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  Kendall N. Houk     
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Recent Journal Covers from the Houk Group

Group Member Individual Projects

Faculty Research Lecture, 1998

Schrodinger Medal, 1998

Tolman Medal, 1999

Cram Symposium, 2002

ACS Award in Computers in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2003

Vol. 38 of Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry dedicated to Houk on his 60th Birthday (click here for table of contents and essays by John Richard and Wes Borden)



Cram Symposium

Dr. Donald Morton (Cram's Physician and the Most Heavily NIH-Funded Clinical Investigator), University Professor Fred Hawthorne, and Co-Organizer of the Symposium, Ken Houk (praying that it will all work out), at the banquet for "Fifty Years of Cram's Rule: A Symposium Honoring the Chemistry and Chemical Legacy of Donald J. Cram."