The Seaborg Symposium, 2003

"Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine"


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At the Symposium, Before Lunch

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9:30 a.m. It all begins

Bill Gelbart, Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry, gives opening remarks


Yung-Ya Lin introduces Alex Pines


"Thirty Years of Ups and Downs"

as narrated by Alex Pines of U.C. Berkeley


Alex Pines




After the Break, Frank Anet Introduced

Peter van Zijl

Peter discusses "Exploiting the NMR Signals of Mobile Proteins & Peptides for MRI"

Peter van Zijl


 11:30 a.m.

Ann McDermott

gave the last talk before lunch. Her topic:

"NMR Studies of Intrinsic Membrane Proteins"

Ann McDermott




The Alumni Lunch

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