Bear Facts

Polar Bear Facts/ Polar Bear High Season Tips/ Bear Lore/ Rules of Bear Safety 1/ Rules of Bear Safety 2/ Wildlife Management applied to Polar Bears

Reasons to Visit/ Practicalities/ Churchill the Town/ Top Page




  (Polar Bears rule at the top of a food chain that starts with plankton in the Arctic ocean. They hunt and feed during the winter, on the pack ice, where they lie in wait by the breathing holes of ringed seals, their prey of choice. Churchill, Canada is the place where these animals are accessible. The local people have created an entire tourism industry based upon the tundra buggy. Although controversial among ecologists, these converted buses, mounted on giant tractor tires, enable people to get close to the bears.


The objection is that the tundra is fragile, and that tire tracks left by these buggies will survive into the next century. The drivers, however, do make an effort to stay on a certain path rather than tearing around all over the tundra. Tundra buggies serve the purpose of allowing people from all over the world to experience polar bears in their natural habitat. Human nature being what it is, we are more likely to fight to protect what we know and like.

We are more likely to feel indifference to the fates of creatures or places we don't know. Polar bears are very charming animals who superficially suggest huge, sloppy-friendly dogs. From the safety of a tundra buggy's window or outdoor viewing platform, visitors develop affection for these animals, not fear.

Visitors charmed by the bears should be aware that cute can be dangerous. Bears are unpredictable, and during the weeks of Polar Bear High Season, they are likely to be hungry and especially prone to craving fresh meat and animal fat.

To save you the effort of returning to the intro page, here are text links to the other bear sites


Find out how local people manage to co-exist with polar bears in WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT

See what fun it is to visit Churchill during Polar Bear High Season

Please read Rules of Polar Bear Safety if you intend going up at any time of year.

Then go to More Rules of Polar Bear Safety to learn more.

Learn how polar bears dominate the consciousness of locals in Lore.


Return to Introduction for the rest of your guided tour.

If you feel like forging ahead to all the delicious reasons to visit the region, go to Reasons to visit Churchill

To see what you can find in town to enhance your comfort, go to Churchill, in town.
