220 Baker Street: 5:14 pm 2531 Senko Drive: 5:16 pm Starbuck's across the Bone Yard: 6:23 pm

Back at the Office

The Detectives filter back into the office. On the way back, Cursante tells everyone debriefing will be on Monday morning, by then the techs will have finished their job.

Li looks about for Bekka, but when he hears she’s at the range, he knows better than to bother her. He and John leave for the University on a long shot lead.

As Miles is going through the manual he finds that the rounds he has for vampires and werewolves required special permission that he knows he doesn’t have.


Miles finishes the section he's reading and then folds over the page he's on to mark the page. He then heads down to property as if going for a stroll.

The sound at the range is an assault on one's hearing, but between shots, Miles manages to get the attention of one of the denizens of the property room.

When greeted, Miles nods with a warm smile. Reaching into his pocket and pulling out the two clips, he says simply, "Funny," as he slides them across the counter. When the property men laugh, Miles joins in with them softly.


As Miles slides the clips across the counter, Crum flicks a five dollar bill over his shoulder. Taking the money from the goblin, Fir says, “Told ya he was a smart one.”


“Just another two hours…” he mutters under his voice.


"You pull the same trick on all rookies?" he asks as he takes care of any paperwork they give him to sign the bullets back in.


“Yeah, we do this to one rookie in each new batch,” the dwarf says with a smile.

Kleo finds Mary and is able to give a good enough description for Mary to draw the white haired man. Geoff does not recognize him at all. Taking it to the Forever Young Institute he as no luck finding anyone that can identify the man.

A little pass four James returns. He is visibly agitated and he returns to his office.


The office has seemed quiet, and Miles has been sitting at his desk for quite a while just running through the different guidelines and regulations he'd need to figure out. When the door opened up, Miles took it as an opportunity to stretch a little and move in his chair.

"Rough day?" Miles asks sympathetically as James comes by. Miles precedes this greeting with a warm smile and a nod.


James huffs as he turns to the rookie, “A day you wouldn’t believe,” he says walking past him.

As he approaches his office Ralyn hands him a file. He takes it without a glance at her or the file. James opens the door to his office and leaves it ajar when he enters.


Geoff is looking at the drawing of the white-haired man. He may know a few others in the Immortal community that don't have much contact with Forever Young. He is mentally running through his personal address book, trying to think who might know this guy. When James comes in and mentions the quality of the day to Miles, he says to himself softly, "Storm clouds on the horizon, folks." He grabs his phone and calls the tech section.

"I say, any chance you've found any yet? The boss could use some good news."

Unfortunately tech can’t provide any comfort to James just yet. They are still working on the evidence obtained at the scene.

Kleo returns from her expedition at the library. Her search has provided her with an academic view of their adversary.

John and Li return from the University.

As 5 o’clock approaches many of the staff begin getting ready to leave. Suddenly dispatch rings all the detectives, department heads, and a few staff members to the large conference room ASAP.

People a bit agitated to put off leaving on a Friday, however, no one is more frustrated than James who is waiting for everyone.


Once everyone is assembled, James begins, “At 4:45 dispatch received a call concerning the death of one Louise Tessmocker.” Looking at the rookies, “Normally this wouldn’t require a meeting but Louise is a vampire and the vampires are one of the more… touchy members of Neighborhood.” At the mention of vampire there is an ebb of concern among the others. Returning his focus on everyone, “It gets worse, he is Ammasite.”

Again concerned chatter fills the rooms, “The Ammasite are a particularly aggressive vampire clan,” he says to the rookies.

“Okay everyone listen up, I want all departments to place this as top priority. Team one: Bekka will lead Li, and Miles to deal with the Ammasite and all the vampires directly. Go to their mansion and insure them that we are doing everything we can. Keep them out of the investigation. Team two: Geoff will head the investigation at the scene, with Joan and Kleo. Since Clean Up is out, team three: John and Kevin secure the area and canvas the area if you can.”


At James' announcement, the Muse's mood darkens.


Geoff clears his throat and says, "Since we know the vampires love to deal with things their own way, when they feel like it, I'd like some special rounds for us all. In case we run into some recalcitrant individuals. And can tech spare any of the crime scene techs, or are they all taken up with the evidence from earlier today?"


"Until we find out who did it or have any better cause, you are not sanctioned for special rounds,” answers James to the first part of Geoff’s question. While this follows the strict rules, the veterans look at each other with concerned, as in the past James has allowed special ammunitions in situations like this.

“Forensics will send whatever people they can spare.”


Roan Horse looks to Bekka for instructions, mildly pleased that he won't have to see her and Geoff competing for leadership like in the raid. There's also a sinking feeling, though, thinking of Bekka's diplomatic skills as evidenced to date.

"So what do you know of the victim or these clans?" Miles asks of his partners with a slight smile. "Sounds like political undercurrents I could use some inside information on," he adds to prompt them into something more than their usual short and evasive answers.


Glaring at her empty guns, clearly troubled by the idea of them, but also disliking the idea of contributing her skills when they are clearly unneeded, the angel responds to Miles. She genuinely likes the detective, on the merit of his skills as an investigator. His shooting was workmanlike, a bit inefficient. "Vamps? They tend ta be stuck in all kindsa internal struggles, but by nature they can be kinda touchy. Bein' from heaven an' all, they cut me a bit of a berth. Kinda like a walkin' cross, ya see?"

She smokes her cig slowly, wondering if the news comforted Miles. "Figger I don't need no special rounds like th' pansies sugges'. Th' key is in yer creativity. Trus' me...I got a couple o' tricks that work jus' fine."


Geoff seems to take the news well, simply saying, "Everyone bring lots of sharp pencils, then."

"So, where are we headed? And is there a report on who called this in?"


The surly angel is somewhat cross at having been summoned from her practice at the range. Despite her idiot savant shooting ability, the so called NRAngel is always striving to refine her shooting...as if that precision was the key to something. She smoked her cig angrily, and at the close of the statements, she piped in with her opinion.

"Yer sure I'm in charge here? 'Cause las' time I went out, seemed ta me that alluva sudden some kinda switcheroo happened, an' I was somethin' less'n second banana. Mebbe ya should all have some time without th' advent o' my divine inspired shootin' an' all...frikkin' load o' shit, that's what I think."

She trails off for a few moments, and then rouses up again. "Mebbe have supercop do th' deal...'cause I sure as hell ain't o' much use on it."

To punctuate her point, she draws her guns suddenly, and places them on the tabletop, after revealing empty cylinders....clearly some sort of symbolic gesture of anger and dissent, since everyone knows the safety free guns are always loaded.


Geoff had a feeling this was about him. Even if it wasn't, he felt it needed to be aired out. "Bekka, what is the problem? Are you still pissed at me from the house?"


The statuesque blonde looks incredulous. She bats Miles with a hand, and adds, "See that? Reg'lar Shamus, like you. Figger between that, an' bein' as effective a shot as me...don' see why we're even in this meetin' kid. Get supercop 'is magic bullets that he wants, an' he can do th' whole deal 'imself."

The woman's sarcsam is clear.

Turning her probably drunken glare onto Geoff, she adds, "Yeah, supercop...I'm pretty fuckin' pissed."


Geoff is obviously struggling to keep his usual affable grin in place as he says, "Look, I was not trying to undercut you. I meant that Kevin and I had the ground floor covered, and it made sense for you to get to the important stuff upstairs. I did not mean to offend you. For that, I am truly sorry."


"Oh yeah?" Her expression is less than pleased. "Figger I also called a hands of until forensics went through. I don't remember ever callin' a hands on. Wanted my mundy evidence all in a row, like frikkin' ducks, 'fore I start worryin' 'bout other squat. Ya kept on runnin' 'bout, doin' yer supercop thing."

She shrugs. "Fine then. Figger th' vamps'll lissen ta supercop jus' as well as they will ta the Patron Saint o' Gunfire." Her face takes on a sarcastic, predatory look, knowing full well the answer to that. "Ya can be in charge, an' try all the moves ya want. I emptied these..." She indicates her guns with a gesture. "...an' my paperwork's done fer th' day." Everyone that knows her, knows that the paperwork is done only if she has stopped shooting, which means stopping working.


Geoff's smile is gone, but neither does he scowl. "Forensics told me to assist them. I did."


Placing his hand to his forehead; thumb and middle finger landing at his temples, “Bicker on your own time. We have a murder to solve. Dismissed!”


Geoff replies with a simple, "Yes, sir."


The angel flips off James, clearly angry. "Get stuffed! This here's a legit'mate problem wit' th' chain o' command an' such. If I'm dealin' wit' god damned bloodsuckin' freaks, I damn well wanna know that Junior ain't gonna cowboy me, an' leave me out ta dry. Geez!"

Angrily, she snaps shut the cylinders on a still pointedly empty gun. "I got tons o' sick time...since I don' get sick. Mebbe I'm feelin' a flu comin' on..."


Geoff knows that Bekka is the only one the vampires might even think about listening to. "She's right, sir. She's more important to this case. Let her have her way. Let Joan head up the scene investigation, or suspend me, or whatever."


“We don’t have time for this. We’ll deal with this problem later. Right now I need Team one at the Ammasite compound and Team two and three at the scene. Dispatch will have all the information.”

Everyone begins to file out. Few are grumbling that they will have to spend a Friday night, possibly the whole weekend on call. Several eyes dart at Bekka as the leave, wondering if she is going to leave.


Her anger simmering at the absurdity of the moment, Kleo leans in closely to James as she passes by. The whispered hiss, barely audible, "We NEED to talk when I return". Her black eyes sparkle with an unusual malice.


In his usual compassionate voice he addresses Bekka, “Come on, we got a job to do. You wouldn’t want Miles and I to become vampire chow?” He looks at Miles for some help.


The angel takes a long drag on her cig, and then makes a big show of coughing, with no effort to get up. "Damn straight ya got time fer it. Iff'n ya don't, then mebbe we gotta set some stuff straight here. 'Cause th' long an' the short is...this shit is way outtta line, an' ya know it."

"Rein in Robocop there, b'fore I do reload my guns....'cause ya know I can make that paperwork happen if I hafta."


Geoff heads for Dispatch with Joan and Kleo. "I honestly didn't mean to set her off. Maybe if she killed me once or twice she might calm down." He smiles at the ladies as he says, "At least I'd have the weekend off!"


Roan Horse isn't sure what to make of most of this. After having stood up, he sits back down on a tabletop near to Bekka to observe the play of events. Judging Bekka's comment as a threat against Geoff, Miles adds in, "Maybe we should wait until the Ritalin-tipped bullets come in before you do that." He smiles at the angel.

Miles looks at James, expecting him to come up with the diplomatic solution. "We should get to Dracula as soon as we can, so we can all get home," Miles says softly to Li and Bekka.


It is clear to those that have known James that his patience has run out as his voice becomes quieter, “This is Geoff’s investigation. However, team one will deal with the vampires directly. Primarily keep them out of the investigation. But do the interviews where you see it necessary. Pass all information to Geoff and his team. If we have to take down a vampire team one will be in the lead, Bekka will be point.”


"So I gotta follow proceedure, an' supercop don't? That blows James. In fact, you blow." She empties a pocket of her blazer, revealing an astounding number of bullets on the table. "Ya know I'm cornered, ya prick. Fine. I'll do yer bitch work, without any explanations, or come uppance fer th' offendin' parties." She picks up a bullet, and loads it into the gun marked "Fuck Communism."

"Jus' be appraised...ya get what ya put in. I'll do my job, ta th' letter...an' I mean in terms o' th' guy upstairs, not yer lame ass, or Mr Pers'nality ya puttin' in charge o' me."

After th' cylinder is loaded, she spins it, and puts out a cig on the table. "Stay outta my way James. Less'n ya want one o' these ta grow yer name on it." She glares at Geoff, making it clear that she's taken a sharpie pen to several of the rounds in her other pocket.


Geoff returns the look with a blank stare, neither taunting nor defiant. The look on his face asks, "Are we done for now?" He shrugs then leaves.


The tattooed detective sits quietly and observes the heated exchange as Geoff tries to quell Bekka's anger. {Better to let her vent, talking to her will only makie it worse}, Kevin tells himself. At the conclusion he grabs Geoff's arm and says to John, "We'll get right on it sir.".


Storming out of the meeting with her partner, Li, and their ride along rookie, Miles, the Angel is clearly "on fire." Rife with disgust at James, she is still brandishing her hand cannon, with the "Jesus..." slogan on it, as several office workers dodge her, exclaiming things like, "Oh god! She's holding a gun!" the office workers have learned what to expect.

Stopping by her desk, she looks at the messages left for her, which is all of none. No one calls the NRAngel unless they need something smoked. She lights a cig, and then tries checking her e-mail. Having never gotten the hang of that, she fails, and decides to shoot the CPU in frustration.

Shrugging, and turning her suit to black leather, she says to her partners, "Let's Roll. Tired o' this place."


On their wait out Li explains the best he can to Miles what he knows about vampires and the Ammasite clan, “Vampires are faster, stronger, and more resilient than humans. They can sport a variety of powers. It is fairly difficult to predict what exactly a vampire is capable of. The Ammasite Clan is fairly old and steeped in tradition. The younger members are usually bald and have filed teeth.”

Tossing Miles a set of keys, they exit the same door they did in the morning. Along the way dispatch informs everyone that the caller was Jodie Kyles a witch who is waiting at the crime scene, an apartment in the Gaslight district.

*           *          *

220 Baker Street: 5:14 pm

Clouds begin to gather as the evening rolls in. 220 Baker Street is a three story charcoal grey stone building known to be Neighbor friendly. As the numerous vehicles from the Order arrive spectators begin to gather.


Getting out of the car she looks at Kleo, "You should know that the stake through the heart doesn't really work unless the stake has the proper spell on it."


Fighting back her mood, Kleo pulls her jacket closed at the finely carved, faux tortoise shell button. "Fantastic... you wouldn't mind taking care of that now then, would you, Joan?" Kleo makes a silly, swirly finger motion to demonstrate her point.

Looking to the lead investigator, "I've had very little dealing with Vampires, I admit. Hmmm, so what's my task on this call, Geoff?"


"You and Joan start surveying the crime scene, noting anything that forensics might want. If you can do your voodoo with rubber gloves on, go ahead and touch. But take photos first. I'll see what I can get from the witness who phoned it in. Kevin, can you start a canvass of the building?"


"Shouldn't we secure the area before we talk to the neighbors?"


Geoff winces at the obvious oversight. "Getting ahead of myself. Maybe Bekka's got me rattled. Kevin, you and John do a sweep out here, Joan, Kleo and I will sweep in the apartment. Then we can get down to the nitty gritty. Oh, and everyone? When I make mistakes like that, don't hesitate to point them out."

As Kevin and John begin to secure the area, allowing only the forensic team through, curious passer-bys begin to gather. At John’s suggestion they begin to tape of the area to control the area. Once they finish a be-speckled man comes up to Kevin.

[Be-Speckled Man]

“Excuse me, officer. What’s going on?”


As the gentleman approaches, the detective sizes him up to ascertain if he might live in this building. Kevin smiles slightly and greets the man in a soft, but firm voice; "Good evening Sir, my name is Detective Tehawaki, FBI and we are processing a crime scene {Kevin takes out his 'Badge' and shows it as proof}. Sir, do you mind if I ask you a few questions...." Kevin asks as politely and professionally as he is capable before the interruption.

As Kevin answers the inquisitive man, four men in black trench coats approach. Their steps have the authority of purpose. The walk in a staggered two by two formation. The reach the tapped off area, pushing away the man Kevin is talking to.


The Detective tries to retain his smile as he is rudely interrupted, but his deep, brown eyes become noticeably colder, taking on a steely appearance as he widens his stance, filling more of the doorway than previously. Kevin deftly pulls a calling card out of his pocket and extends it to the man now standing to the side and obviously looking dejected. Without taking his eyes off the four men in front of him he says in a calm tone, "Sir, please take my card and call me later this afternoon so we can arrange an interview, and please excuse these gentlemen. They are related to the victim."

[Trench Coat Man 1]

"We are here for the body," the lead man says as he begins to lift the tape. He has pale skin and when he speaks Kevin can see that all his teeth end in points.


Kevin holds his hand up firmly and states in an equally authoritative tone, "I am sorry gentlemen. This is a crime scene and an investigation is in process. I cannot allow you access until our investigation is completed. Please accept my condolences for your Clans loss, but you would be best served by returning to your residence. We will contact you to arrange retrieval of your loved one so that you may observe burial rites as soon as we have clearance." As Kevin finishes his official statement, he offers his card to 'No.1' with his free hand, "My name is Detecitve Tehawaki, my partner is Detective Thorpe. You can contact us at this number if you have any questions or concerns."

[Trench Coat Man 1]

“We are going up. We must complete the Rite of Passing before the rise of the moon,” says the vampire with all the arrogance that their reputation affords.


“I don’t think so,” John voice placing on the leads chest.

[Trench Coat Man 1]

“Or what… you going to shot me?”


“If I have to.”

The lead vampire bear his fangs, but a hand is place on his should from behind. A much older and distinguished vampire steps forward. While in similar dress and complexion he does not have sharpened teeth.

[Trench Coat Man 2]

The words from this man is hypnotically calm and clear, “Are you persecuting us? We have our religious rights. I’m sure the NDC will love to hear James’ people are persecuting our rights. This will only prove the cases against him.”


John takes a small half step back and looks at Kevin.


The Te'Maroan bows slightly towards the older Vampire respectfully and states in a calm firm tone, ignoring the lesser vampires entirely, "SIr, we apologize for the inconvenience and do not wish to delay you any longer than is necessary to do our job properly. If you will but be patient for a moment I will check on the investigation and see if it is clear. If so, I will escort you personally to ensure your rights... you have my word as Tupua Nguha ."

[Trench Coat Man 2]

“We must do this before the moon becomes visible. Time is running out detective. If we fail, the NDC will hear about this. You would be doing James a favor by letting us through, we won’t be long… we promise,” his words sound sincere and convincing.


The tattooed detective looks hard into leader’s eyes, gauging the sincerity of what he has heard. After a brief moment, Kevin triggers his comm and announces, "This is Kevin, I am escorting four gentlemen up to scene, I am assuming full responsibility for their presence, tell forensics to hurry up with the victim if they can...OUT!" The detective faces the Squad before him and states," I will escort you as promised, under the condition that you touch nothing at the crime scene until I clear you. If this is acceptable... then please follow me..." after which he bows slightly once more and waits for their next move.

*           *          *

Up stairs the door of apartment 2b is open and sitting on the ground with her knees to her chest is a young woman no more than 25 years old with brown hair disheveled around her nearly all black outfit.

Entering the apartment the detectives find a one room studio. There are obvious signs of struggle with a body face down in the center of the room. Blood splatter covers the wall and couch. The contents of the entertainment hutch has been pushed around’ CD’s are scattered about; a desk near the blinded window is over turned; a laptop, papers, and pencils are littered by the desk.

It is easy to assess that no one else is here besides the young woman.


Geoff approaches and crouches down. "Miss Kyle? My name is Geoff. Thank you for calling us. Is there anything we can get for you? Water, perhaps?" Geoff is hoping that he can relax the young woman a bit before he starts interrogating her.

As a small team of forensics enter the room and begin their work, Joan leads Kleo in down the hall were they can have some privacy.


"Miss Kyle?" He pauses, waiting for a response.


Finally looking up at the detective, “I’m sorry, I’m fine officer…” she eeks out before breaking down in tears.


Geoff leans over and puts his arm around one of her shoulders. "It's okay. Go on." He holds her, but not too tightly, until she seems to gather herself a bit. He then says, "Why don't we go out in the hall for a few minutes?"


It takes a few minutes for Jodie to recompose herself. Eventually, sniffing away the tears she nods and they begin to move out to the hallway where Joan and Kleo pass them as they enter the room.

Once out of the apartment Jodie meekly begins, “I can’t believe Louie’s dead… I mean I know he’s already dead, but dead like this.”


"What can you tell me about Louie, and what happened?"


As Jodie begins to talk about the departed her voice begins to accelerate with a pause to breathe, “Louie and I’ve been seen each other for six weeks; we just became exclusive two weeks ago; my friends thought I was out of my mind dating a vampire; but I told them they were be hemo-phobes; Louie was so sweet; I know he has to have an image with his friends; but with me he was gentle and kind…”


"I'm going to have to keep asking you questions. I'm so sorry. Did Louie use a last name? What can you tell me about his friends and associates? Did he seem worried about anyone? And can you tell me what happened here? In any order, as you please."


In between sobs she gathers herself again, “Tessmocker, Louis Tessmocker. He hung out with his clan buddies, you know other Ammasites. He complained about the usual things vampires do, other clans. We were supposed to go out for something to eat. When I opened the door he was on the floor.” The last sentence is punctuated with her falling into tears.


Prepared for just such an eventuality, Geoff offers Jodie his handkerchief, and waits for her to once more collect herself. "What time did you find him, and when was the last time you spoke with him? We need to determine when this happened."


“I got here a little early, like 4:45. He called me last night.”


Making a note of the times, Geoff frowns slightly. That makes guessing the time of death more difficult. Hopefully one of the others will find someone who heard the ruckus the apartment indicates took place. "Now, Miss Kyle, I want you to think very carefully. Had he said or done anything lately you can think of, anything at all, that in retrospect might make you think he was worried, or expecting anyone besides yourself?" As he asks, Geoff looks at the door frame for signs of force entry.


Blowing her nose in Geoff handkerchief, the young witch answers, “I know he has some project with the rest of the Ammasite that has been taking most of his time. He said he was getting help with it from some guy. I think he was Norman. I don’t know.”


Geoff's eyebrows jump for a moment. "He was working with a Norman? Hmm. Can you tell me the names of any of the Ammasites he was close to, who might know the Norman's name? Or anything about the project? We have some detectives meeting them right now, and they might be able to help narrow things down." He brings out his cell phone, hoping to contact Bekka, Li or Miles once Jodie answers the question.

Before Jodie can answer Geoff’s phone rings. “This is Kevin, I am escorting four gentlemen up to scene,” the Te’Maroan detective’s voice is forceful and definite. “I am assuming full responsibility for their presence; tell forensics to hurry up with the victim if they can...OUT!"


Heavy foot steps can be heard in the stairway down the hall. As Geoff turns to look at who would be coming up to the crime scene, he sees the Te’Maroan detective leading for men in black hats and black coats. When Kevin approaches Geoff the four men enter the apartment without a word.


Stunned by the speed with which the events occur, Geoff fumes. He forces a smile onto his face and says, "Thank you. If you'll just wait here a moment, I'll be right back. And shortly we'll have someone take you home." He turns and strides up to Kevin. "What in God's name is going on? You should have kept them outside. I didn't even have a chance to warn Joan and Kleo."

Suddenly realizing the women are not ready for the interruption he moves back into the apartment.



Geoff stops at Jodie's words, then knowing he must move fast, simply slaps Kevin.


The Te'Maroan blinks hard at being slapped just as he was starting to explain. He winces visibly from the shock and looks hard at his partner, fighting his bodies autonomic response to tear up. Kevin clears throat and answers in a forcibly calm tone, "I apologize for the breach of procedure, these gentlemen are here to perform the rite of Passage for the deceased. They made it clear that this ceremony MUST take place before the moon rises. They have agreed to do nothing and touch nothing without my ok." Kevin states as he looks back at the party behind him.


Geoff fumes, then says, "They shouldn't even have gone inside. Damn it!" Rather than chastise Kevin any further he turns, then stops himself. "Sorry, I was worried they hypnotized you or something." He then enters the apartment, "Joan? Kleo? Are you okay?"

*           *          *


Smiling at the muse, in a caring tone the Nubian detective asks, “Kleo, what’s eating you?”


The dark haired woman looks directly into Joan's eyes, "Do you know how old I am? The things I've seen... literally watching the sands of time shift one by one? Can you imagine how fast everything in my world has changed within the last 24 hours?" Pausing a moment, she strokes her gun within the holster, "I am not qualified to be out here with you, and yet I am expected to be a proficient cop! And you know it."

Her obsidian eyes darken further, "This En'lil problem might seem far fetched to you... But, it is very, very real Joan. It could bring about... a true Armageddon." Shuddering a bit, "I caught a glimpse of his power before...and it scares - even - me. I need to talk with James because there are obviously some key elements he has shared with us..."

"Joan, my existence is tied directly to creativity, inspiration, and thoughtful analysis... not destruction..."


Joan smiles and nods at Kleo’s concerns, “First you are doing very well. You’ve been a great asset so far. You handled yourself professionally with your cousin and at the house.” Pointing at her holster sidearm, “That’s the least part of the job,” pointing to her head, “This is what it is all about, and you got that in spades.”


Flashing a rueful smile, the Muse nods at the compliment.


Pausing to look around to check on their privacy, “As for the other concern, if he is a real threat, we’ve hamstrung ‘em pretty well. That rock you touched is very powerful and thanks to you we’ve got an idea who’s orchestrating things. Right now all we can really do is wait for forensic to do their stuff. With any luck they’ll put together a picture of what is going on.”


"I'm hoping James will be a bit more forthcoming with the full story - that would certainly put my mind to ease, a bit. And I will be most interested to learn what Forensics has discovered. The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place... but there is still much to uncover."


“But currently we have a dead vampire, and knowing their kind and how they over react to everything, we can be certain that if we don’t do our job other’s are going to follow suit. Lasting we need is a clan war in the San Cibola.”


"Yes... I've not had too much direct dealing with them... but I know they are very peculiar... and quite particular in thier habits." Kleo's face slips again into a brief, worried look.

Shaking it off, she spies around the hallway, "So, where would you like to us to start this investigation. She pulls out only one of the blue latex gloves and slips it on her right hand.


“Good, let’s go inside and I’ll walk you through the crime scene.”

The two women return the room, passing Geoff and the sobbing witch in the hall. Standing in the doorway there is a tech taking pictures of the body and Miranda, the ME, hovering over it. There is another tech in the room looking through a box made from his index fingers and thumbs, as a director would looking for the perfect shot.

“Okay, what do you see?”


The Muse first looks at the body and does a double take, eyes widening in surprise. Composing herself quickly, she comes up besides Miranda, leaning down to take a closer look at the vampire. "Miranda, when you're ready, I'd like to inspect the jewelry... and the body." She sighs as she stands up.

Kleo then scans the room, looking for antiques and old memorabilia.


“Sure things,” she says as she inspects the bullet hole to at the back of the head.


When the muse returns from Miranda, “Try not to use your powers; don’t let them be a crutch. You’ve lived a long time, use your experience.” Looking at the muse, she continues, trying to guide the rookie, “First was there a struggle?”


The Muse looks around the room... "Uh - there was an obvious struggle as the desk is overturned and the papers scattered everywhere.” Then looking at the body again, "The victim was shot in the back of the head - with a powerful weapon from the size of the wound," she says with distaste. Looking closely at the hands of the victim, "Maybe Louis tried to fight back... his hands seem bruised."


Nodding, "Good - that's the basic start to a good investigation." Stepping into the kitchen Joan explains some of her observations, “His body is pointing to that wall,” she motions at the wall with the sofa bed. “That means the shooter probably in the kitchen.”

Stepping back into the main room, “Most fights don’t end in someone being shot in the back of the head from another room. Kinda strange?”


"hmmm. Does that suggest that they might have known each other and Louis didn't view the killer as a real, serious threat?" Kleo cocks her head to one side in thought.


“Let’s look at the CD’s on the floor.” Carefully stepping around the body, Joan squats down at some clean CD cases scattered over deep blood splotches. “What can you conclude from this?”


"Ah - the killer was looking for something... maybe a disk of some sort? And he certainly did so after Louis was dead." Looking at the desk debris, "Yeah - the killer wanted something, alright."


Looking up at Kleo, “Careful, you’re jumping ahead. You could be right, but all we know for certain is that these CD’s got here after he died.” Standing up Joan moves to the over turned desk, avoiding the lap top on the floor.


Giving her partner a slightly sheepish, half-grin, "I guess it is easy to get carried away, huh?" Crouching down near the computer, "Well, at least this computer hasn't been burned to bits. I'm sure it will hold a treasure trove of information."

"Joan - I know you mentioned that the stake through the heart thing needs to be done in a special way... but the killer would also have needed to use special bullets... Are they easily purchased?"


Caught in mid-thought, Joan answers Kleo’s question, “Uh? A silver bullet to the head will kill a vampire. They can’t regenerate wounds by silver.” Pointing to the desk, “If you wanted to search for something would you over turn only the desk?”


"Not unless I knew where the item should have been... and I couldn't find it. Maybe the desk was overturned in frustration?" Taking another look at Louis, "Miranda will be able to determine how violent the struggle was based on contusions and such..."

Before Kleo can really finish her words, four men in black coats and hats enter. Taking off their hats it is clear that they are Ammasite. Three of them are bald while the oldest and most regale looking one has his graying hair swept back.

[Graying Vampire]

With a forceful voice he commands Miranda away from the body, “Move!”

The elven woman meekly moves out of the way and the four surround the body trying to avoid stepping in any blood. Together they begin to chant, lead by the graying one as he makes some religious gestures with his hands.


The Muse silently moves away as well, giving Joan a questioning look. She then studies the Vampires intently.


Joan is silent, but her expression screams, ‘I’m not getting in the middle of 4 chanting vampires.’

Geoff enters the door and finds the four trench coat wearing vampires standing around the body, out of the puddles of blood. The techs, Miranda, and both detectives stand at the other end of the small apartment, giving the vampires a wide birth.


As Geoff asks, "Joan? Kleo? Are you okay?" his voice is drowned by the chanting vampires.


The Muse silently nods that she is indeed 'okay'.


He glares at the vampires. "I'm Detective Thorpe, and in charge here. May I speak with you all in the hallway, please?"

The vampires ignore the detective as they finish their ritual. At the end of the chanting one of the younger vampires kneels over the body and scrawls a sigil in the air over the body. Pausing at the end he breathing deeply and then looks up. A second moves down to the body and repeats the deep breath and nods at the rest of them. In a hush tone he says, “Caffitti.” The bald standing vampire bares his teeth while the older stately one just nods and turns to the door.

[Graying Vampire]

Moving past Geoff he walks to Kevin and says in the same hypnotic voice, “Thank you detective. Your services were much appreciated. James will be pleased with your efforts.” With that the four vampires leave without looking back.


The dark haired woman looks to Joan for cues on how to proceed with their investigation. She quickly takes out her small note pad and jots down some Greek symbols.


While both Geoff and Kevin run off to the departing vampires Joan looks at everyone else, “Did you hear what they said.”

While everyone nods the young tech who was taking photos asks, “What is Caffitti?”


“They are another vampire clan. A clan that the Ammasite have had a long blood feud with. If the Ammasite think that the Caffitti have anything to do with it all hell is going to break loose.”

“How did they figure that out?” asks the tech again.


“Some vampires have a very good sense of smell. Usually Willy would be able to tells things like that.” There is a somber look on her face as she mentions on of the fallen detectives.


Kleo recalls that name from her discussion with James, and gives Joan a soulful look of sympathy.

Tapping her Waterman pen on the little notepad, "Guess who would benefit from a renewed vampire feud, hmmm? A new clan war would be a fantastic way to keep us too busy to fully investigate En'lil."

There are sharp looks from both Joan and Miranda.

“Who is…’

“No one you need to concern yourself with. An old case,” she says before the tech can finish his words. Before any other questions can be asks from her subordinates, “Come on we still have a crime scene to process…”


Taking Kleo aside as Miranda handles the techs, Joan whispers to the Muse, “We never talk about that around others. Only members of the inner circle: department heads, detectives, Crum, Fir, and James,” she emphasizes the count by enumerating with her fingers. “Techs maybe in the Order, but they are not inner circle.”


"Damn," she mutters under her breath, "Sorry - but you know I'm right".


Continuing in a normal voice, “The people who would gain the most from a vampire war would be those who hate vampires; that would be vampire hunters and other vampires.”


"Are there any resident vampire hunters here in the city?" asks the Muse as she crouches down next to the body again. "Or any big name hunters looking to stir up trouble?"


Nodding in agreement with Kleo, Joan confirms, “Yeah, I have a contact that is more connected with the vampire community, I’ll give him a call after we finish up the room.”

Walking to the door to the hallway, “We know where the shot was and we know that the place was messed up after Louis died. Next let’s figure out how he got in.” Pointing to the door knob and lock, “There are no signs of break in. So the perp must have known the victim.”

[Tech 2]

“Ah... Detective, I think the perp came in through the window,” comes from the tech who was scanning the room with a frame made from her fingers. “I found some residual magic here,” she says pointing to the window by the fallen desk. “I think the perp came through the window and knocked the desk over.”


Sensing she's out of her depth in terms of investigative skills, Kleo stands up from her examination of the body and puts her notebook away.

*           *          *


Geoff shakes his head, then hurries after them, finally stepping in front of the eldest-looking one. "Excuse me, would you be willing to answer a few questions? It might help me solve this case."

The elder vampire flashes an annoyed look at the detective. Then quickly smiles as he catches a glimse of Kevin returning.


Momentarily stunned by the total lack of courtesy towards his partner. The Te'Maoran strides quickly to catch up to walk in step with the leader as they try to leave. Kevin bows his head slightly, keeping his eyes on the leader, and ask in a polite, firm voice " Sir , I have accommodated your traditions and procedures, at the possible expense of our investigation and my career. Would you please return the courtesy and answer a few questions for Detective Thorpe and myself. We will not delay you long and I am sure our investigative department would be most appreciated"...

[Graying Vampire]

The elder vampire flashes an annoyed look at the detective. Then quickly smiles as he catches a glimpse of Kevin returning. Looking at Geoff with his piercing eyes and in a hypnotic voice he says, “Detective Thorpe, don’t you have other things to do with this investigation…”

Immediately Geoff remembers that he was interviewing Jodie and is compelled to finish the interview.

When Geoff turns away, one of the younger whispers in to the elder vampire’s ear; nodding to his compatriots the graying vampire returns his attention to Kevin, in a diplomatic voice he begins, “We still have much to do to complete the ritual, but for you detective I will answer one question before we leave…” then suddenly changing to that familiar compelling tone he adds, “However, could you please return to us the computer in the apartment.”


The Detective bows slightly in gratitude and responds, "Thank you sir for your time, what position or title did the victim hold within your clan?"

[Graying Vampire]

The elder has some what of a surprised look on his face. Whether it is the question Kevin asked or the fact that he wasn’t running off to fetch the computer is hard to tell. “Louis was a fledgling, only became one of us two years ago. He holds no title, although you could say that he was working to bring our clan into the 21st century.”

Smiling a wicked smile his voice returns to a rhythmic cadence, “You will get us that computer, won’t you detective.”


Kevin again thanks the "count" for his time and understanding and adds in a respectful but firm tone, "Unfortunately we will need to inventory and examine ALL of the evidence recovered from the scene, but as before, you have my personal assurance that all of his personal effects will be returned to the clan as is pertinent. I will see to it personally."

[Graying Vampire]

Again, the vampire is surprised when Kevin speaks, “I see… Then we will have to wait,” the vampire says and turns around. The one who whispered in his ears is about to say something when the elder looks at him with a commanding tone, “It is time to go.” With that they four leave the building.


The detective holds his ground until the four Vampiric investigators have completely left the building. As he stands there he reflects on the events that took place and their possible symbolism. The lead Vamp's non-verbal response initially confused Kevin, but suddenly he realizes what the Graying Vamp was trying to do, and apparently DID to his partner. {THAT"S why he smacked me, he thought I was under 'suggestion'!!} the detective thinks to himself. Kevin strides into the room of the crime scene and surveys the room,

*           *          *


Geoff nods and returns to Jodie. "Sorry about that, Miss Kyle. Now, where were we? Um..." He seems to have lost track of his questions, and hopes the young woman can help him.


The young witch gives a Geoff a curious look, “You’ve been enthralled?” she says more of a statement than question. “I over heard the Ammasite say Caffitti. If they tell their clan it will be war. You got to do something.”


Geoff shakes his head. "I...um..." Geoff can't tell if he's been enthralled, but it's possible. But rather than ponder that, he looks at the situation logically. "If they decide it's Caffitti, I won't be able to stop them, unless I have something important. Right now, the only other suspect...hold on." Geoff opens his cellphone and dials up Li.

"Li? It's Geoff. A bunch of Ammasites are just leaving, saying they smell Caffitti in the apartment. But the witness says that the deceased had been working on a project with some Normans. I'm worried they clans are gearing up for a bloodbath. Can you, or better yet, Bekka, suggest to them that someone is trying to frame the Caffitti? And ask about this project with Normans? It might be the best way to delay the worst."

Li confirms and tells Geoff, he’ll do his best.


When Geoff away his phone Jodie looks at him and says, “You were asking me about Louie’s Ammasite friends. Well I know he hangs around this guy Jack and another one, Paul.”


Geoff gives Jodie his most appreciative smile then adds to Li, "They might be able to get information from his clan brothers who go by Jack and Paul."


On the phone Li answers, “Yeah we already got Jack, I’ll ask about Paul. I'll call you back when get something.”


"Great. Thanks!" He pauses, then adds, "Thank Bekka for me as well, please."

As Geoff hangs up Jodie looks at him wondering if he has any more questions.

Down the hall Kevin can be heard returning.


Once more Geoff smiles, then says, "Miss Kyle, you've been a great help so far. I'm going to give you my card, so if you recall anything else, you can contact me." Handing her the card, he adds, "I promise we'll do our best to find out what happened, and bring to justice whoever did this."


Kevin approaches as Geoff ends his interview of Jodie. When he looks into the apartment and sees Miranda doing a final check with body, one tech is bagging the computer, and the other is occupying Joan and Kleo and pointing to the window by the over turned desk.

Kevin calls over the tech with the computer and politely takes the machine from him.

Kevin calls Geoff, Joan, and Kleo into a private conference off to the side, where he relates his perception of the events, "First off, I would like to apologize to everyone here, you especially Geoff. I made a poor judgment call. If those guys were performing 'Burial rights', then I'm a monkey's uncle. Although I don't speak Vampire, that looked like an investigation to me. What was it they said at the end of the ritual, I didn't quite catch it? And they REALLY wanted me to hand over the laptop, enough to try to push the issue, and were apparently surprised when I didn't give in to their 'suggestions'. I feel we need to get this back to HQ post haste to have our boys check it out (holding up the laptop slightly). What do you think?"


Geoff says, "Apology accepted. I think they did something to me as well. As for what they said, I missed it. But if they want that laptop, you hang on to it. When we take it out of here, we're going as a group. Techs, everyone! I hope Bekka, Li and Miles are able to get some information from the clan." Focusing on Kevin he says, "According to Miss Kyle, the deceased was working on some project with Normans. And I'm worried someone is trying to start a clan war by framing the Caffitti. It could be a Norman, an Ammasite or even a Caffitti. It could even be another clan altogether for all we know. We may have to have James ask everyone to shake down any informants who might have information."


As she turns to Geoff, "I think a new clan war would definitely serve the interests of our 'larger problem'". She purses her lips in deep thought.


"In either case we still have to finish up the crime scene and interview possible witnesses."


"Yeah, we'd better do a canvass of the building. Find out if anyone saw or heard anything."


Motioning at Kleo, Joan remarks, "We'll finish up with the apartment."


The two women head back in to the apartment. "Okay, let's focus. 'He' may be behind it all but we need to figure out who actually pulled the trigger." Joan looks at the Techs and Miranda, "Okay we have a window that was magic'ed opened. What else do we have."


The tech with the camera holds up a small plastic back with a twisted metal fragment into, "we have a second bullet on the floor, looks like a silver hollow point. I have no idea what it hit."


"Okay, Miranda?"


"I'd say the body was killed sometime between 2 and 4 this afternoon. Cause of death is the silver bullet, probably hollow point, in the back of the head. The bruising looks like it happened after he died. Someone stepped on his hands and body after the shooting. And I found this on the floor by the wall unit." Miranda holds up a plastic bag with two hairs, "For a bald guy, I'd say this could belong to our perp."


Looking at her rookie partner, "Okay, we have all that, and we know that the shooter was in the kitchen and that the mess was made after the killing. Now make a story that fits all the evidence."


"Ok..." Taking a minute as she scans the apartment one last time, "The killer wanted to enter the apartment without being seen... hence the entrance through the window. If he or she wanted to be stealthy tho... I'm not sure they would have made a ruckus with the desk. Let's see, the Killer has the ability to use magic - or is close with someone who does... I suspect the kill shot came first, and with that second bullet evidence - could there have been a struggle after Tessmocker died? That might account for the trampled body. After the tussle or search, the killer left the room, perhaps by the window again."

*           *          *

Both Kevin and Geoff leave in opposite directions, each taking a different door. A matronly Elven woman without a glamour on answers the Kevin's knock. The weight of her life sits heavily on her frame and face.



The detective bows slightly and greets the woman in a soft, but firm tone, "Good evening ma'am, I apologize for the disturbance. I am detective Tehawaki, and iam investigating an incident that occurred within the last 24 hours. Would you mind answering a few questions? I will try to keep my intrusion brief as possible...."

[Elven Woman]

She nods and says, “Sure.”


"Thank you for your cooperation. How long have you lived here?”

[Elven Woman]

“We’ve been here for about 12 years now.”


”What is your occupation?”

[Elven Woman]

There is sardonic huff before she answers, “I stay home cook and clean and my lazy good for nothing husband says that’s not work.”


“Your husband?”

[Elven Woman]

“He works for a clerk for an importers down on 12th and Jefferson.”


”Have you heard or seen anything out of the ordinary in the last 24hours?”

[Elven Woman]

“You mean next door?” there is a knowing smile as she speaks, “Yeah at 3:30 right in the middle of Oprah, there was a lot of noise coming from next door. Sounded like things were being thrown around. Then I heard the door slam and someone walking out of the apartment.”


“Did you hear anything like… gun shots?”

[Elven Woman]

She shakes her head, “No.”


“Do you know the tenant in Apartment 2b? What kind person is he? Do you know if he has any friends?”

[Elven Woman]

“He keeps to himself most of the times. I’ve seen him hang out with his vampire friends late at night. He’s much better than the last tenant, that werewolf stank up the place.”


"Thank you again for your time and cooperation. You have been a most gracious host. Please take my card and contact me if you remember anything." At which point he will move on to the next residence with the same line of questioning.

[Surly Goblin]

The next door is answered by a surly looking goblin with glasses. “What do you want?” Once Kevin introduces himself as an officer, the goblin voice begins to show a bit more respect.


“How long have you been living here?”

[Surly Goblin]

“Almost 10 years.”


”What is your occupation?”

[Surly Goblin]

“I drive a taxi for most of the day.”


”Have you heard or seen anything out of the ordinary recently?”

[Surly Goblin]

“Yeah, when I came home I saw some guy come out of 2b. Not the vampire; some big guy, like you but taller.”


“You mean human.”

[Surly Goblin]

“More than that, dark skin like you, but brownish hair.”


“What time was that?”

[Surly Goblin]

“A little before 4:30.”


“Are you sure.”

[Surly Goblin]

“Yeah, I’m sure, that when I get home on Fridays.”


“Do you know the tenant in Apartment 2b? What kind person is he? Do you know if he has any friends?”

[Surly Goblin]

“Nah, never met him. I tell my kids to stay away from him too. Vampires are just the wrong crowd for children.” The goblin takes the card, when Kevin offers it, and retreats back into his apartment.

*           *          *

Joan nods at Kleo’s guesses. She is about to say something as the male detectives return from questioning the tenants.


“Okay what does everyone got?” Geoff asks so that they can all review the clues of the case.


Seeing that one else pipes in before, the tall black women begins, “We have one dead Louis Tessmocker, a vampire, who expired between 2 and 4 today. Cause of death: a silver bullet to the back of the head. It looks like it shot at short range from the kitchen. We found a second bullet on the floor. The window has been magiced, possibly the killer entered through the window knocking down desk. There is signs of a struggle, but the signs indicate that it happened after Louis died.”


Geoff notes this in his notebook, but shakes his head. "So we're looking for at least two people. Hopefully one fought with the killer and will be willing to help us."


"Possibly, or the room could have been tossed in some attempt to find something. Hard to tell which."


"So it might have been a struggle or a search? Great. This gets more confusing each minute. Hopefully Bekka, Li and Miles can get some solid leads. We need to finish the canvass of the building to see if anyone saw or heard anything."


"Joan, after Miranda runs some tests, will she be able to tell what that second bullet hit? Would it be worth checking in with the local hospitals, like University and the Knights of Malta?"


"If anyone struggled with a vampire, checking the hospital would be smart. But if the killer shot him from behind, unaware, who knows?"


Kevin refers to his own notepad and offers to the group, "I may have something. His next door neighbor, an Elven housewife, reported that at she heard yelling and 'alot of commotion' around 3:30 followed by a door slamming and heard someone leave. She did remember hearing what sounded like furniture being tossed around but does not recall any gunshots. Interestingly enough, the Goblin down the hall reported that on his way home from work he ran into a large man with my complexion and brown hair, leaving the very same apartment at 4:30. This appears to support the two suspect theory so far."


"So that could mean the place was tossed at 3:30. Maybe he came back and finished the job. Still could be one person... And the killer could have used a silencer. Kevin, get that Goblin together with our sketch artists. That may be our most solid lead, until forensics comes up with anything."


The Te'maroan detective flashes a hint of a smile at the other detectives and turns to leave, "I'm on it, I just left his place and he seemed like the cooperative type. I'll see if I can get him to come in right away".


The Muse puts her small notebook away and double checks her phone, readying to leave with Joan.

Nodding at Geoff’s matching orders, Joan and Kleo head off, passing Kevin in the hall. They say a few words to John who is still watching the perimeter.

The women detectives depart, leaving the overseeing the clean up to the men. Usually this job would be handled by the Clean Up crew, but since they are all absent it fall to them to do.

*           *          *


The detective walks briskly to the apartment of the Goblin and knocks on the door.

[Surly Goblin]

Again the goblin comes to the door, “Yeah? Oh its you again detective.”


"Good evening, I am sorry to bother you again so late in the evening but would you mind coming down to the station and working with our sketch artist for an hour or so? This is completely voluntary on your part but your description would be invaluable to us in completing the investigation. I could drive you down myself and bring you back." Kevin requests in a courteous, low tone.

[Surly Goblin]

“I’m kinda in the middle of something. Can you send somebody here?”


The detective looks away thoughtfully for a brief moment, "That is understandable, I can wait briefly if need be..." the detective states in a firm manner.

[Surly Goblin]

“Look, I need to stay with the kids,” while still respectful there is a hint of annoyance in his voice.


The detective rubs his chin and says, "Let me see if I can get our artist down here." The detective turns away slightly and phones in to request a sketch artist immediately....

It takes about ten minutes before Mary, the Doyle’s door receptionist arrives with a sketch book in hand. Usually one of the Clean Up team or one of the techs doubles as a sketch artist, however, tonight none were available. In recent months Mary has also been placed on the list of sketch artists.

The goblin is helpful as possible. It is clear after awhile that he didn’t get a long look at the person in the hall. The picture is clearly of a human male with dark complexion and of Te’Maroan decent, but otherwise fairly generic.


The detective exits behind the sketch artist and thanks him for his gracious cooperation. Once outside Kevin also thanked the artist for coming on such short notice. The detective studies the sketch, scratching his chin and trying hard to remember if he had seen that face somewhere before as he walked, laptop underarm, back to the car. He then calls Geoff to let him know that the interview is done and if anything else was required of him before he took the laptop back to the precinct.


Geoff replies, "No, meet me back at headquarters. We're almost there ourselves. I want to go over everything we have, plus whatever the others have come up with."

*           *          *

2531 Senko Drive: 5:16 pm

As they get into the blue Explorer, Li pulls out red dome light from the glove box. Fixing it at the top of the SUV the red light begins to flash.


As they make their way through the city streets at an accelerated pace, Miles asks a few more questions of Li. "There are obviously other clans, what are they? Or at least, what are the other clans here in San Cibola?"


“There are 13 major clans around the world. They are all represented here, in the city. Each have their own territory.”


"And what is the relationship between these clans?" Miles continues with his questions.


“They like to police themselves and tend to be quiet. However, the Ammasite and the Caffitti clans are a long blood feud. Peace was brokered in the city about a decade ago,” Li glances back at Bekka, “they have behaved since then.”


"Should they be our number one suspects, like with some turf war?”


“That would be my guess.”


Miles nods, taking in the information Li has to offer. "And what kind of relationship do these vampires have with the rest of the neighborhood? The fact that they feed upon normal people must create a bigger risk for the neighborhood."


“They are supposed only feed on those willing individuals. There are a bunch of crazy people who like that sort of stuff or think that this will allow them to become one of them.”

The drive to the Ammasite mansion take little time with the light giving permission to break some traffic rules. The compound is separated from the street with a large gated wall. Once buzzed in it takes another 100 yards before they reach the mansion. They are met by a valet, a tall pale man with dark hair. He is wearing a black suit and opens Bekka’s door to let her out.


The angel steps out and tosses her spent cig to the ground. Lighting another one, she looks up at the tall, pale man, and asks, "We expected, Jeeves? Figger we should be. Iff'n we ain't, better let 'em know I'm here."

She pats her holsters, under her now black leather suit and tie ensemble. Her long blonde hair flows behind her, and she says, ominously, "Don't ferget ta tell 'em I'm packin' heat...predict'bly."


Before getting out Li leans towards Miles and whispers, "One more thing, the stake through the heart thing, doesn't always work. The stake has to be prepare correctly."


Roan Horse nods at Li's statement, it disturbing him slightly that both Bekka and Li seem to have it in them to kill a few vampires tonight... something that didn't seem to be in the job description for the evening's work. He presses the door lock button before exiting and closing the door of the vehicle. Following Li, he comes up behind Bekka, waiting to follow her to where ever they may be taken.


Sensing Miles' uneasieness, Bekka chooses to actually explain herself a bit. "Ya gotta come on strong wit' this buncha goths. All they unnderstan' is main force. Figger I don' have no special rounds on me, so's th' worst I can do is fuck these bastards up right well, till they sorta...regener...rejuven...heal it right quick."

"I did my paperwork already. I'd prefer not havin' ta do more." She obviously means that she'd avoid shootings if possible. "Not hardly gonna put myself out fer supercop's dumb ass. His investigation, he can grub up th' facts. I'm here ta keep things cool fer ya an Li, Shamus. Th' spooks respect me...or at least m' six guns.”

At the angels words the valet simply nods and leads everyone up the stair to the front door which is opened by another set of pale servants. The front room is marbled from floor to ceiling. Crystal hangs from the ceiling; gold trims brocade the banisters leading up stairs. At the center of the room is a little man is the same black colored suit.

[Little Man]

“This way please, they are waiting for you in the grand ballroom.”

The valet returns to the outside as little man guides the detectives through the building. At each door way is a servant standing at attention. The final French doors lead to a magnificent room; three stories tall; muralled ceiling; fine stone work decorating the walls. There are about 50 people, which seems far too little for a room this size, standing about. Most are dressed in vintage clothes while a small fraction wears black leather. All the leather clad men are bald.

As the detectives are guided people begin to make way for them, form a column on the right and left. They are lead to a dais where seated on a thrown is a middle aged man wearing an old Hungarian military uniform, his eyes steely with authority. At his right is a man dressed in a less flamboyant uniform and his left a tall woman dressed in midnight blue.

[Little Man]

“Sire, the Angel and Priest,” the little man announces.


It is all too clear that the NRAngel does not like the way she has been announced. Her hand drifts toward her holsters, as she makes a coughing noise around her cig. Exhaling smoke, she says softly, "Get outta here, midget. 'F ya know what's good."

Relaxing, she assumes a more normal posture...the tall blonde relaxed, her manner slouched. Everyone that remembers from ten years past is all too aware that the loose, lazy posture can only two quickly produce a blinding quick draw, with enough rounds in hand to cover twenty percent of the individuals present with horrifying wounds. Probably wounds only, knowing her mean streak.

To the group of official looking sorts, she says, "Ya know who I am...Bekka Elohim... Patron Saint of the Fuckin' NRA. Jus' so ya know...I ain't here fer any trouble. Speakin' off th' record, I didn' even wanna be here, but I wanna try ta do right by you folks. Things have been okay since we cut th' clan wars off."


Straightening himself up as Bekka speaks, Melik head of the Ammasite San Cibola house addresses the Detective in a very cordial manner, “Welcome Angel Elohim.”


She takes her cig from her mouth. "Fact is...we got a case that looks like it could be from yer...communi...one o' yer people. We're lookin' fer info, short an' sweet."


“Yes we already know of our loss. I’m sure the Order is doing it’s best.”


Gesturing to Miles, she adds, "This guy here...reg'lar Shamus. Th' real deal. Good detective, despite bein' a rookie an' all. He asks th' questions...an' I ensure ya give th' right answers...capeesh?"


There is murmur through the gallery as Bekka defers to the rookie. “I am sure we will be cooperative,” Melik says more to his people than to the detectives.


After a pause, she says, "I already did my paperwork...so iff'n I need ta shoot ya, I'm jus' gonna be more mad. Lemme keep the guns away, an' all. 'S what I'm lookin' fer."

She turns and mutters to Miles. "Yer on. I got no idea what would or wouldn' be smart ta ask. While yer at it, maybe ya can get one o' these leather chicks phone number fer me? I ain't inta bald guys."

Her expression is the same, so it is unclear if the last was a joke or not.


The young Saunee had been prepared for this, in fact expecting that it would come to him to do any kind of diplomatic work. He pauses for a moment, taking in the attitudes of the people around him but particularly of the man he needs to address.

"Good evening, I'm Miles Roan Horse," he introduces himself. "The first thing I'd like to request on behalf of the Order is that you insure that your people keep their distance from the investigation. We'll handle the body and its delivery to you, as well as any questioning and interrogation of suspects. The Order feels that playing things by the book is the best way to keep things smooth inside the Neighborhood. You are doubtlessly aware of the sensitivity of such a situation as this, and we'll do our best to insure that your best interests are weighed against the situation." Miles' little speech takes plenty of time, as he doesn't rush his words, delivering them in the same slow and cool manner that he uses every time he speaks. He pauses for a response from Melik before he continues on to any questions he may have.


Smoking her cig, the angel nods slowly, confident in Miles' ability to handle the questioning. Her roving eye takes some serious time scoping out the assets of a leather clad vampire goth woman, distractedly. It is unclear what her interest are, or if she is merely thinking of places to shoot her.


There is an uncomfortable pause after Miles’ words. Melik shifts his weight, rubbing his chin. Breaking the tension the Asian detectives address Melik, “Melik, head of the Ammasite house, this one is a shaman, an Indian Priest.” A wave of nods rustles through the great hall at Li’s words.


“It is good that James would not insult us,” he says straightening himself up, looking much more at ease to answer the young Saunee’s questions. “We have already sent people to perform our rites on the departed, as we are entitled to.”


After winking at one of the predatory looking vampire goth girls in leather, Bekka rouses herself to the conversation. "Naw...James don' disrespect ya, an' neither do I. This kid's th' real deal. James only disrespects me."

"Fact is, one o' yers is takin' th' big nap, an' that ain't okay. Ya got my word that I'll settle 'em down...an' ya know ya can bank on 'at. I need the Shamus' brains ta point me inna right direction, fer shootin' though. Brought 'im 'cause he knows the stuff. Really."

It is clear that the angel means her words, and any that know her, would know the rspect it affords to both the Assamites and Miles.


When Bekka does not say anything about Melik's admission that some have already left the complex to head toward the scene of the crime, he decides not to broach it further either - being unaware of the "rights" that Melik speaks of but having to assume that Bekka is.

"Respectfully, sir," Roan Horse starts again, "we don't want to take up any more of your time than necessary." He pauses briefly, the way he is so wont to do. "We'd like to ask a few questions about Louise Tessmocker. If there is someone familiar with her and her recent activities who you think might be able to help us, it would be just as easy for us to confer elsewhere instead of occupying everyone's time." Miles does his best to come across with a proposal that doesn't step on any toes but also gets them some time with an interviewee that isn't backed up by hundreds of his closest friends.


More mumbling and chatter fills the room until Melik answers, “You can ask your questions here. We all have interest in this,” there is a sense of non-negotiability in these words. “But I do not know of a Tessmocker. He must be one of the young. Ask the fledglings.” He motions his arm to indicate the group of leather clad men and women.

They look at each other a little confused until Melik booms, “Well!”

[Leather Clad Male 1]

With as much bravado to save face one of the men step forward, “I think you mean Louis Tessmocker.


The angel makes a snorting sound, one of disgust. "Sorry, 'bout that. We 'aven't seen th' body...dipatch musta made a misquote ta us when en route. Figger...figger that's typical, given th' management on this."

To Melik, she makes clear, "Don' wantcha ta worry...although th' higher ups on this blow, ya got my word that we're gonna handle this right. Ya don' need yer people, fledglin' or not, gettin' hearsed inna streets. Ain't right, an' ain't part o' our agreement."

After nodding her head, she turns back to the small leather clad group, and resumes ogling a brunette. Her intentions, such as they are, toward that one are somewhat clearer.


The Saunee takes a stance which shows that Melik is still in control but also puts his focus on the male who has spoke up. "Thank you," he nods, indicating the correction of the name given by dispatch. "Let's get straight to the point, then. Are you aware of any arguments or conflicts that Louis Tessmocker may have been involved in recently? Anyone who might have had a reason to single him out for attack?"

The object of Bekka’s attention gives a half sneer, a mixture of blasphemitic distain and morbid curiosity. The vampire next to her step just a bit closer, weakly marks his territory.

[Leather Clad Male 1]

Languidly looking back at his friends he answers the detective’s question, “Just every Caffitti jackal out there.” There is congratulatory laugher at his words.


“Can you be more specific?”

[Leather Clad Male 1]

Stepping back into the crowd he says, “Jack you tell him.”

[Leather Clad Male 2]

A smaller leather dressed male steps forward given a grim that could come from a rabid rat, “yeah, that Marco got in our face a week ago.”


Bekka nods her head at this, as if she is either noting, or recognizing the name.


The rookie detective shows nothing but calm, patience for the leather-clad peanut gallery. Nodding, he prods for more information, "Have you got a full name for this 'Marco'?" Miles pulls the small notepad from his shirt pocket, writing down a note or two but keeping his attention focused on 'Jack.'

"Can we get some more details about this situation last week? When was it? Where? Who else was involved?" He pauses a moment, then adds, "If you can give us a run-down of what happened, it will make it easier for us to piece everything together."

[Leather Clad Male 2]

There is a defiant tinder to his voice, “Last Friday night four of us when to the Bone Yard. It wasn’t like they didn’t know we were coming. We were paying our respects to everyone we saw. Me and Louis went off to talk to some cattle and then Marco gets in our face. I guess we were talking to his cattle, who knew.”


Showing uncharacteristic interest in being a detective, the tall angel turns her attention from the goth girl to the leather clad bloke. "An' what am I s'posed ta call you? On top o' that, where ya think I can find Marco, or his 'cattle'....like, right this second?" Bekka has some idea of her own about this, but wants to hear the vampire speak.

As she awaits the answer, she catches Miles' eye. She doesn't smile...the bitter angel never does. However, it seems that something has caught her attention.

She reaches into her pocket, and begins to toss a single bullet up and down, in her palm. Sharp eyes can see the hebrew letters gimmel, alef, and phet on the side, in permanent marker.

[Jack - Leather Clad Male 2]

“I’m called Jack,” answers the vampire in a bitter voice, “I’ve seen Marco in the early evenings at the coffee shop across the Bone Yard.”


Picking up where Bekka leaves off, Miles asks another question, "Anything else about this incident last week that we ought to know? Did Marco and Mr. Tessmocker have a history?" Miles lets his gaze scan the faces of several of those around Jack to assess their level of involvement in the situation and their reaction to Jack's revelations.

Turning back to his friends before answering, the others are smiling, some are shaking their heads. “He’s a Caffitti pig and we are Ammasite, of course there is history.”


The angel, dressed incongruously in black, shrugs her shoulders as she steps forward. She doesn't invade Jack's personal space, but is uncomfortably close, and exudes an aura of tangible menace. Her blue eyes glare.

"Lissen, junior, ya give th' man straight answers, an' without playin' ta yer little crowd o' cronies here. Melik, yer elder...he knows th' right way ta play, an' host. I wanna do right by yer clan...but I don' got time, or energy, fer the bullshit posturin' Ya stick ta th' useful, or I'll haul ya ta th' office as a material witness..."

She looks him in the eyes. "Fer an' interview."

Bekka's interviews are well known.


In a tone much meeker than before answers Bekka directly, “We know Marco and his crew. We’ve had words with them before, but nothing like him getting in our faces like that night.”


Seemingly satsfied by the change in tone, she relaxes a bit, and steps back. "Whatcha all figger might o' preciptated his change o' heart? Any ideas? Intuition an' such?"


Inwardly, Miles is pleased to see Bekka asking questions, and good ones at that. He doesn't show this outwardly, though, since there is no way to know how it would be misinterpreted by these vampires. He studies them casually but carefully as the exchange takes place between them and the angel. He makes a mental note to ask his partners about the gang wars between the groups, as Melik and his minions' actions seem to indicate that they are laying the groundwork for another one.


“Don’ know. Like I said all we were doing was talking to one of their cattle.”


"Fair enough. I'm figgerin' we wanna talk ta that there... cattle... like ya callit. Whereabouts can we find that one? Gimme a name, mebbe an' address, an' unless my partner's got more ta ask....we'll leave ya be. We gotta...whatchasay? Reconstruct like, the las' movements o' th' deceased. Well, th' double deceased. Ya get my drift, I think."


Jack looks a bit confused at the question, looking around he finally settles on Melik, who just gives him a stern look. Returning his attention to the angle he says, “I don’t know where their cattle are. We know they hang out at the Bone Yard at night.”


The angel shrugs her shoulders, confident that the vampire has answered to the best of his ability, and having had the idea in her head that the "cattle" were not considered to be people worth noting.

"Miles...ya got any more? 'Cause otherwise, I'm thinkin' we wanna canvas these here people that they call 'cattle'..."

The angel seems annoyed, although at what it is hard to say.


In the middle of interviewing Jack Li’s phone rings, it takes a moment before he answer as he checks to see who it is from. Listening intently he hangs up after Bekka asks Miles for more questions. Tapping Bekka on the shoulder he whispers, “Some Ammasites got to the crime scene. They left with cursory evidence of Caffitti. If that information spreads we’ll have a lots of trouble. Also, it seems that Louis was working on a project with a Norman. Geoff would like us to find out more about that.”


"Geoff can go straight to hell. I'll handle it."

To Melik, she says, as respectfully as she ever gets, "Some o' yer people left our crime scene wit' evidence. We're gonna need that back, one way or th' other. I'm hopin' I can count on ya ta have those perps brought ta us...otherwise, gotta handle it meself." With that, she parts her coat, meaningfully.


Quickly tapping Bekka, the Chinese man whispers to her to correct himself, “Not physical evidence, they caught the scent of a Caffitti. Sorry about that.”

“I will assure you, Angel Elohim, we will return immediately whatever is taken.”


In the background, Li continues to talk to Geoff on his cell, “Yeah we already got Jack, I’ll ask about Paul.”


The tall blonde angel nods, more comfortable with the "old school" vampire Melik than these other hoodlums. She says, while removing her cig from her mouth, "Wit' yer word on it, I got no worries. Yer always a...person o' yer word."


The stately vampire nods at Bekka’s words, “You have my word.” Looking at the rookie who hasn’t said a word towards the end of the interview, Melik says in almost in questioning tone, “We are finished detective.”


Having let the rookie run out of questions and seeing that Bekka seems to have finished her questions, Li steps forward and says, “Excuses me, I have a few more questions; questions for Paul.”


Melik shrugs with his hands and sits back in his thrown, “of course you do priest.” Melik’s words are a smooth blend of irritation, contempt, and diplomacy.


Turning to the crowd the Chinese detective asks, “Who is Paul?”

[Paul - Leather Clad Male 1]

The first leather clad steps forward, “I am,” he says with as much defiance as he can muster.


“Why would a group of Ammasite go to a Caffitti hang out in the first place?”


The directness of the question seems to have caught the large vampire off guard, “We were… going there to check out their place. Try to be all friendly with them.”


“I see, and this Marco fellow wasn’t so friendly.”




“Can you give us a description of Marco?”


“He’s stalky; about five eight; maybe one sixty; has curly brown hair and bushy eye brows.”


Turning his attention back to Jack, “can you describe the cattle you were talking to, that got Marco all riled up?”


“Long curly brown hair with a mole here,” he says pointing to his upper lip.


Writing all this information down on a small pad, Li looks at both of the leather clad vampires, “What was Louis working on with Norman?”


Both look a bit surprised, glancing at each other and then Melik, who simply gazes back with an icy stare. “Louis was doing computer stuff; updating our systems; he probably needed some help something.”


“I see,” looking at the detectives and gives them a nod indicating that he is done.


The new detective raises his eyebrow at Melik's command, slightly tainted with a questioning tone, but so closely following on Bekka's comments to make it clear that the man it tiring of his minions being asked questions. Miles looks to Li as the near mute finally speaks up in response to the obviously important phone call he's been nursing.

Picking up where Li leaves off, Miles asks Paul, "And can we get some names and descriptions on these computer associates?" The tone is clearly that of a question, not a request.


“I don’t know. That computer stuff was all his.”


“I think I saw him. At least two weeks ago. We were all hang at Club Viscous. Some guy was the front and Louis went to talk to him. When he came back, Louis had a disk. I couldn’t see him well but I’d say he was almost 6 feet tall, with a crew cut.”


The detective jots down the description and location then looks to the other two detectives in quick succession. "We got all we need here?" he asks them, seeing that Bekka has already indicated her desire to get out

Pleasantries are said by both sides before the detectives are escorted out.


Once inside the SUV, Li turns around and asks Bekka, "So what is our next move?"


Lighting a new cig, the angel exhales. "Figger we should shake down that Marco punk. Whatcha think, Shamus?"


"Yea-ah," he replies in his slow manner, "Might as well head straight to the source."

As Miles pulls the vehicle out of the Ammasite compound, he asks Li for the details of the phone calls he took in the middle of everything, presuming they were about the case and not personal.

Li directs Miles back to the Reese estate, explaining that the Bone Yard is in downtown and it would be easier to avoid the traffic by cutting back through the office. Along the way he explains that Geoff called to inform them that a group of Ammasite was able to get in the crime scene; the smelled Caffitti; and that Louis was working with a Norman on some project.

*           *          *

Starbuck's across the Bone Yard: 6:23 pm

The drive from Doyle’s to the Bone Yard is short. Miles parks the car and from their vantage point they see the coffee shop across the Bone Yard.


Before getting out the Chinese man turns to he long time partner and asks her, “You want me to cover the back? Give me five minutes.”


Lighting one cig with another, the angel says simply, "Yeah...that there's th' way. Good call."

Li exits the can leaving the other two detectives by themselves.

It takes little time for Li to disappear in the crowds of downtown. Time passes quickly and feeling enough time has passed the remaining two officers leave the car. When they enter the coffee shop, despite the crowds, it is easy for them to zoom in four men sitting at a table, one of whom matches the description given by the Ammasite clan.


Stepping out of the car, Bekka thumbs ash off of her cig while simultaneously changing her black leather suit to a white leather suit. Her long blonde hair flows behind her, and her black tie starkly contrasts her Miami Vice Style attire. On the tie pin, the image of the Angel of Death can clearly be seen.

Striding into the coffee shop, she marks the Caffitti quickly. Putting her hands at her waist, she reveals her badge, and the holsters for her horrible firearms. "Boys...nice night, eh? We jus' wanna talk. Can be th' easy way, or th' hard way...but I'll be straight wit' ya. I don' want any trouble. I already did my paperwork fer th' day, so I ain't in any mood ta do any more shootin'. We're lookin' inta a murder, an' we need ya ta point us inna right direction."

She holds up a cautionary hand. "If yer thinkin' o' boltin'...don't. Li's got th' place covered, an' that's jus' gonna piss me off.

Bekka’s warning came in good time as all of them made a move to run. None of the four Caffitti looks familiar to Bekka, they were probably not yet vampires during the last clan war. All four are dressed nicely with dark colored clothes, the kind that one might wear to a club.

[Caffitti Vampire 1]

The one matching the description of Marco leans back in his chair giving both detectives the once over, “Look boys a couple of scales playing cops and robbers.”


In an instant, one of Bekka's horrible guns is in her hand, and pointed aat the Caffiti vampire's eye. She glowers down the barrel, and says, calmly, "Smooth move, Ex Lax. Figger yer too young a vampire ta know who I am....even wi' th' uniform an' all." She refers to her white suit, and the tie pin. "Dumb ass. Yer trash talkin' th' Patron Saint o' th' NRA....who brokered yer clan truce."

She sighs, her thumb hovering near the hammer, potentially to uncock the dangerous pistol. "Now, ya see...I'm guessin' yer Marco. I need ta talk ta Marco...an here ya go, pissin' my ass off. Why ya gotta do that?"

She shrugs, and takes a casual step back....clearly still aiming aa horribly painful shot at Marco's skull, but frustratingly out of reach. "Miles...ya thinkin' I shoot now, an' ask questions later, or we can do th' questions an' th' shootin's about th' same time?" Disturbingly, it is an honest question, not meant to intimidate.


A perplex face crosses the mouthy vampire. Then quickly its replace with a smile as his shoulders bounces with mirth, “I get it, you guys don’t know. Com’ on an harass me, cuz I know you’ll be out of a job this time next week.”


>From the back Li enters the coffee shop. Approaching Marco on the back, slaps a hand on his shoulder and says, “Maybe we should take him back to the station for questioning,” hoping to detour Bekka’s trigger finger.