1958-1970/ 1971-1980/
1981-1990/ 1991-2001/
1. G. O. Schenck and C. S. Foote, "Über
die photosensibilisierte Autoxydation von Menthofuran" Angewandte
Chemie, 70, 505 (1958).
2. C. S. Foote, "Angle Strain and Solvolytic Reactivity
in Bridged Bicyclic Systems" Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard, 1961.
Dissertation Abstracts, XXIII, 2321 (1963).
3. Christopher S. Foote, "The Effect of Bond Angle on Hybridization"
Tetrahedron Lett., 579 (1963).
4. C. S. Foote and R. B. Woodward, "Preparation and Reactivity
of Bridge-Substituted Bicyclo[3.2.1]-octyl and Bicyclo[3.3.1]nonyl
Toluenesulfonates" Tetrahedron, 20, 687-715 (1964).
5. Christopher S. Foote, "Correlation of Solvolysis Rates
and Estimation of Rate Enhancements" J.Amer. Chem. Soc.,
86, 1853-1854 (1964).
6. Christopher S. Foote and S. Wexler, "Olefin Oxidations
with Excited Singlet Molecular Oxygen" J. Amer. Chem.
Soc., 86, 3879-3880 (1964).
7. Christopher S. Foote and S. Wexler, "Singlet Oxygen.
A Probable Intermediate in Photosensitized Autoxidations"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 86, 3880 (1964).
8. James B. Hendrickson, Christopher Foote, and Norman Yoshimura,
"Amaryllidaceous Alkaloids: The Total Synthesis of Dihydroxycrinene"
Chem. Commun., 165 (1965).
9. Christopher S. Foote, Paul Engel, and Thomas W. Del Pesco,
"An Aromatic Photonitration" Tetrahedron Lett.,
2669-2671 (1965).
10. Christopher S. Foote, S. Wexler, and Wataru Ando, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. III. Product Selectivity" Tetrahedron
Lett., 4111-4118 (1965).
11. Christopher S. Foote, "Photosensitized Oxygenations
and the Role of Singlet Oxygen" in The Vortex, 27,
436-443 (1966), California Section, American Chemical Society.
12. C. S. Foote, M. T. Wuesthoff, S. Wexler, I. G. Burstain,
R. Denny, G. O. Schenck, and K.H. Schulte-Elte, "Photosensitized
Oxygenation of Alkyl-Substituted Furans"Tetrahedron,
23, 2583-2599 (1967).
13. C. S. Foote, M. T. Wuesthoff, and I. G. Burstain, "Structure
and Stereochemistry of the Ketoacids Derived from Menthofuran
Photoperoxide"Tetrahedron, 23, 2601-2608 (1967).
14. Christopher S. Foote, Sol Wexler, Wataru Ando, and Raymond
Higgins, "Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. IV. Oxygenations
with Hypochlorite-Hydrogen Peroxide" J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
90, 975-981 (1968).
15. Christopher S. Foote, "Photosensitized Oxygenations
and the Role of Singlet Oxygen" Accounts Chem. Res.,
1, 104-110 (1968).
16. Raymond Higgins, Christopher S. Foote, and Helen Cheng, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. V. Reactivity and Kinetic Characterization"
Advan. Chem. Ser., 77, III, 102-117 (1968).
17. Christopher S. Foote and John Wei-Ping Lin, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. VI. Photooxygenation of Enamines: Evidence
for an Intermediate" Tetrahedron Lett., 3267 (1968).
18. Christopher S. Foote, "Mechanisms of Photosensitized
Oxidation" Science, 162, 963-970 (1968).
19. Christopher S. Foote and Robert W. Denny, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. VII. Quenching by b-Carotene" J. Amer.
Chem. Soc., 90, 6233-6235 (1968).
20. Christopher S. Foote and Martin Brenner, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen.VIII. An Unusual Allenic Oxygenation Product"
Tetrahedron Lett., 6041-6044 (1968).
21. Christopher S. Foote and Shi-Yin Wong, "On the Question
of Two Reactive Oxygen Singlets" American Chemical Society,
Division of Petroleum Chemistry , 14, No. 2, A93 (1969).
22. C. S. Foote, R. W. Denny, L. Weaver, Y. Chang, and J. Peters,
"Quenching of Singlet Oxygen" Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci.,
171, 139 (1970).
23. Christopher S. Foote, John W.-P. Lin, and S.-Y. Wong, "Enamine
Photooxidation" American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum
Chemistry Preprints, 15, No. 2, E89 (1970).
24. Stephen Mazur and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry of
Singlet Oxygen. IX. A Stable Dioxetane from Photooxygenation
of Tetramethoxyethylene" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 92,
3225 -3226 (1970).
25. Christopher S. Foote, Yew C. Chang, Robert W. Denny, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. X. Carotenoid Quenching Parallels Biological
Protection" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 92, 5216-5218 (1970).
26. Christopher S. Foote, Yew C. Chang, Robert W. Denny, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XI. Cis-Trans Isomerization of Carotenoids
by Singlet Oxygen and a Probable QuenchingMechanism" J.
Amer. Chem. Soc., 92, 5218-5219 (1970).
27. R. S. Vickers and C. S. Foote, "Some Preliminary Observations
on the Photooxygenation of Pyrimidines" Boll. Chim. Farm.,
109, 599-604 (1970).
28. Christopher S. Foote, "Mechanism of Addition of Singlet
Oxygen to Olefins and Other Substrates" Pure and Applied
Chemistry, 27, 635-645 (1971).
29. Christopher S. Foote and Robert W. Denny, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XII. ElectronicEffects on Rate and Products
of the Reaction with Olefins" J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
93, 5162-5167 (1971).
30. Christopher S. Foote and Robert W. Denny, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XIII. Solvent Effects on the Reaction with
Olefins" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 93, 5168-5171
31. Christopher S. Foote and John W. Peters, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XIV. A Reactive Intermediate in Sulfide Photooxidation"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 93, 3795-3796 (1971).
32. C. S. Foote and G. Uhde, "3-Hydroperoxy-2,3-Dimethyl-1-Butene,"
in Organic Photochemical Syntheses, Edited by R. Srinivasan,
60-62 (1971), John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
33. C. S. Foote and G. Uhde, "2-Methoxy-5-Hydroperoxy-2,5-Dimethyldihydrofuran"
in Organic Photochemical Syntheses, Edited by R. Srinivasan,
70-72 (1971), John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
34. C. S. Foote and J. W. Peters, "Photooxidation of Sulfides"
XXIIIrd International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry,
Special Lectures, 4, 129-151 (1971), Butterworth
and Co. Ltd., England.
35. Christopher S. Foote, Ted T. Fujimoto and Yew C. Chang, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XV. Irrelevance of Azide Trapping to Mechanism
of the Ene Reaction" Tetrahedron Lett., 45-48 (1972).
36. Christopher S. Foote, Elaine R. Peterson, Kyu-Wang Lee, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XVI. Long Lifetime of Singlet Oxygen in Carbon
Disulfide" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 94, 1032-1033
37. C. S. Foote, "Chemical Reactivity of Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons and Aza-Arenes" in Particulate Polycyclic
Organic Matter, 63-81 (1972), National Academy of Sciences.
38. C. S. Foote, "Oxygen" in McGraw-Hill Yearbook
of Science and Technology, 309 (1973), McGraw Hill Book Company,
39. Christopher S. Foote, Stephen Mazur, Paul A. Burns and Duane
Lerdal, "Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. XVII. 1,4-Addition
Products from Styrene Derivatives" J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
95, 586 (1973).
40. Thomas R. Darling and Christopher S. Foote, "Thermal
and Photochemical Decomposition of 3,4-Dimethyl-3,4-di-n-butyl-1,2-dioxetane.
Competitive Generation of Singlet and Triplet 2-Hexanone"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 96, 1625-1627 (1974).
41. N. Roy Easton, Jr., F. A. L. Anet, P. A. Burns, and C. S.
Foote, "Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies on
Polyepoxides Derived from Singlet Oxygen Addition to Indenes"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 96, 3945-3948 (1974).
42. Christopher S. Foote, Ta-Yen Ching and George G. Geller,
"Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. XVIII. Rates of Reaction and
Quenching of a-Tocopherol and Singlet Oxygen" Photochem.
Photobiol., 20, 511-513 (1974).
43. Paul A. Burns and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry of
Singlet Oxygen. XIX. Dioxetanes from Indene Derivatives"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 96, 4339-4340 (1974).
44. C. S. Foote, "Photoreactions with Molecular Oxygen"
in Progress in Photobiology, Edited by Günther O.
Schenck, 5 (1974), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lichtforschung
e.V., Frankfurt.
45. Christopher S. Foote, "Photooxidation" in Phototherapy
in the Newborn: An Overview, 21-33 (1974), National Academy
of Sciences.
46. Christopher S. Foote and Thomas R. Darling, "Decomposition
of Dioxetanes: A Unique Probe into Mechanism and Energy Transfer
Processes," Pure Appl. Chem., 41, 495-506
47. S. Majeti, V. A. Majeti, and C. S. Foote, "Photocycloaddition
of the cis- and trans-2-Butenes to Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate,"
Tetrahedron Lett., 1177-1180 (1975).
48. Christopher S. Foote, Alice A. Dzakpasu and John W.-P. Lin,
"Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. XX. Mechanism of the Sensitized
Photooxidation of Enamines" Tetrahedron Lett., 1247-1250
49. Christopher S. Foote and Ta-Yen Ching, "Chemistry of
Singlet Oxygen. XXI. Kinetics of Bilirubin Photooxygenation"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 97, 6209-6214 (1975).
50. Ta-Yen Ching and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry of
Singlet Oxygen. XXII. Photooxidation of Nitrones" Tetrahedron
Lett., 3771-3774 (1975).
51. Christopher S. Foote, "Photosensitized Oxidation and
Singlet Oxygen: Consequences in Biological Systems" in Free
Radicals in Biology, II, 85-133 (1976), Edited by
W. A. Pryor, Academic Press, New York.
52. Yoshihiko Moro-oka and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Superoxide Ion. I. Oxidation of 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol
with KO2" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 98, 1510-1514
53. John W. Peters and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Superoxide Ion. II. Reaction with Hydroperoxides" J.
Amer. Chem. Soc., 98, 873-875 (1976).
54. Paul A. Burns, Christopher S. Foote, and S. Mazur, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XXIII. Low Temperature Photooxygenation of
Indenes in Aprotic Solvent" J. Org. Chem., 41,
899-907 (1976).
55. Paul A. Burns and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry of
Singlet Oxygen. XXIV. Low Temperature Photooxygenation of 1,2-Dihydronaphthalenes"
J. Org. Chem., 41, 908-916 (1976).
56. Henri J. Guiraud and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Superoxide Ion. III. Quenching of Singlet Oxygen" J.
Amer. Chem. Soc. 98, 1984-1986 (1976).
57. Christopher S. Foote, "An Ancient Problem" Baekeland
Award Address, Chemtech, 6, 612-613 (1976).
58. P. Kevin Sysak, Christopher S. Foote, and Ta-Yen Ching, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XXV. Photooxygenation of Methionine"
Photochem. Photobiol., 26, 19-27 (1977).
59. J. Eriksen, C.S. Foote, and T.L. Parker, "Photosensitized
Oxygenation of Alkenes and Sulfides via a Non-Singlet-Oxygen
Mechanism" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 99, 6455-6456
60. Christopher S. Foote, Roger L. Clough, and Bartley G. Yee,
"Photooxidation of Tocopherols" in Tocopherol, Oxygen
and Biomembranes, Edited by C. de Duve and O.Hayaishi, 13-21
(1978), Elsevier, Amsterdam.
61. Christopher S. Foote, "Mechanisms of Photooxidation"
in Singlet Oxygen, Reactions with Organic Compounds and Polymers,
Edited by B. Ranby and J.F. Rabek, 135-146 (1978), John Wiley
and Sons, London.
62. Jack Adams, Alexander Garcia, III, and Christopher S. Foote,
"Some Chemical Constituents of the Secretion from the Temporal
Gland of the African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana)"
J. Chem. Ecol., 4, 17-25 (1978).
63. Michael J. Thomas and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XXVI. Photooxygenation of Phenols," Photochem.
Photobiol., 27, 683-693 (1978).
64. Duane Lerdal and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry of
Singlet Oxygen. XXVII. Directing Effect of Methoxy Group in Additions
to Methoxystyrenes" Tetrahedron Lett., 3227-3230
65. S. Wolf, C. S. Foote, and J. Rebek, Jr., "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XXIX. A Specific Three-Phase 'Kautsky Test'
for Singlet Oxygen"J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 100,
7770-7771 (1978).
66. Jens Eriksen and Christopher S. Foote, "Electron-Transfer
Fluorescence Quenching and Exciplexes of Cyano-Substituted Anthracenes"
J. Phys. Chem., 82, 2659-2662 (1978).
67. M. L. Kacher and C. S. Foote, "Chemistry of Singlet
Oxygen. XXVIII. Steric and Electronic Effects on the Reactivity
of Sulfides with Singlet Oxygen" Photochem. Photobiol.,
29, 765-769 (1979).
68. R. L. Clough, B. G. Yee, and C. S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XXX. The Unstable Primary Product of Tocopherol
Photooxidation" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 102,
683-686 (1979).
69. Christopher S. Foote, "Quenching of Singlet Oxygen"
in Singlet Oxygen, Edited by H. H. Wasserman and R. W.
Murray, 139-171 (1979), Academic Press, New York.
70. Yasuhiko Sawaki and Christopher S. Foote, "Acyclic Mechanism
in the Cleavage of Benzils with Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 101, 6292-6296 (1979).
71. Hong-son Ryang and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. XXXI. Low Temperature NMR Studies of Dye-Sensitized
Photooxygenation of Imidazoles: Direct Observation of Unstable
2,5-Endoperoxide Intermediates" J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
101, 6683-6687 (1979).
72. Jack D. Boyd and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry of
Singlet Oxygen. XXXII. Unusual Products from Low Temperature
Photooxygenation of Indenes and trans-Stilbene" J. Amer.
Chem. Soc., 101, 6758-6759 (1979).
73. D. S. Steichen and C. S. Foote, "Chemistry of Singlet
Oxygen. XXXIII. New Products from Sensitized Photooxygenation
of 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Methoxy-Ethylene" Tetrahedron Lett.,
4363-4366 (1979).
74. Christopher S. Foote, "Detection of Singlet Oxygen in
Complex Systems: A Critique" in Biochemical and Clinical
Aspects of Oxygen, Edited by Winslow S. Caughey, 603-626
(1979), Academic Press, New York.
75. Lonnie T. Spada and Christopher S. Foote, "Electron-Transfer
Photooxidation. 3. Detection of Radical Ion Intermediates in
the Cyanoaromatic-sensitized Photooxidation of trans and cis-Stilbene"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 102, 391-393 (1980).
76. Christopher S. Foote, "Photooxidation and Toxicity"
in Molecular Basis of Environmental Toxicity, Edited by
Rajendra S. Bhatnagar, 37-50 (1980), Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor,
77. Hong-Son Ryang and Christopher S. Foote, "Olefin Epoxidation
by an Intermediate Formed in the Metal Ion Catalyzed Oxygenation
of Azibenzil" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 102, 2129-2131
78. C. S. Foote, F. C. Shook, and R. B. Abakerli, "Chemistry
of Superoxide Ion. 4. Singlet Oxygen is not a Major Product of
Dismutation" J. Amer. Chem.Soc., 102, 2503-2504
79. Jack D. Boyd, Christopher S. Foote, and David K. Imagawa,"Synthesis
of 1,2:3,4-Diepoxides by Catalyzed Rearrangement of 1,4-Endoperoxides"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 102, 3641-3642 (1980).
80. Lewis E. Manring, J. Eriksen, and C. S. Foote, "Electron
Transfer Photooxygenation. 4. Photooxygenation of trans-Stilbene
Sensitized by Methylene Blue" J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
102, 4275-4277 (1980).
81. Christopher S. Foote, Rosangela B. Abakerli, Roger L. Clough
and Frederick C. Shook, "On the Question of Singlet Oxygen
Production in Leucocytes, Macrophages, and the Dismutation of
Superoxide Anion" in Biological and Clinical Aspects
of Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutase, Edited by W. H. Bannister
and J. V. Bannister, 222 (1980), Elsevier/North-Holland, New
82. J. Eriksen and C.S. Foote, "Electron-Transfer Photooxygenation.
5. Oxidation of Phenyl-Substituted Alkenes Sensitized by Cyanoanthracenes"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 102, 6083-6088 (1980).
83. Peter R. Ogilby and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 34. Unexpected Solvent Deuterium Isotope Effects
on the Lifetime of Singlet Molecular Oxygen (1Dg)" J.
Amer. Chem. Soc., 103, 1219-1221 (1981).
84. Christopher S. Foote, Rosangela B. Abakerli, Roger L. Clough,
and Robert I. Lehrer, "On the Question of Singlet Oxygen
Production in Polymorphonuclear Leucocytes" in Bioluminescence
and Chemiluminescence, Edited by M. A. DeLuca and W. D. McElroy,
222-230, (1980), Academic Press, New York.
85. Dale S. Steichen and Christopher S. Foote, "Electron
Transfer Photooxygenation. 6. Indirect Sensitized Photooxygenation
of Aryl Olefins" J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 103,
1855-1857 (1981).
86. J.G. Peak, M.J. Peak, and C.S. Foote, "Protection by
DABCO Against Inactivation of Transforming DNA by Near-Ultraviolet
Light: Action Spectra and Implications for Involvement of Singlet
Oxygen" Photochemistry and Photobiology 34,
45-49 (1981).
87. Hong-Son Ryang and Christopher S. Foote, "Dye Sensitized
Photooxygenation of 4,5-Di-tert-butyl-2-diazo-1,2-benzoquinone"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 4951-4952 (1981).
88. Christopher S. Foote, "Photooxidation of Biological
Model Compounds" in Oxygen and Oxy-Radicals in Chemistry
and Biology, Edited by M.A.J. Rodgers and E.L. Powers (1981),
425-440, Academic Press, New York.
89. Chee-liang Gu, Christopher S. Foote and Mark L. Kacher, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 35. Nature of Intermediates in the Photooxygenation
of Sulfides" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 5949-5951
90. Manuel M. Baizer, Pauline M. Allen, Ulrich Hess, and Christopher
S. Foote, "Electrogenated Bases IV. Reaction of Electrogenerated
Superoxide with Some Carbon Acids" Synthetic Communications
12, 123-129 (1982).
91. Peter R. Ogilby and Christopher S. Foote "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 36. Singlet Molecular Oxygen (1Dg) Luminescence
in Solution Following Pulsed Laser Excitation. Solvent Deuterium
Isotope Effects on the Lifetime of Singlet Oxygen" J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 104, 2069-2070 (1982).
92. Christopher S. Foote, "Light, Oxygen, and Toxicity"
in Pathology of Oxygen, Anne P. Autor, Ed., Academic Press,
Inc., New York , pp.21-44 (1982).
93. Lewis E. Manring and C.S. Foote "Chemistry of Singlet
Oxygen. 37. One-electron Oxidation of Tetramethylphenylenediamine
to Singlet Oxygen in Water" J. Phys. Chem. 86,
1257-1259 (1982).
94. Hong-Son Ryang and Christopher S. Foote "Acid-Catalyzed
Decomposition of an a-Keto Diazo Endoperoxide" Tetrahedron
Lett. 23, 2551-2554 (1982).
95. Jang-Jeng Liang and Christopher S. Foote, "Electron-Transfer
Photooxygenation. 8. Dicyanoanthracene-Sensitized Photooxidation
of Ortho-Dimethoxybenzene" Tetrahedron Letters 23,
3039-3042 (1982).
96. J.G. Peak, M.J. Peak, C.S. Foote, "Effects of Glycerol
Upon the Biological Actions ofNear-Ultraviolet Light: Spectra
and Concentration Dependence for Transforming DNA and for Escherichia
coli B/r" Photochem. Photobiol.. 36, 413-416
97. Chee-liang Gu and C.S. Foote, "Chemistry of Singlet
Oxygen. 38. Temperature Effect on the Photooxidation of Sulfides"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 104, 6060-6063 (1982).
98. Z.Q. Jiang and C.S. Foote, "Electron-Transfer Photooxygenation.
8. Trapping of Internal Nucleophiles" Tetrahedron Letters
24, 461-464 (1983).
99 . Lewis E. Manring, Chee-liang Gu, and C.S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 40. Enhanced 1O2 Formation in Cyanoaromatic
Sensitized Photooxidations by Substrate Enhanced Intersystem
Crossing" J. Phys. Chem. 87, 40-44 (1983).
100. George G. Geller, Christopher S. Foote, and David B. Pechman,
"Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. 41. Direct Observation of
a Dioxetane from the Singlet Oxygen Photooxygenation of a Thioketene
Acetal" Tetrahedron Letters 24, 673-676 (1983).
101. C.S. Foote, T.E. Goyne, and R.I. Lehrer, "Assessment
of Chlorination by Human Neutrophils" Nature 301,
715-716 (1983).
102. Diane C. Dobrowolski, Peter R. Ogilby, and Christopher S.
Foote, "Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. 39. 9,10-dicyanoanthracene
Sensitized Formation of Singlet Oxygen" J. Phys. Chem.
87, 2261-2263 (1983).
103. Peter R. Ogilby and Christopher S. Foote, "The Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 42. The Effect of Solvent, Solvent Isotopic
Substitution and Temperature on the Lifetime of Singlet Molecular
Oxygen (1Dg)" J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 105, 3424-3430
104. Lewis E. Manring, Richard C. Kanner, and Christopher S.
Foote, "Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. 43. Quenching by Conjugated
Olefins" J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 105, 4707-4710
105. Lewis E. Manring and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 44. Mechanism of Photooxidation of 2,5-Dimethylhexa-2,4-diene
and 2-Methyl-2-Pentene" J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 105,
4710-4717 (1983).
106. J.-J. Liang, C.-L. Gu, M.L. Kacher, and C.S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 45. Mechanism of the Photooxidation of Sulfides"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 105, 4717-4721 (1983).
107. Yasuhiko Sawaki and Christopher S. Foote, "Mechanisms
of C-C Cleavage of Cyclic 1,2-Diketones with Alkaline Hydrogen
Peroxide. The Acyclic Mechanism and its Application to the Basic
Autoxidation of Pyrogallol" J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 105,
5035-5040 (1983).
108. Christopher S. Foote, F.C. Shook, and R.A. Abakerli, "Characterization
of Singlet Oxygen" in Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems,
Methods in Enzymology 105, 36-47 (1983).
109. Diane C. Dobrowolski and Christopher S. Foote, "Cercosporin,
a Singlet Oxygen Generator" Angewandte Chemie 22,
720-721 (1983).
110. C.S. Foote, C.-L. Gu, L. Manring, J.-J. Liang, R. Kanner,
J. Boyd, M.L. Kacher, M. Kramer, and P. Ogilgy, "Singlet
Oxygen: New and Old Mysteries" in Stereochemistry and
Reactivity in Pi Systems, edited by W.H. Watson, Jr., Verlag
Chemie International, Inc. pp.347-372 (1983).
111. Yasuhiko Sawaki and Christopher S. Foote, "Mechanisms
of Photoepoxidation of Olefins with a-Diketones and Oxygen"
J. Org. Chem. 48, 4934-4940 (1983).
112. C.S. Foote and D.C. Dobrowolski, "Singlet Oxygen Production
from Photodynamic Sensitizers" in Oxygen Radicals in
Chemistry and Biology, pp. 465-472, W. Bors, M. Saran, D.
Tait, Editors, Walter de Gruyter Co., Berlin, New York (1984).
113. Lewis E. Manring, M.K. Kramer and C.S. Foote, "Interception
of O2- by Benzoquinone in Cyanoaromatic-Sensitized Photooxygenations"
Tet. Lett. 25, 2523-2526 (1984).
114. M.J. Peak, J.G. Peak, C.S. Foote, N.I. Krinsky, "Oxygen-Independent
Direct Deoxy- ribonucleic Acid Backbone Breakage Caused by Rose
Bengal and Visible Light" J. Photochem. 25,
309-315 (1984).
115. Yasuhiko Araki, Diane C. Dobrowolski, Thomas E. Goyne, Douglas
C. Hanson, Zhi Qui Jiang, Kenneth J. Lee, and Christopher S.
Foote, "Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. 47. 9,10-Dicyanoanthracene-Sensitized
Photooxygenation of Alkyl-Substituted Olefins" J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 106, 4570-4575 (1984).
116. Benjamin Staskun, C.S. Foote, "Photooxidative Cleavage
of 4(lH)-quinolinones to 2-acylaminobenzoic Acids and Derivatives"
South African Journal of Chemistry 37, 182-186
117. Christopher S. Foote, "Mechanisms of Photooxidation,"
in Porphyrin Localization and Treatment of Tumors, pp.
3-18, D.G. Doiron and C.J. Gomer, eds., Alan R. Liss, Inc. 1984).
118. Christopher S. Foote, "Dicyanoanthracene Sensitized
Photo-oxygenation of Olefins: Electron Transfer and Singlet Oxygen
Mechanisms" Tetrahedron 41, 2221-2227 (1985).
119. Michael Orfanopoulos and Christopher S. Foote, "Regioselective
Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with a,b-Unsaturated Esters"
Tetrahedron Letters 26, 5991-5994 (1985).
120. Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry of Reactive Oxygen
Species" Chapter in Chemical Changes in Food During Processing,
T. Richardson and J. Finley, Eds., Avi Publishing Co., pp.17-32
121. Jennifer G. Peak, Meyrick J. Peak, C.S. Foote, "Observations
on the Photosensitized Breakage of DNA by 2-Thiouracil and 334-nm
Ultraviolet Radiation" Photochem. and Photobiol.,
Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 111-116 (1986).
122. J. Zhang, C.S. Foote, "Photooxidation of Substituted
Indenes at Low Temperature" Tet. Lett. 27
6153-6156 (1986).
123. Michael Orfanopoulos, C.S. Foote, I. Smonou, "Stereochemical
Dependence of Isotope Effects in the Ene Reaction of N-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione
with Isomers of Butene-d3" Tet. Lett. 28,
15-18 (1987).
124. Frank Jensen and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry of
Singlet Oxygen. 49. Photooxidation of Thiiranes"J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 109, 1478-1485 (1987).
125. Michael Orfanopoulos and Christopher S. Foote, "The
Ene Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Olefins" Free Rad.
Res. Comms. 2, 321-326.
126. C.S. Foote, "Type I and Type II Mechanisms of Photodynamic
Action" ACS Symposium Series 339, Light Activated -Pesticides,
James R. Heitz, Kelsey R. Downum, Editors, American Chemical
Society, Washington, D.C. pp. 22-38 (1987).
127. Frank Jensen, C.S. Foote, "Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen.
48. Isolation and Structure of the Primary Product of Photooxygenation
of 3,5-t-Butyl Catechol" Photochem. and Photobiol.
46, 325-330 (1987).
128. Frank Jensen, C.S. Foote, "Reaction of 4-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione
with Substituted Butadienes. A Nonconcerted Diels-Alder Reaction"
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 109, 6376-6385 (1987).
129. C.S. Foote, "Use of Laser Techniques in the Study of
Photosensitized Oxidation" Berichte aus dem HMI,
Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Germany 2, 32-35 (1987).
130. M.J. Peak, A. Ito, C.S. Foote J.G. Peak, "Photosensitized
Inactivation of DNA by Monochromatic 334-nm Radiation in the
Presence of 2-Thiouracil: Genetic Activity and Backbone Breaks"
Photochemistry and Photobiology 47, 809-813 (1988).
131. Christopher S. Foote, "Mechanistic Characterization
of Photosensitized Reactions" in Photosensitisation,
Edited by G. Moreno, R.H. Pottier, T. G. Truscott, NATO ASI Series
H: Cell Biology, Vol. 15, 125-144, Springer, Heidelberg (1988).
132. Frank Jensen and Christopher S. Foote, "Reaction of
Singlet Oxygen with Organic Sulfides. A Theoretical Study"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 2368-2375 (1988).
133. Christopher S. Foote, "Detection and Characterization
of Singlet Oxygen" Chapter in Reactive Oxygen Species
in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, NATO Advanced Study Institute
Series A: Life Sciences Vol. 146, 107-116, Plenum Press, N.Y.
134. Ioulia Smonou, Michael Orfanopoulos, Christopher S. Foote,
"Reaction of 4-Phenyl-1,2,4-Triazoline-3,5-Dione with Substituted
Indenes" Tet. Lett. 29, 2769-2772 (1988).
135. Michael Orfanopoulos and Christopher S. Foote, "Intermediate
in the Ene Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with 1,4-Diphenyl-Cis-2-Butene"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 6583-6584 (1988).
136. Byoung-Mog Kwon and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 50. Hydroperoxide Intermediates in the Photooxygenation
of Ascorbic Acid" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 6582-6583
137. Kevin E. O'Shea and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 51. Zwitterionic Intermediates from 2,4-Hexadienes"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 7167-7170 (1988).
138. Keepyung Nahm and Christopher S. Foote, "Trimethylphosphite
Traps Intermediates in the Reaction of 1O2 and Diethylsulfide"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 1909-1910 (1989).
139. Byoung-Mog Kwon, Christopher S. Foote, and Saeed I. Khan,
"Photooxygenation of Ascorbic Acid Derivatives and Model
Compounds" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 1854-1860
140. L.T. Byrne, L.M. Engelhar, F.R. Hewgill, B.W. Skelton, A.H.
White, C.S. Foote, "Oxidation by Singlet Oxygen of 4,7-Dimethoxy-2,9-Di-T-Butyloxepino-[2,3-b]Benzofuran,
an Oxidation-Product of the Antioxidant BHA" J. Chem.
Soc. P1 1, 133-142 (1989).
141. Christopher S. Foote, "Oxidative Processes in Photosensitization"
Advances in Photochemotherapy, SPIE Proceedings, Vol.
997, T. Hasan, Ed.(1989).
142. Byoung-Mog Kwon, Richard C. Kanner, and Christopher S. Foote,
"Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with 2-Cyclopenten-1-Ones"
Tet. Lett. 30, 903-906 (1989).
143. Arthur N. Mayeno, A. Jane Curran, Robert L. Roberts, and
Christopher S. Foote, "Eosinophils Preferentially Use Bromide
to Generate Halogenating Agents" J. Biol. Chem.264,
5660-5668 (1989).
144. Avraham Bromberg and Christopher S. Foote, "Solvent
Shift of Singlet Oxygen Emission Wavelength" J. Phys.
Chem. 93, 3068-3969 (1989).
145. Byoung-Mog Kwon, Christopher S. Foote, and Saeed I. Khan,
"Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen. 52. Reaction with trans-Stilbene
J. Org. Chem. 54, 3378-3382 (1989).
146. Byoung-Mog Kwon, and Christopher S. Foote, "Chemistry
of Singlet Oxygen. 53. Environmental Effects on the Photooxygenation
of 2-Methoxy-3-Methyl-2-Cyclopenten-1-one" J. Org. Chem.
54, 3878-3882 (1989).
147. Kevin E. O'Shea and Christopher S. Foote, "Quantitative
Rearrangement of Monocyclic Endoperoxides to Furans Catalyzed
by Co(II)" J. Org. Chem. 54, 3475-3477, (1989).
148. K. E. O'Shea, C. S. Foote, "Reactions of TCNE with
Isomeric 2,4-Hexadienes" Tet. Lett. 31, 841-844
149. M. Orfanopoulos, I. Smonou, and Christopher S. Foote, "Intermediates
in the Ene Reactions of Singlet Oxygen and N-Phenyl-1,2,4-Triazoline-3,5-Dione
with Olefins" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112, 3607-3614
150. Klaus Müller, Richard C. Kanner, and Christopher S.
Foote ,"Kinetic Studies on Anthralin Photooxidation"
Photochem. Photobiol. 52, 445-450 (1990).
151. Dan J. Castro, Romaine E. Saxton, John Markley, Christopher
S. Foote, Harold R. Fetterman, Donna J. Castro, Paul H. Ward,
"Argon Laser Phototherapy of Human Malignancies Using Rhodamine-123
as a new Laser Dye: The Intracellular Role of Oxygen" Laryngoscope
100, 884-891 (1990).
152. Christopher S. Foote, "Chemical Mechanisms of Photodynamic
Action" in Future Directions and Applications in Photodynamic
Therapy, SPIE Institutes for Advanced Optical Technologies
Volume IS6, Charles J. Gomer, Editor, SPIE Optical Engineering
Press, 1990.
153. Olga Kronja, Stanko Borcic, Kresimir Humski Christopher
S. Foote, "Solvolytic Behaviour of a primary Squalene Derivative"
Croatica Chemica Acta 63, 193-202 (1990).
154. James W. Arbogast, Aleksander P. Darmanyan, Christopher
S. Foote, Yves Rubin, François N. Diederich, Marcos M.
Alvarez, Samir J. Anz, R.L. Whetten, "The Photophysical
Properties of C60 J. Phys. Chem. 95, 11-12 (1991).
155. Arthur N. Mayeno, Feng Lin, Christopher S. Foote, David
A. Loegering, Matthew M. Ames, Craig W. Hedberg, Gerald J. Gleich,
"Characterization of "Peak E", a Novel Amino Acid
Associated with Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome" Science
250, 1707-1708 (1990).
156. Manolis Stratakis, Michael Orfanopoulos, and Christopher
S. Foote, "Nucleophilic Oxygen Transfer from a Perepoxide
to Phosphites" Tet. Lett 32, 863-866 (1991).
157. Alexander P. Darmanyan, James W. Arbogast, and Christopher
S. Foote, "Singlet Oxygen Generation by Triplet Charge-Transfer
Complexes" J. Phys. Chem.95, 7308-7312 (1991).
158. Scott K. Silverman and Christopher S. Foote, "Singlet
Oxygen and Electron -Transfer Mechanisms in the Dicyanoanthracene-Sensitized
Photooxidation of 2,3-Diphenyl-1,4-Dioxene" JACS
113, 7672-7675 (1991).
159. R.L. Whetten, M.M. Alvarez, S.J. Anz, K.E. Schriver, R.D.
Beck, F.N. Diederich, Y. Rubin, R. Ettl, C.S. Foote, A. P. Darmanyan,
and J.W. Arbogast, "Spectroscopic and Photophysical Properties
of the Soluble Cn Molecules, n = 60, 70, 76/78, 84" Mat.
Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 206, 639-650 (1991).
160. James W. Arbogast and Christopher S. Foote, "Photophysical
Properties of C70" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113,
8886-8889 (1991).
161. Christopher S. Foote, "Definition of Type I and Type
II Photosensitized Oxidation" Guest Editorial in Photochem.
Photobiol. 54, 659 (1991).
162. Richard C. Kanner and Christopher S. Foote, "Sensitizer-Substrate
Interactions in the 9,10-Dicyanoanthracene-Sensitized Photooxygenation
of trans-Stilbene" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 682 (1992).
163. Richard C. Kanner and Christopher S. Foote, "Singlet
Oxygen Production from Singlet and Triplet States of 9,10-Dicyanoanthracene"
J. Am. Chem. Soc 114, 678 (1992).
164. Thomas Drewello, Klaus-Dieter Asmus, Joachim Stach, Rainer
Herzschuh, Christopher S. Foote, and Michelle Kao, "C60
as Model-Compound for Large Carbon Cluster Ion Evaporations"
J. Phys. Chem. 95, 10554 (1991).
165. James W. Arbogast, Christopher S. Foote, Michelle Kao, "Electron
Transfer to Triplet C60" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114,
2277 (1992).
166. Hans-Dieter Beckhaus, Christoph Rüchardt, Michelle
Kao, François Diederich, and Christopher S. Foote, "The
Stability of Buckminsterfullerene (C60): Experimental Determination
of the Heat of Formation" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 31,
63 (1992).
167. Chimin Sheu, Christopher S. Foote, and Chee-Liang Gu, "Photooxidation
of 1,5-Dithiacyclooctane. A Novel C-S Bond Cleavage" J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 3015 (1992).
168. Yiannis Elemes, Scott K. Silverman, Chimin Sheu, Michelle
Kao, Christopher S. Foote, Marcos M. Alvarez, Robert L. Whetten,
"Reaction of C60 with Dimethyldioxirane, Formation of a
C60 Epoxide and a 1,3-Dioxolane Adduct" Angew. Chem.
Int. Ed. 31, 351 (1992).
169. Alexander P. Darmanyan and Christopher S. Foote, "Effect
of Sensitizer Heavy Atoms on Singlet Oxygen Generation Efficiency"
J. Phys. Chem. 96, 3724 (1992).
170. Santiago Nonell, James W. Arbogast, and Christopher S. Foote,
"Production of C60 Radical Cation by Photosensitized Electron
Transfer" J. Phys. Chem., 96, 4169 (1992).
171. Yiannis Elemes and Christopher S. Foote, "Stepwise
Mechanisms in the Ene Reaction of a,b-Unsaturated Esters with
N-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione and Singlet Oxygen. Intermolecular
Primary and Secondary Hydrogen Isotope Effects" J. Amer.
Chem. Soc. 114, 6044 (1992).
172. Alexander P. Darmanyan and Christopher S. Foote, "Effect
on Singlet Oxygen Yield of Charge-Transfer Interaction between
Fluoranil and Solvent" J. Phys. Chem. 96,
6317 (1992).
173. Q. J. Niu and C. S. Foote, "Singlet Molecular Oxygen
Generation from the Decomposition of Sodium Peroxotungstate and
Molybdate" Inorg. Chem. 31, 3472 (1992).
174. Richard C. Kanner and Christopher S. Foote, "Singlet
Oxygen Emission as a Probe of Excited State Processes in Photooxygenation"
in Oxidative Damage & Repair: Clinical Biological and Medical
Aspects, K.J.A. Davies, Editor, Pergamon Press, Inc., Oxford,
England (1991).
175. Xiaojun Zhang, Christopher S. Foote, and Saeed I. Khan,
"Reactions of N-Acylated Indoles with Singlet Oxygen"
J. Org. Chem. 58, 47-51 (1993).
176. E. L. Clennan, and C. S. Foote, "Endoperoxides"
in Organic Peroxides, Wataru Ando, Editor, John Wiley & Sons,
177. Matthias Selke and Christopher S. Foote, "Reactions
of Organometallic Complexes with Singlet Oxygen. Photooxidation
of Vaska's Complex" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115,
1166-1167 (1993).
178. Alexander P. Darmanyan and Christopher S. Foote "Definition
of the Nature of Ketone Triplet States on the Basis of Singlet
Oxygen Generation Efficiency" J. Phys. Chem. 97,
4573-4576 (1993).
179. Alexander P. Darmanyan and Christopher S. Foote "Solvent
Effects on Singlet Oxygen Yield from n,p* and p,p* Triplet Carbonyl
Compounds" J. Phys. Chem. 97, 5032-5035 (1993).
180. Keepyung Nahm, Jeffrey D. Evanseck, K. N. Houk, and Christopher
S. Foote, "Structures and Energies of Intermediates in the
Reactions of Singlet Oxygen with Organic Phosphines and Sulfides"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 4879-4884 (1993).
Ý181. Robert C. Dunn, Jamey L. Anderson, Christopher S.
Foote, and John D. Simon, "Solution Photochemistry of Chlorine
Dioxide: Mechanisms for the Generation of Atomic Chlorine"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 5307-5307 (1993).
182. Alexander A. Krasnovsky, Jr., and Christopher S. Foote,
"Time-Resolved Measurements of Singlet Oxygen Dimol-Sensitized
Luminescence" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 6013-6016
183. Xiaojun Zhang and Christopher S. Foote "Dimethyldioxirane
Oxidation of Indole Derivatives. Formation of Novel Indole-2,3-epoxides
and a Versatile Synthetic Route to Indolinones and Indolines"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 8867-8868 (1993).
184. Xiaojun Zhang and Christopher S. Foote "1,2-Dioxetane
Formation in Photooxygenation of N-Acylated Indole Derivatives"
J. Org. Chem. 58, 5524-5527 (1993).
185. Christopher S. Foote, "Fullerene" in 1994 Yearbook
of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, (1993),
186. Christopher S. Foote, Alexander
A. Krasnovsky, Jr., Yulan Fu, Matthias Selke, and William L.
Karney, "Singlet Oxygen Dimol-Sensitized Luminescence and
Reactions of Singlet Oxygen with Organometallics" in The
Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation ,
Martell and Sawyer, Eds., Plenum Press, (1993), 411-. [BOOK
187. Yulan Fu, Alexander A. Krasnovsky, Jr., and Christopher
S. Foote "Singlet Oxygen Dimol-Sensitized Luminescence from
Thermally Generated Singlet Oxygen" J. Am. Chem. Soc.
115, 10282-10285 (1993).
188. Chimin Sheu and Christopher S. Foote "Endoperoxide
Formation in a Guanosine Derivative" J. Am. Chem. Soc.
115, 10446-10447(1993).
189. Xiaojun Zhang, Alex Romero, and Christopher S. Foote "Photochemical
[2+2] Cycloaddition of N,N-Diethylpropynylamine
to C60" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 11024-11025
190. Matthias Selke, Christopher S. Foote and William L. Karney,
"Reactions of Singlet Oxygen with Organometallic Complexes.
2. Formation of a Metastable Rhodium-Dioxygen Complex" Inorganic
Chemistry 32, 5425-5426 (1993).
191. Xiaojun Zhang, Matthew Willems, and Christopher S. Foote
"1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of N-Benzyl Azomethine
Ylide to C60: Formation of a C60-fused N-Benzylpyrrolidine"
Tet. Lett. 34, 8187-8188 (1993).
192. Xiaojun Zhang, Saeed I. Khan and Christopher S. Foote "Sensitized
Photooxygenations of 3-Vinylindole Derivatives" J. Org.
Chem. 58, 7839-7847 (1993).
193. Christopher S. Foote "Photophysical and Photochemical
Properties of Fullerenes" in Topics in Current Chemistry,
Vol. 169, J. Mattay, Ed., Springer-Verlag, 1994 pp 347-363. [BOOK
194. Xiaojun Zhang, J. Anderson, and Christopher S. Foote
"Photophysics and Photochemistry of Fullerenes and Dihydrofullerenes"
in Fullerenes, Proceedings of the Symposium on Recent
Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related
Materials, edited by Karl Kadish and Rod Ruoff, The Electrochemical
Society, Pennington, NJ, 1994 pp 797-802.
195. Xiaojun Zhang and Christopher S. Foote "Reaction of
C60 with Benzocyclobutenol: Expeditious Route to Fullerene Adducts"
J. Org. Chem. 59, 5235-5238 (1994).
196. Jamey L. Anderson, Yi-Zhong An, Yves Rubin, and Christopher
S. Foote "Photophysical Characterization and Singlet Oxygen
Yield of a Dihydrofullerene" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116,
9763-9764 (1994).
197. Chimin Sheu and Christopher S. Foote "Photosensitized
Oxygenation of a 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxo-guanosine Derivative. Formation
of Dioxetane and Hydroperoxide Intermediates" J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 117, 474-477 (1995).
198. Christopher S. Foote "Photophysical, Photochemical,
and Chemical Reactions of Fullerenes and Dihydrofullerene Derivatives"
in Physics and Chemistry of the Fullerenes, NATO ASI-C
Series Mathematical and Physical Sciences, K. Prassides Ed.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1994. p 79-96 [BOOK
199. Xiaojun Zhang, Feng Lin and Christopher S. Foote "Sensitized
Photooxygenation of 6-Heteroatom Substituted Fulvenes: Primary
Products and Their Chemical Transformations" J. Org.
Chem. 60, 1333-1338 (1995).
200. Xiaojun Zhang and Christopher S. Foote "[2 + 2] Cycloadditions
of Fullerenes: Synthesis and Characterization of C62O3 and C72O3,
the First Fullerene Anhydrides" J. Am. Chem. Soc.
117, 4271-4275 (1995).
201. Chimin Sheu and Christopher S. Foote "Reactivity toward
Singlet Oxygen of a 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxo-guanosine ("8-Hydroxyguanosine")
Formed by Photooxidation of a Guanosine Derivative" J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 6439-6442 (1995).
202. Xiaojun Zhang, Saeed I. Khan and Christopher S. Foote "Reactions
of Singlet Oxygen and N-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione
with Adamantylidenecyclopentadiene: O-O Homolytic vs C-N Heterolytic
Cleavage of the Initial [2 + 4] Cycloadducts" J. Org.
Chem. 60, 4102-4107 (1995).
203. Ioulia Smonou, Saeed Khan, Christopher S. Foote*, Yiannis
Elemes, Irene M. Mavridis, Ariadne Pantidou and Michael Orfanopoulos
"Reactions of Phenyltriazolinedione with Alkenes. Stereochemistry
of Methanol Adducts to Aziridinium Imide Intermediates"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 7081-7087 (1995).
204. Chimin Sheu and Christopher S. Foote "Solvent and Electronic
Effects on the Reaction of Guanosine Derivatives with Singlet
Oxygen" J. Org. Chem. 60, 4498-4503 (1995).
*205. Foote, C. S.; Clennan, E. L. "Properties and Reactions
of Singlet Dioxygen" In Active Oxygen in Chemistry;
Foote, C. S.; Valentine, J. S.; Greenberg, A. Liebman, J. F.,
Eds.; Chapman and Hall, London, 1995; pp 105-140. [BOOK CHAPTER]
206. Active Oxygen in Chemistry; Foote, C. S.; Valentine,
J. S.; Greenberg, A. Liebman, J. F., Eds.; Chapman and Hall,
London, 1995. [EDITED BOOK]
207. Thomas H.W. Poon, Kenneth Pringle, and Christopher S.
Foote "The Reaction of Cyclooctenes with Singlet Oxygen.
Trapping of a Perepoxide Intermediate" J. Am. Chem. Soc.
117, 761-7618 (1995).
208. Alexander P. Darmanyan and Christopher S. Foote "Interaction
of Singlet Oxygen with Peroxy and Acylperoxy Radicals" J.
Phys. Chem. 99, 11854-11859 (1995).
209. Thomas H. W. Poon, Sung Hoon Park, Yiannis Elemes, and Christopher
S. Foote "Reaction of N-substituted-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-diones
and trans-Cyclooctene. Direct Observation of an Aziridinium
Imide" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 10468-10473(1995).
210. Matthias Selke, William L. Karney, Saeed I. Khan and Christopher
S. Foote "Reactions to Singlet Oxygen with Organometallic
Complexes. III. Kinetics and Scope of the Oxidative Addition
Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Iridium(I), Rhodium(I) and Platinum(II)
Complexes" Inorg. Chem. 34, 5715-5189 (1995).
211. C.S. Foote "Fullerenes as Sensitizers" ACS Symposium
Series # 616, Light Activated Pesticides, J. Heitz and
K. Downum, Eds., 17-23 (1995). [BOOK CHAPTER]
Ý212. Yi-Zhong An, Chi-Hong B. Chen, Jamey L. Anderson,
David S. Sigman, Christopher S. Foote, and Yves Rubin "Sequence-Specific
Modification of Guanosine in DNA by a C60-Linked Deoxyoligonucleotide:
Evidence for a Non-Singlet Oxygen Mechanism" Tetrahedron
52, 5179-5189 (1996).
213. Yulan Fu, Chimin Sheu, Takashi Fujita, and C. S. Foote "Photooxidation
of Troglitazone. A New Antidiabetic Drug" Photochem.
Photobiol. 63, 615-620 (1996).
214. Manolis Stratakis, Michael Orfanopoulos, Jenny S. Chen,
and Christopher S. Foote "Reaction Profile of the Photooxygenation
of Trisubstituted Alkenes" Tet. Lett. 37,
4105-4108 (1996).
215. Matthias Selke, Lisa Rosenberg, Jared Salvo and Christopher
S. Foote "Reactions of Singlet Oxygen with Organometallic
Compounds. 4. Photooxidation of Cationic Iridium(I) and Rhodium(I)
Complexes with Weakly Bonded Ligands" Inorg. Chem.
35, 4519-4522 (1996).
216. Active Oxygen in Biochemistry; Valentine, J. S.;
Foote, C. S.; Greenberg, A. Liebman, J. F., Eds.; Chapman and
Hall: London, 1995. [EDITED BOOK]
217. Xiaojun Zhang, Andrew Fan, and Christopher S. Foote
"[2+2] Cycloaddition of Fullerenes with Electron-Rich Alkenes
and Alkynes" J.Org. Chem., 61, 5456-5461,
218. Manolis Stratakis, Michael Orfanopoulos, and Christopher
S. Foote "Solvent Effects in the Stereoselectivity of the
Ene Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Allylic Alcohols" (Tet.
Lett. , 37, 7159-7162 (1996).
219. Steven P. West, Thomas Poon, Jamey L. Anderson, Michele
A. West, and Christopher S. Foote "Extraction, Isolation,
and Characterization of Fullerene C60"(J. Chem. Ed. 74,
311-312 (1997 ).
220. Yulan Fu, Alexander A. Krasnovsky, Jr., and Christopher
S. Foote "Quenching of Singlet Oxygen and Sensitized Delayed
Phthalocyanine Fluorescence" (J. Phys. Chem.., 101,
2552-2554, (1997).
221. Jurina M. Wessels, Christopher S. Foote, Willam E. Ford,
Michael A. J. Rodgers, "Photooxidation of Tryptophan: O2(1Dg)
versus electron-transfer pathway" (Photochem. Photobiol.
, 65, 96-102, (1997).
222. Ferran Prat, Chi-Chien Hou and Christopher S. Foote, "Determination
of the Quenching Rate Constants of Singlet Oxygen by Derivatized
Nucleosides in Nonaqueous Solution" (J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
119, 5051-5052, (1997).
223. Jenny Chen, K.N. Houk and Christopher S. Foote*, "The
Nature of the Transition Structures of Triazolinedione Ene Reactions,"
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119, 9852-9855, (1997).
224. Alexander A. Krasnovsky, Jr., Yulan Fu, M.E. Bashtanov,
Sean Murphy and Christopher S. Foote "Measurement of Quantum
Efficiency of Singlet-Oxygen Sensitized Delayed Fluorescence
of Phthalocyanine," Optics and Spectroscopy, 83,
571-574, (1997).
225. Ferran Prat, K.N. Houk* and Christopher S. Foote*, "Effect
of Guanine Stacking on the Oxidation of 8-Oxo-guanine in B-DNA,"
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120, 845-846, (1998).
226. Ferran Prat and Christopher S. Foote*, "A Resin-Bound
Photosensitizer for Aqueous Photooxidations," Photochem.
PhotoBiol., 67, 626-627 (1998).
227. Benjamin Ehrenberg, Jamey L. Anderson, and Christopher S.
Foote "Kinetics and Yield of Singlet Oxygen Photosensitized
by Hypericin in Organic and Biological Media," Photochem.
Photobiol., 68, 135-140 (1998).
228. Robert Bernstein and Christopher S. Foote* "Activated
Carbon as the Reagent for the Oxidative Cyclization of Fullerene
Adducts," Tetrahedron Lett., 39, 7051-7054
229. Manolis Stratakis, Michael Orfanopoulos and Christopher
S. Foote "Reactions of Singlet Oxygen and N-Methyltriazolinediones
with b,b,- Dimethylstyrene. Exceptional Syn Selectivity
in the Ene Products" J. Org. Chem., 63 1315-1318
230. Robert Bernstein, Ferran Prat and Christopher S. Foote*
"On the Mechanism of DNA Cleavage by Fullerenes. Electron
Transfer from Guanosine and 8-Oxo-guanosine to C60" J.
Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 464-465 (1999).
231. Jenny Chen, K.N. Houk, and Christopher S. Foote * "Theoretical
Study of the Concerted and Stepwise Mechanisms of Triazolinedione
Diels-Alder Reactions" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120,
12303-12309 (1998).
232. Alexander Greer, Kenneth A. Conklin, K.N. Houk, and Christopher
S. Foote* "Low Temperature FAB Mass and NMR Spectroscopic
Indentification of an Unstable Episulfoxide" J. Org.
Chem., 64, 1432-1433 (1999).
233. Sean Murphy, Kunio Kondo and Christopher S. Foote, "Singlet-Oxygen-Sensitized
Delayed Fluorescence: Direct Detection of Triplet Phthalocyanine
as Intermediate" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 3751-3755
234. Georgios Vassilikogiannakis, Manolis Stratakis, Michael
Orfanopoulos and Christopher S. Foote"Stereochemistry in
the Ene Reactions of Singlet Oxygen and Triazolinediones with
Allylic Alcohols. A Mechanistic Comparison" J. Org. Chem.,
64, 4130-4139 (1999).
235. Ferran Prat, Robert Stackow, Robert Bernstein, Wenyuan Qian,
Yves Rubin and Christopher S. Foote "Triplet State Properties
and Singlet Oxygen Generation in a Homologous Series of Fundamental
Fullerene Derivatives" J. Phys. Chem. A, 103,
7230-7235 (1999).
236. Robert Bernstein and Christopher S. Foote "Singlet
Oxygen Involvement in the Photochemical Reaction of C60 and Amines.
Synthesis of an Alkyne-containing Fullerene" J. Phys.
Chem A , 103, 7244-7247 (1999).
237. Robyn P. Hickerson, Ferran Prat, James G. Muller, Christopher
S. Foote, Cynthia J. Burrows* "Sequence and Stacking Dependence
of 8-Oxoguanine Oxidation: Comparison of One-Electron vs. Singlet
Oxygen Mechanisms" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121,
9423-9428 (1999).
238. Alex Greer, Georgios Vassilikogiannakis, Kun-Chun Lee, Telly
S. Koffas, Keepyung Nahm and Christopher S. Foote * "Reaction
of Singlet Oxygen with trans-4-Propenylanisole. Formation
of [2+2] Products with Added Acid" J. Org. Chem.,
239. Robert Stackow, Georg Schick, Thibaut Jarrosson, Yves Rubin,
and Christopher S. Foote, Photophysics of Open C60 Derivatives
J. Phys. Chem. B, 104, 7914-7918 (2000).
240. Kang P. Foote CS. "Synthesis
of a C-13, N-15 labeled imidazole and characterization of the
2,5-endoperoxide and its decomposition" Tet. Letts.,
2000, 41, 9623-9626.
241. Greer A. Vassilikogiannakis G. Lee KC. Koffas TS. Nahm K.
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Formation of [2+2] products with added acid" J. Org.
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242. Stackow R. Schick G. Jarrosson T.
Rubin Y. Foote CS. "Photophysics of open C-60 derivatives"
J. Phys. Chem. B., 2000,104, 7914-7918.
243. Foote CS. "Catalytic asymmetric synthesis special issue"
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2000, 33,
244. Prat F. Marti C. Nonell S. Zhang XJ. Foote CS. Moreno RG.
Bourdelande JL. Font J. "C-60 Fullerene-based materials
as singlet oxygen O-2((1)Delta(g)) photosensitizers: a time-resolved
near-IR luminescence and optoacoustic study" Phy. Chem.
Chem. Phys., 2001, 3, 1638-1643,
245. Takabatake T. Miyazawa T. Hasegawa
M. Foote CS. "Reaction of 4,7-dimethylbenzofurazan with
singlet Oxygen" Tet. Letts., 2001,42,
Shin EJ. Stackow R. Foote CS. "Excited state properties
of some 1-(9-anthryl)-2-naphthylethene and 1-(9-anthryl)-2-quinolylethene
derivatives Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2002, 4,
246. Ohta BK. Foote CS. "Characterization of endoperoxide
and hydroperoxide intermediates in the reaction of
pyridoxine with singlet oxygen" J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
2002,124, 12064-12065.
247. Kang P. Foote CS. "Photosensitized oxidation of C-13,N-15-labeled
imidazole derivatives" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2002,124,
248. D'Accolti L. Kang P. Khan S. Curci R. Foote CS. "Chemo-
and regioselective oxidation of adamantyl derivatives by dioxiranes"
Tet. Letts.m 2002, 43, 4649-4652.
249. Kang P. Foote CS. "Formation of transient intermediates
in low-temperature photosensitized oxidation of an 8-C-13-guanosine
derivative" J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2002,124,
250. Sheu C. Kang P. Khan S. Foote CS. Low-temperature photosensitized
oxidation of a guanosine derivative and
formation of an imidazole ring-opened product. [Article] J.
Amer. Chem. Soc., 2002,124, 3905-3913.
2. Sean T. Murphy, Alexander A. Krasnovsky, Jr. and Christopher
S. Foote* "High Efficiency of Singlet-Oxygen-Sensitized
Delayed Fluorescence with Tetra-tert-butylphtalocyanine:
A Potential Singlet Oxygen Sensor" (submitted to J. Am
. Chem. Soc., 1999).
1. Brown, W. H.; Foote, C. S. Organic Chemistry; 2nd
ed.; Saunders College Pub.: Fort Worth, 1998.