What About Going Out Heavily Armed?

cartoon of gun

Canadians wishing to own and use firearms must pass an extensive training course. It is illegal for a Canadian to lend his firearm to a non-licensed person. As a non- gun-user, non-hunter, I am not certain what the rules are concerning foreigners bringing their own sidearms into the country. If you investigate and bring your own sidearm for self defence, make sure you know what you are doing.

If you are carrying the wrong size gun when a polar bear decides to charge at you, or if you aim at the wrong part of a bear's anatomy, you will only annoy the bear.

Joan, who works at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre, knows very well what she is doing and could probably do a fine job of using her high-powered rifle to protect herself should a bear start eyeing her as snackfood.

Canada has very strict hunting laws. If you are a hunter, right now entertaining fantasies about bagging a polar bear under the guise of self-defense, be aware that unauthorized polar bear kills must be explained to the local authorities. Your story had better be convincing enough to fool a weary and cynical Mountie.


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