The Houk Group Home Page

Welcome to the Home Page of the Houk Group in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA.

Houk Group, April 2005

The Houk Group conducts research in the following areas:

Professor Houk's Home Page

Houk Group Research - In Detail

Recent Journal Covers from the Houk Group

Individual Projects

Professor Houk's Publication List

Professor Houk's Biographical Sketch

Professor Houk's 1998 Faculty Research Lecture - "Seeing Molecules React"

Professor Houk's Receipt of the 1999 Southern California ACS Tolman Award

UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Home Page

UCLA Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty research interests

Tour the UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Tour the UCLA Campus

Houk Group, April 1998                                 Houk Group, April 2001

Some of Houk's group at the Winstein Banquet to honor Julius Rebek, Jan. 30, 2004.

Contact Professor K. N. Houk at:

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of California, Los Angeles
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA  90095-1569

310/206-0515 voice
310/206-1843 fax

Updated 04/20/05 ljs