tell-tale heart shape. "We're almost ready for the 'Dirty Harry', part now?" urges the muse.


Geoff nods, saying, "Okay. You load, I'll prep the target." He takes one of the paper targets and hangs it from the clip, then uses the switch to power the clip down range about 25 meters. "Okay, if you're ready, point, aim, squeeze."


Seeing he is not needed, he ambles back behind the counter.


As she watches the target drift away, Kleo takes off her jacket and drapes it over the counter. She quickly loads her gun and approaches the line. The muse narrows her eyes and takes a deep breath, extending her arms out in front of her. She cups her gun hand in her left and releases the safety on the glock. Kleo then looks through the tiny notch at the end of the barrel, centered on the red heart of the paper target. She pauses a moment then squeezes the trigger. "POOOWWW"

The recoil of the gun surprises the woman, as her right hand swings violently outward. She looks to see where the shot has landed.


Geoff grabs the low power binoculars and scans the target. "Not bad. It's on the black, but not the red. Keep aiming for center-mass, and finish the magazine. Then we'll put out a new target, and have you increase the speed of firing. And I'll fire off a few myself." As Kleo fires off the rest of her magazine, Geoff checks and loads his old Webley revolver.


The neophyte 'gunslinger' gives a small smile as she takes her position again and cracks off several shots. The weight of the gun in her hand is not uncomfortable, but Kleo feels a bit awkward - like she's posing for a Charlie's Angels poster...

"If Apollo could see me now", she muses...


When Kleo is finished, he watches to make sure she unloads and sets the safety on, then brings the target back for her to view. While she examines it, he sends out a fresh one for himself. When it reaches its distance, he takes aim, then fires the blocky handgun once. *BOOM* He winces at the strain in his hand. One of his wounds that is not completely healed is in his wrist, and he has trouble extending his fingers fully, and exerting maximum pressure. But he grits his teeth and fires off five more rounds, slowly. Then he checks his own target. Four in the black, one half in the red, and one barely on the target paper at all. He shakes his head. "I'll be spending some time down here, certainly."


Raising her voice due to the stylish safety-wear, "Well - I'm glad to see that your vintage weapon has a powerful kick, if not the ability to break the sound barrier!"

Kleo hands Geoff a new target and readies another for herself in the next lane. Taking care with her Glock, she loads it and turns to the dashing Brit, "Shall we, cowboy?" motioning to the distant targets.

Without waiting for his reply, the Muse steps to the line and releases the safety - then, happily fires away with her best Jaclyn Smith impression.


Geoff smiles at Kleo's rising confidence, and joke about his museum piece. He steps to the next booth, sends down another target and fires off another group of six, then reloads, and fires a final group. But after eighteen rounds, his hand is already feeling sore. He decides that is enough, and collects his target. As he suspected, his accuracy was declining as his hand got tired. He turns to Kleo and says, "You may be teaching me soon."


The muse smiles and shakes her head, "I hardly think so", indicating the target. "This looks like I was practicing with a shotgun!"


About 10 minutes of shooting before the lights flicker. At the entrance to the range, Fir signals to both of the detectives. “We’re heading off for lunch. We have to close up. We’ll be back at 1.”


"Thank you, Fir." Geoff then turns to Kleo and says, "You've definitely got the basics. From here, it's just practice. Now, after washing some of the GSR off my hands, I think I'll hit Doyle's myself. Care to join us all? We frequently eat and brainstorm together."


Inspecting her dirty her hands, too "I'm with you on both fronts - I have to admit, I'm famished. I think the nervous energy of first day activity has left a gaping hole in my stomach!"

The Greek goddess brushes a wayward tendril from her eyes, "Thank you, Geoff".


"My pleasure. You're a good student!" Geoff replies.

Bekka, Miles and Li's Morning

Bored, Bekka heads out of the conference room back to her desk. She makes it just past the coffee room when her phone goes off. Answering it she recognizes Rues, the stone nymph’s voice, “We have disturbing the peace complaint from your favorite Wilma Pierce.”


Cradling her phone between her head and her shoulder, the angel takes the call, listening while she picks up the twin peacemakers from the desktop. Holstering the monstrosities, she mutters into the phone, "Any details?" while heading back to collect Li, and the new kid.


In a womanly baritone voice Rues answer, “She says there was some drug deal going on at the park near her place and then she found some stoned people in the alley a building or two down from hers.”


"Stoners. Right. Milk run, then." Without much further comments, she kills and pockets her phone, and snaps her fingers to get Miles and Li's attention. "C'mon....easy milk run here. Ol' bat complainin' about stoners an' such."


Miles issues the glyph which he'd been taught to turn the machine off, then turns to focus his attention on his new partner. Standing up and glancing over at Li, he asks Bekka, "What makes a couple of druggies Neighborly?"


Still not used to Miles, the angel tilts her head, and inquires, while lighting a cig, " that like some kinda frikkin' knock knock joke?"


"No," Miles responds slowly, "that would be... like... a question." He pauses a moment, looking Bekka directly into the eyes. "We aren't beat cops. Why do we care about a couple junkies?" He pauses again in his slow cadence, thinking perhaps of what needs to be added.


Li smiles as he answers, knowing that Miles is already irritating his partner, "Its a slow day. Slow days like these are when we do things like that. Its not like we got anything better to do." Turning his attention back to Bekka, "So whose the caller?"


When they enter the front office, Miles locates his desk and grabs some of the reading materials left there for him.


"Gotcha. The complainant...ya see, she's whatcha call wealthy an' once in a while, we gotta answer one o' these crank calls. Go figger."


Hearing Bekka’s adjectives Li concludes, “Mrs. Pierce.” Shaking his head he heads out the door near Jo’s desk. She says “g’luck guys” as they depart and enter the Reese Mansion. They pass several doors that have title plaques above them indicating the occupants as councilmen. They make their way to the garage where three cars are parked in stalls reserved for the Order.

Li tosses the keys to Miles, “The blue explorer.”


Catching the keys and locating the vehicle, Miles replies, "I hope you are navigating, I don't know my way around the city all that well."

Miles uses the keys to unlock the door, instead of any automated device attached to the key ring. He climbs into the vehicle, placing the now useless reading material in one of the large storage areas next to the driver's seat. After starting the vehicle, he rolls the windows down.

Li seats himself in the forward passenger seat as Bekka gets in the back.


"Which way?" he asks as he pulls the vehicle forward to exit the garage.


It take a few minutes to get off the Reese estate as Li indicates the needed direction. As they meander the surface streets, Li asks, “So Miles, what is a ha-ta-li?”


The young Saunee seems comfortable behind the wheel, showing a familiarity with larger vehicles that is sorely lacking in most drivers of SUVs.

"A hataalli is what you might call a shaman. We perform the religious ceremonies of our people and attend to their protection and health when we can, interceding with the spirit world on their behalf when needed." There is a clear pride in his work, not an embarrassment at explaining such things to outsiders.

When the opportunity arises, Miles asks of Li, "So how long have you been with the Order?" He keeps his focus mainly on the road, but briefly glances over to Li's face when he is finished speaking.

"What brought you in?" he continues of his current partner. "I mean, what makes you an asset to the Order?"


"I was working out some small daemon problem when James found me. I was one of the first that he asked to join. I think he said that one of his past lives he was one of the founders of the monastery I grew up at." Li pauses for a moment looking back at Bekka, "James chose me I'm good with daemons and such."


Bekka snarls at Li, and lights up a new cig. "Screw you, Li. I'm a bloody angel, fer chrissake."


Li turns in his seat to face the angel, "I meant no disrepect Bekka. I'm just stating a fact."


"And what about some of the others in the Order?" he continues, trying to keep up a conversation while they drive. "I gotta be honest, other than a little bit of Judaism and Christianity that I was exposed to in college and maybe a few movies, I cannot really identify some of the types in the meeting this morning."


"Well you've met Crum and Fir. Crum is a goblin and Fir is a dwarf. The dispatcher this morning is Rues, who’s a stone nymph. We have a number of elves, you can tell by thier pointy ears and eyebrows. hmm... I think the night shift is all non-human, too. Do you remember their names Bekka?"


The angel had been looking out the backseat window, and then snaps to attention. "Wha? Ya know I'm not whatcha call a social type. What th' hell do I know from names?"


Looking back at Miles, "I guess you can ask someone else about the night shift."


Miles nods, taking a turn with the vehicle as they pass through a residential section. "And how did you pick up all the religious tidbits?" He ruminates the question a second then adds, "I mean, I don't know the least thing about goblins, or even where they come from. For dwarves, I'm sure I saw Snow White as a kid, but you cannot trust anything Disney puts out anyway. The only thing that matches up with my preconceived notions so far is that angels seem to match my general impression of christians. It seems like there is a lot I have to pick up, and too many things I don't know that might put myself or others at risk while on the job."

Miles looks around out the house numbers, squinting his eyes so that wrinkle gather next to his eyes.


“I haven’t met any other angels but I don’t think Bekka is the norm,” Li says glancing back at his partner.


The angel, sitting in her own fogbank of cig smoke in the back, calls forward, "Bite me, Li. Yer a frikkin' charmer yerself." She seems to have little animosity in appears that this is Bekka's only method of interpersonal communication beyond shooting things.

Li points to a road change and Miles turns the cars. If there was a lower side to Arcadia this would be it. The over-sided mansions and sprawling estates quick change to large condominiums and apartment buildings. “That’s the one,” Li says pointing to one of the older buildings. The Heights has a white wash front and wears small cracks in its finish like laugh-lines; showing its age and character. Its long over due for a face lift.

With little effort the three are able to pass the security door as someone else was leaving. In the elevator Li comments, “I think Mrs. Pierce has a nephew on the Neighborhood council.”

They exit the fourth floor and head to door number 404. On the ground is a flowery door mat. When Wilma answers the door she recognizes Bekka and Li and quickly removes the security chain.


“Good morning Mrs Pierce. This is Detective Roan Horse,” Li says as he points to Miles.


"Good morning, ma'am," Miles says softly, smiling at the older woman and motioning as if tipping his hat, curiously absent today.


"Long time no see, Wilma. What's th' deal today, huh? We heard tell o' junkies an'' ya know that I can't jus' shoot 'em, we've been over that." Her tone is strangely tolerant, spoken around her cig.

[Mrs. Pierce]

“Those foul hooligans are all over the place dear. I just want them out of here. Is it so much to ask: to live in a place free from those pestering yahoos, Deary,” says the old woman. Her eyes give pleading looks at the officers.


The angel pushes aside her suit coat, revealing the butt of one of her colossal Colt .45s. She takes it from the hoster with a quick, deft gesture, although, obviously just to inspect the beloved pistol. The engraved slogan, "Fuck Communism," can be clearly seen on the barrel.

Absently, she says, "No, it ain't so much ta ask. Ya might wanna consider movin'....that'll solve th' problem. Where exactly do ya think I can find these hooligans? So we can run 'em down ta th' station or practice shootin'." Bekka's delivery is is impossible to tell if she intends to just open up on crackheads.

[Mrs. Pierce]

"I found them during my morning walk. At the park I saw them with this other man. He was definitely not from around here. Then when I came back I saw them in the alleyway Kimble and Rossi, Deary." There is a pleasant smile on Wilma's face, as she explains her morning. It is obvious that she is happy to have such an audience to listen to her as well as helping her with her problems.


Miles raises an eyebrow and glances sideways at Bekka when she suggests that the women think about moving. Smiling warmly at the older woman, "Well, we should go check it out then." He shifts his position waiting for the others to join him in egress. "We can come back and let you know when things are all right."

[Mrs. Pierce]

"All right Deary, you take care."

The team of three returns to the SUV and drive carefully to where Wilma said she saw the two stoners. Good to her word they were in the alleyway between Rossi and Kimble. Slumped on the ground next to a dumpster, propped up by the wall the two seem oblivious to their surroundings.


Drawing her two pistols, the menacing angel says, "Awright, Li, lets get out an' roust 'em."


Miles exits the Explorer, looking over to see what kind of approach Li is taking. He doesn't bother to unfasten his holster. He approaches the two in the alleyway, glancing around to take in the surroundings.

"You guys need some help?" he asks loudly, standing a few meters away from the two. "You don't look so well."

[Mrs. Pierce]

Li exits the Explorer followed by Bekka. Taking a wide berth around the two Li takes Bekka’s right flank while Miles ends up taking her left.


Both suspects look ragged and scruffy. The bigger one's eyes begins to bulge at the sight of Bekka and her two brandished pistols. The one with lighter color hair lazily turns his head from Li to Miles, “Wooo, a Chinese and an Indian… is this like that TV show?”


Back on ground that she understands, the cigarette smoking angel levels her guns on the speaker. "Naw, punk...different show. Fear Factor." She exhales cig smoke, and speaks around the burning tube. "Now, help me figger out why th' ol' lady is bitchin' an' moanin' about you two' also, help me figger out why you two aren't about ta contract a bad case o' lead poisonin'."

>From the corner of her eye, Bekka can see Li stop himself from moving towards her when she levels her twin barrels at the two stoners.

[Bigger Stoner]

The one looking at Bekka quickly taps his friend, "Holy shit!!"

[Light Hair Stoner]

"Man, we not doing that TV shit... it like that movie... 'Dirty Sally'," both me bust out laughing.


Miles doesn't react to Bekka's guns, instead focusing on the two men and occasionally glancing up to either end of the alley to see if any attention is being drawn. He looks at their eyes and at their arms if they are exposed, looking for any signs of what the two might be on... their laid-back attitude leans towards marijuana, but the odors of the alleyway make it hard to smell without getting too close.

"You want to give us your names, or are you looking to add non-cooperation with a police officer to your list of offenses?" he asks the two after they've had their laugh. His delivery is slow and firm.

[Bigger Stoner]

“Wooo, wha?”

[Light Hair Stoner]

“Look, the in’gin can speaky English,” again the men start to laugh.


Miles pulls a pair of handcuffs off of his belt, looking over to the other two. Addressing Bekka directly for the first time in a while, he says, "Should we arrest them? Or, are you just going to shoot them?" He glances in both directions in the alleyway. "A little more refuse won't clog the alley."

He stands prepared to move in for arrest if needed.


Momentarily startled by Miles' shift in demeanor, to so called, "bad cop", the angel shrugs her shoulders. "Toss a coin. Heads, I shoot 'em. Tails, we beat 'em up some, then haul 'em in." It's obvious that Bekka, for her part, isn't bluffing in the least.


With a heavy sigh Li says, "fine, I'll flip." Pulling a coin, he tosses it in the air and catches it. "Tails," looking at the two on the ground, "your lucky day."


Miles looks at Bekka, "Cover us. If they resist, please just don't shoot Li or me." He gives a quick half smile; then looks to Li to see if he's ready.


"OK fellas," he addresses the two junkies and switching to a tone much more authoritative than his regular voice, "lay down flat on the ground and spread out your limbs." He gives them a few seconds to comply.

Should they not comply, as Miles expects, he is prepared to grab the one closest to Li by the top of his hair, pulling him down and forward as hard as is necessary to get the guy in a position where cuffs can be put on him while one of them sits on his back.

It is obvious that the two will not comply. Li steps up closer, but lets the rookie do most of the work, and he is especially careful not to get in Bekka’s line of fire. However, Miles is not as careful. As he reaches over to grab the one closest to Li he crosses Bekka’s view making her shot more difficult.


While the angel was ready to shoot she was caught completely off guard as Miles landed on top of her. On the ground with the rookie on top of her she finds that she still holds one of her peacekeepers, however, that arm is pinned by Miles’ body, the other has slide away about six feet from her.

The rage coming from the two stoners is clearly visible. Li does his best to run interference to buy time for his partners; it is obvious that these two are not only inhumanly strong but equally resilient to damage. Li shot to the kidney and throat would have dropped any normal man quickly.


Miles' brow is furrowed as he rolls off the angel. Regaining his feet, he puts as much distance between himself and the two junkies as he can, looking to keep his two partners in between. As he pulls the phone out of his pocket, he says to the other two, "Time for you to start filling me in."


Without saying a word, the angel takes her remaining peacemaker, marks the easiest shot, and fires off two rounds into the target.

While the easy shoot seems to be a waste for Bekka’s skills, two thunder claps leap from Bekka’s guns leaving two large holes in the stoner to her left. Blood flows from his chest, although he doesn’t even acknowledge his injuries. Slowly he continues pressing forward. Meanwhile Li has only slightly more success as he is able to trip the other into Bekka’s pin-cushion. Both fall and slowly get back up.


Opening up the phone, Miles hits the number 1, but to no avail. He hits it again a couple times, then hold it, finally engaging the function he wants.


The husky tone of the operator comes on, “Dispatch?”


"Roan Horse here," he starts, keeping a cautious eye on events but not sure he can do anything, "the two junkies are neighbors...." The word is still strange to his mouth. "And, they are hostile. Exchanging fire."

Miles looks at the way the two handle the damage. Directing his next question at Li, but not hanging up the phone, he asks more directly than before, "What are we dealing with here?" He unsnaps the restraint on his holster with his free right hand, but doesn't draw the gun yet. He pads the pocket where the two extra clips are, recalling the symbols for each.


The voice on the other end sounds slightly confused, “You want a SWAT unit there?”


Snarling under her breath, "Frakkin' bastiches!" Bekka makes a dive for her lost colt, rising with the two menacing hand cannons once again in hand. Tired of playing patty cake with these stoners, the so called NRAngel levels both, Hong Kong cinema style. Pulling the triggers on both pisols, she snaps off a shot from each, her target point being the skulls of each violent stoner.

As Bekka moves for her gun Li keeps the hooligans in place by kicking out their supporting arms as they try to get up. Once the sound of metal and concrete reaches him, Li dives for cover, not wanting to be in the way of his partner’s wrath.


Miles realizes he isn't going to get answers or help from anyone, and it breaks the normal smile on his face. In reply to the voice on the phone, but knowing he is pressed for time, he answers, "That's not my call." He then folds up the phone, not sure if that will hang it up or not, and puts it back into his pocket.

As Miles puts away his phone, the alleyway is filled again with thunder. Two of Bekka’s shots are dead on, turning the head of one to pulp, the splatter catches Miles on the pants. The second two shots are not nearly as accurate, but have a similar effect as they hit the neck, sending the into Li’s direction.


He then pulls his gun, clicking off the safety. He is backing toward the Explorer, instinctively looking for cover though none really seems to be called for here.

Miles finds himself with his gun drawn a few steps farther back than when this whole mess started.


The angel takes a moment to blow smoke from the muzzles of her twin, antique revolvers. Rapidly holstering the hand cannons, she mutters under her breath, "Punks."

Taking out her cell phone, she snaps it open, and thumbs the speed dial. "Dispatch, this is Elohim...need a meatwagon at my twenty." Without waiting for an answer, she snaps it shut, and pockets it.

Calling over her shoulder, she says, "C'mon...Li, ya gotta keep th' scene secure an' whatnot. Crazy Horse an' I need ta go tell th' ol' bat we wasted these perps, an' see if she has so much as a thimble's worth o' talk about what they mighta been on. No crackhead takes two ta th' chest an' throws me aroun' like a bloody ragdoll."


“Sure thing,” Li says placing the dismembered head neatly to the side. He places an ear piece in to position, “Dispatch this is Li, begin recording log: Entered alleyway between …” When the two leave, Li pulls a small kit from under the passenger side, Miles catches a glimpse of camera.

Miles and Bekka leave with the Explorer and return to Mrs. Pierce, who is ready for them with cookies and milk; the glass she hands to Bekka has the distinct smell of Irish Cream.


Miles smiles warmly at the woman, accepting the milk and a couple cookies with thanks. He looks about her home in the manner of a guest who is admiring the domicile of a host. He waits for Bekka to speak, since the angel seemed to have a repoire with the woman.


Accepting the drink, the surly angel takes a moment to compose herself. She has trouble dealing with the old woman. "So...ya see, those two punks were pretty' one of em took two shots ta th' chest, an' two ta th' skull, before rollin' over ta fly with th' ta speak."

She unholstered her left revolver, the one emblazoned with the slogan, "Jesus Christ is in Heaven Now." Putting it on the table, she continued, "As ya can see....this ain't no pea shooter. So...what I wanna ask ya know anythin' about where these punks came from? Did ya see 'em buy anythin' or recall either of 'em askin' or sayin' anythin' outta th' ordinary?"

She takes a sip of the Irish Cream fortified milk.

[Mrs. Pierce]

“I saw them with this other man. He was older… and I think he might have passed them a bag in exchange for money. I wasn’t all the close to see, Deary,” she says sipping her tea. "And I've never seen any of them before."


Finishing one cookie while the other two spoke, Miles drinks a bit of milk before speaking. "These are good," he compliments, signaling toward the cookies. "Mrs. Pierce, which park did you see these men in earlier?" he asks with a gentle smile on his face.

[Mrs. Pierce]

“The one two block from East of Rossi, Deary,” with a gentle smile.


"Do you think you might be able to describe the other man in more detail, ma'am?" he asks. "We'd like to talk to him about those other two, so anything, like a hat or mannerism or anything that caught your attention could be useful. We'd like to be sure he isn't going to be causing similar problems for you later on." Miles picks up the other cookie as he waits for Wilma Pierce's reply, keeping his eyes on her with a receptive look.

[Mrs. Pierce]

“The man had a ragged beard and wore a drab green jacket. He was on the short side, shorter than either of the other two, Deary”


Miles nods as he takes in the information the woman provides. "A green jacket. Was that an army jacket perhaps?"

[Mrs. Pierce]

“Hmmm, more like the jacket Harold used to wear… My Harold was a Merchant Marine when I met him.”


"And when you saw this man earlier, that was around 7:30?" Miles asks with a smile.

[Mrs. Pierce]

“A little earlier than that, I think Deary.”


"Alright then," Miles nods toward Mrs. Pierce. "We can swing by the park and see if there's anything there. You don't have any friends who you usually see in the park who might have notice this as well, do you?"

[Mrs. Pierce]

"I was with Stella, she lives downstairs. 310," Mrs Pierce pauses to sip her tea, then whispers, "she's not Neighborly," and winks at the detectives.


Downing her fortified milk rapidly, the surly blonde haired detective wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, and slaps her thighs with her palms. "Right then. Figger we should march our asses down there, an' ask th' less neighborly woman fer th' same details. That's good canvasin', solid procedure."

Standing, she tosses back her hair and says, "After you, Sittin' Bull." With that, she gestures to the door.


When Mrs. Pierce is finished, Miles rises to his feet slowly, ready to head back and pick up Li before heading to the park. After they leave her place, Miles has several questions on his mind, but a mere look at Bekka reminds him that they are best left for Li to answer.

Questioning Stella Jones takes little time as she really isn’t able to add anything new, merely confirming what Mrs. Pierce said: In the morning as usual the two of them take a walk around 7:30 at the park. They saw two younger men and one older man with a green jacket. Stella, however, didn’t think much of it, but “Wilma is such a worry wart,” she explains.

When the pair return to the crime scene Miranda, an older looking elven woman, is there with her forensic team. The area is taped off. The bodies are being loaded onto stretchers. Li and Miranda are talking.


Parking the oversized vehicle, Miles takes note of any attention the scene has drawn before entering the alleyway.

Roan Horse addresses Miranda directly, "So, we have an I.D. on these two? Or at least know what their neighborly persuasion was?"

Including Li with his look, he adds, "I'm also curious what kind of drugs they were on. Any tell-tale signs yet? We've got a description of the guy who probably sold them the drugs... older man, wearing a green, possibly merchant marine, jacket." He says the last bit looking down at his notepad before stuffing it back into his shirt pocket.


Looking at his own note pad Li runs down what he knows, “We got two driver licenses. These kids came pretty far, they live in gaslight district. I called in to Kenneth and he gave me the plates to a blue ford that is owned by David Brown, the tall one. We can go looking for the car and get it impounded.”


The matronly elf holds up a bag with four black pills, “We found this on them. I’m not sure what it is. Li says its slightly demonic.”


Interrupting before anyone can jump to a conclusion, “only slightly,” giving a hand gesture to accent his meaning.


Cocking her head she continues, “Whatever it is I’ll run a tox-screen on them and tell you what I find. Personally from the description of what happened I think it is a new form of PCP.”


Looking between the two, Miles asks, "So were these kids neighbors? Or are you thinking the drug pushed them into the supernatural?" Miles looks at the bodies before they are carried away, taking note again of their height and other details.


The turquoise rubber gloves give a snap when Li pulls them from his hands, “Don’t know. We’ll find out when we visit their place.”


"Anything else we should know?" he asks of the two. "We should hit the park where they were first spotted as soon as possible. Slim chance, but the fellow who sold them the drugs may still be there, or perhaps someone else who saw him." He looks at the watch, newly returned to his wrist, checking to see how much time has elapsed since Mrs. Pierce's initial call.

Canvassing the park takes sometime and proves little benefit. They are not able to find the dealer or find anyone who saw him or the two dead stoners. They are, however, able to find the blue Ford owned by taller of the two. Li calls for an impound unit. As the Ford is being towed away, Bekka gets a call from Miranda, she says she has something for them. It is almost lunch time when they get to her lab back at the precinct.


Upstairs in the ME’s lab which doubles a general forensic lab, Miranda greets the three detectives when they enter, “Detectives, I have good news and bad news.”


“Okay, let’s her hear the good news,” Li says.


“The good news is we finished the tox-screen on the bodies and the pills.”


“The bad news,” says Li, asking for the punch line.


“Bad news is it came up negative for anything Norman.” Walking over to the bodies, “We found evidence of drug use, but they have been clean of anything we can scan for, for at least two weeks. Whatever they were on, is completely new.”


"Do you mean the evidence of drug use, as in whatever they were on today? Or do you mean something normal like needle marks that would show a history, even if not recent?" Miles' face shows he is trying to process the information, although he maintains a smile toward Miranda.


Her smile turns to a smirk as she points to the body, “there are hypodermic tracks on both the arms of both. I opened one up and found that there are black spots consistent with smoking within the last two months, and the liver is very red, consistent with at the very least alcohol abuse.” Walking over to the counter she grabs a manila folder and hands it to Miles, “The tox-screen came up negative with any know controlled substance.”


The Saunee takes the folder, flipping through the results quickly to see things for himself. Being unfamiliar with the results outside of alcohol problems that are common on the reservation, he doesn't know of any other oddities to search out.

"So, this demonic drug," he starts, closing the folder and handing it back to Miranda with a nod of thanks, "how long before we know something more about that? For that matter, what kinds of things might we expect to learn about that anyway?" His facial expression shows his curiosity amid a sea of inexperience with the medium.


“I’ll run it through a gas chromata-graph,” she says as she takes back the folder, “You’ll get the results but the end the business day. I also sent a sample next door, they should have something for you later. However, Kenneth has someone he wants you guys to meet. Says this guy has dealt with this stuff before.”


"By the way," he turns more toward Li, "what was the age on these two?"


“Early twenties.”


"Did they have college IDs or anything like that which might point us toward a particular milieu?" he asks the Asian man.


Shaking his head, Li says, “Nothing else useful other than their drivers license.”


"How does James handle next of kin?" Miles is thinking ahead to the work that needs to be done with these two victims. "It would be useful to talk to relatives and friends, but I'm not willing to wade through the mess of anything close to the truth."


“He usually uses the veil of a federal encounter. Government red tape has turned out to be a very impenetrable line of defense,” Li says with his arms crossed.


"I presume he'll fill us in on details before we try questioning his relatives," he says, half as a question and half as a statement. He looks at the others in the room, examining their faces for any signs of concern or question on the matters at hand.

Seeing that they are finished her the three move next door to Technology. As the detectives enter the room, two technicians leave, both chattering on about where to go for lunch. There they find Kenneth talking with a man sitting opposite him across his desk. While the man sitting has his back to the detectives, it is obvious that he is the antithesis of Kenneth. As much as Kenneth is disheveled and his clothes wrinkled from neglect the man is well groomed, his jet black hair styled nicely into a spiky array, and well dressed, his shark skin jacket neatly placed on the back of his chair.


As they approach, Kenneth turns his attention away from his guest, “NRAngel. Li. I’d like you guys to meet Daniel Chin.”


His guest stands up and offers his hand to Bekka and Li, “Hi.”


Stepping around his desk Kenneth continues his introductions with Miles, “We haven’t met, Kenneth Berkeley.”


"Miles Roan Horse," he says to introduce himself to both men, offering his hand to both of them in turn.


“So what are you?” asks Kenneth.


“He’s a shaman,” Li answers knowwing Kenneth is searching for a certain answer.


“Shaman, that’s cool,” Kenneth smiles, “So Shaman, I called you folks here ‘cuz Daniel says he’s and his buddies at the Camody Institute have run in to people high on that drug.”


"I hope the drug wasn't as fatal for these others," Miles responds with a somewhat sympathetic voice to Daniel. "We haven't got complete details on it, but we'd be eager to hear what you know."

When the opportunity arises without jumping off topic, Miles asks Daniel a question of his own, "You'll have to forgive me, but as I'm not native to San Cibola, could you tell me a little about the Camody Institute?"


“To answer your last question first, Norman knows the Camody Institute as a software and tech firm, to the Neighborhood, we do some trouble shooting for them.”


Interrupting, Kenneth adds, “They also provide the Order with some of the cybermantic hardware.”


The young Saunee raises his eyebrow at the introduction of a new vocabulary word, but without explanation, he figures that he'll figure out what 'cybermantic' means later.


“Anyway, about the drug, the street name is Noir. So far we have seen two stages. Early addicts seem to take on a marijuana like high. More experience users appear they are on an opiate and are nearly oblivious to the world. In either stage, they are prone to violence, have superhuman strength, and seem to be immune to the effects of trauma. It also seems that the addiction is fatal. Without the drug the junkie will die.”


"Do you have any records of this? Or, is this just observation right now?" He pauses a moment, then adds, "Obviously, the more information we have about it, the better we can track down the source."


Having kept long silent, being not on her turf, the angel finally pipes in. "Ya said ya had a coupla these junkies on hand? It'd be helpful ta like, work 'em over some...we're lookin' fer th' dealer what gave 'em th' stuff, an' are somethin' chort o' leads....unless, by some bloody miracle, th' chief lets me round up everyone in th' city wearin' a pea coat."

Working over junkies is her forte...not doing detective work, science, or being social.


“Most of what we have are observations. We were able to isolate an addict, we had him confined for a few days then he just died. Our medical team did an autopsy and found nothing.” Looking at Bekka he continues, “We don’t have any more junkies on hand, sorry.”


Miles nods as he listens to show his understanding. "We should set up Miranda with your people so they can compare notes."


“Already done,” says the scruffy technomancer.


"How long ago was the first time you encountered this drug?" he asks.


Daniel pauses and looks at the ceiling for a second before answering, “a little over two weeks, but we think the drug has been on the street for at least a month now. We have determined from the number of occurrences that the supply of the drug is fairly small.”


The Native American nods as he listens. "So, it's probably just one or two people who are actually making it," he muses, mostly to himself.

"I'm not familiar enough with the powers involved to make such a drug," he offers up. "Any idea of what it would take to create it? What kind of knowledge, arcane or technical, that would be required to concoct this thing?"


“We’d have a better idea if we knew exactly what it is. Maybe your lab will have better luck,” says the well dressed Asian man. “Here,” he continues as he pulls out his business card, “if you guys need me you can contact me here.”


Miles takes the business card when handed to him, placing it in his shirt pocket. "You've been a great help. Thank you."


“If there is nothing else Shaman, we’re heading out for lunch.”


He smiles and nods. "That's all I can think of right now without waiting for the experts to fill in some blanks."


The angel, not being much of a detective, stands around blithely as the discussion of evidence and what not goes on. To her...if you wanted information, you beat it out of a perp, or intimidated someone. She simply had no forum for understanding this kind of police work.

"Lunch..." she said around a cig. "Now yer speakin' my language."


Looking at his long time partner, Li simply says, “Doyle’s,” knowing that Bekka will agree as members of the Order are compensated there. The only draw back for the Angel is that she will have to forsake her cigarette for a while.


“We’ll see ya around then. I’m taking Daniel out to this place I found in K-town.” Once everyone is out of the lab, Kenneth locks the door.