Assignments: Chem. 126, Spring 2006 Week 1: Complete n*/n*4.f90 c*/c*1.f90 Include also 2'nd order RK. Week 2: (1) Due next mon.: the assignments in c*/c*9.f90; As far as convergence: plot the results for (e.g., A(tmax)) as a function of t. Plot on the same picture the three plots (one for euler, one for Runge-Kutta of order 2, and one for runge-Kutta of order 4). As far as the approximations. You dont have to do yet the steady-state approximation, only the local eq. approx. Note that the local eq. approximation implies that you can propagate only A,B,D or only A,C,D, whatever more convinient. Make sure to plot A(t) and D(t) as a function of time (one picture would include the A(t) vs. t for the full propagation AND the local-eq. approximation; the other picture should include two similar plots but for D) (2) Due next wed. (but quite difficult so start now): do the first project on classical dynamics in the pdf notes (one particle in a central force).