A short guide to emacs. For a longer guide, type emacs (i.e., without a file name). Also, ^x means: control-x (hold the control while pressing x) Esc x means press escape, depress, and then press x. Open file: emacs filename Within emacs: ^x ^c : exit ^g : stop the command you're doing now. ^g : in most systems, if youre not in a command ^g is a go-to ^x s : save ^x ^s : save ^x ^w : save as ^s : search forward (diff. from word's search) ^r : search backward ^k : erase till end of line ^y : unerase ^y esc-y : unerase previously erased part (try it to see). ^v : proceed one-page forward Esc v : proceed one-page backward Esc < : goto begining of file Esc > : goto end of file ^a : goto begining of line ^e : goto end of line Esc % : replace iterms one-by-one (to not replace, press n) ^d : erase next character Esc d : erase next word ^x 2 : split two windows ^x o : goto next window ^x 0 : close present window (if several are open) ^x 1 : make 1 window (i.e., close all other windows) ^x ^e : goto command environment -- e.g., can write f90 *f90 ^x ^f : open another file ^x ^v : open another file in second environment and most importantly, for a file ending in .f90 : Tab : indents properly There are many,many other emacs commands, but this list should do 99% of the job.