Endnote FAQ

What is Endnote?

Endnote is a program for keeping track of references. You can use it while you are writing a paper to insert the references for you and format the bibliography to the format needed for a specific journal. You can also use help you to organize and keep track of what papers you have.

How do I use Endnote?

In the lab, we have Endnote 3.0 on the PC's and Macs in the lab. On the PC's you can access the Endnote program by going to the Start menu --> Program Files --> Endnote --> Endnote program. On the Mac, look in the Applications folder --> Endnote folder --> Endnote program.

When you open the program it asks you to open a library. If you don't have a library, close this window and go to File --> New to make a new library.

You can add references to your library by going to References --> New and typing in your references, or by importing them from a database. (see below)

How do I import references from Medline into Endnote?

Directly from the Endnote Program:

Go to File --> Connect. Choose the Nlm folder and select Pubmed. Search as desired and it will tell you how many matches you got and it'll ask you what you want to retrieve. Retrieving can be slow so don't pick too many. It will put the references you retrieve into a window called Connected to Pubmed. Select the references you want, and click on the button in this window Copy references to...

Note: The search window will search whatever window was selected last. So if the library window was open last it will search your library. To search Medline, make sure its window was selected last.

Save a search from Melvyl and then import into Endnote:

To do many different searches and to choose what references you want from a large search it may be easier to search using Melvyl and then import into Endnote.

Do your search in melvyl, and save the references you want using the Save command. When you are done searching, type 'd list cont' and don't press return. Select "log file" or "save stream" from the menu. Select a file name and put it in your folder. Now press return and wait until the list is finished displaying. Go to the menu and uncheck the "log file".

Now go to Endnote. Choose File --> Import. Select the file you just saved. In Import option select MEDLINE_(MELVYL). Press the import button.

How do I import references from Current Contents into Endnote?

Do your search in Current Contents on Melyvl as described above. To display your list type 'd list tags cont' and save to a log file as described.

In Endnote, Choose File --> Import. Select your log file. In Import Option select Current_Contents(MELVYL). Press Import.

How do I use Endnote with Microsoft Word?

In Microsoft Word, you can access Endnote from the Tools Menu. Open Endnote using Go to Endnote. To insert references into your Word document, highlight the reference you want in your Endnote library, go to Word and put the cursor where you want the reference, and select Tools --> Insert Citation. To make your bibliography, go to the Endnote Program and go to the Styles menu. Select the style you want. Go back to Word and choose Tools --> Format Bibliography. This will go through and change your in-text citations to the right format and put a bibliography at the end. To go back, choose Tools --> Unformat citations.

How do I transfer Endnote files between the PC and the Mac?

Open Mac format on the PC:

Go to File --> Open. For file type, choose all files. Open the library file.

Open PC format on the Mac:

Hold down the shift button. Go to File --> Open. Find your library file. Next time you open this file you shouldn't have to hold shift down.